Quite often, parents notice glossitis in children. This term hides an unpleasant disease that affects the tongue. Inflammatory foci appear on the organ. Doctors believe that in many ways the state of the tongue reflects the level of he alth of the body as a whole. At the same time, ordinary people often practically do not think about the he alth of this part of the body, do not pay due attention to it. Consider what glossite is, what features it has.
General information
Glossitis, so common in children, is an inflammatory process localized in the tongue. The cause of this disease can be a variety of factors. Sometimes glossitis is caused by the invasion of bacteria, viruses. It may be a manifestation of a systemic disease. It is known that some factors are highly likely to provoke such inflammation. These are chemically aggressive substances, mechanical effects, thermal effects. The danger of inflammation is greater if a person eats spicy or prefers very hot food. Higher risk of getting sick in children, toomany and often absorbing caramel. If a child uses an aggressive toothpaste, its ingredients can also cause inflammation.

About types
You can find out if you turn to publications in which the pathology is described in detail and shown in the photo: there are several types of glossitis in children. Allocate a folded course, a central rhomboid shape, Gunter's. Possibly interstitial flow. Relatively often, the desquamative type is detected in children. There is a possibility of black hairy disease development.
Assessing the duration, all cases are divided into chronic and acute processes. In an acute course, inflammation is observed, a change in the structure of the organ, the shade of the external integument. The chronicle manifests itself in various states. Most assess the presence of papillomas. If such growths appearing due to fungal colonies are found, we can safely formulate a conclusion. There are also very complex cases that require a comprehensive diagnostic study. These are rare and more often due to the presence of hereditary pathologies.
How to notice?
To learn about the typical symptoms of the process, you can refer to reference books that describe the nuances and show the process in the photo. Glossitis of the tongue in a child can be assumed if the organ is covered with an uneven, spotty coating, if the shade has changed completely or partially. The appearance of foci of ulceration is possible. Such zones not only cover the tongue, but are also located in other parts of the oral cavity. Depth,the duration of the sections varies from case to case.
Sometimes with glossitis there is a violation of the normal flow of saliva. Most have strong bad breath. It is possible that the mobility of the tongue may worsen: the organ swells, on the surfaces on the side you can see traces of contact with the teeth.

Features of sensations
The doctor may notice that a child has a gloss of the tongue if a small patient tells that his sense of taste often changes. One can assume a disease if the tongue burns, the organ hurts when a person eats, talks. In some cases, the progress of the disease is accompanied by a deterioration in well-being. The examination shows an increase in temperature, proliferation of lymph nodes. First of all, those located under the jaw and on the neck increase.
Catarrhal type
In this form, the glossitis of the tongue in a child manifests itself as swelling of the organ, redness of the integument. The surface is coated. As a rule, the inner layers of organic tissues are not affected. The catarrhal form usually appears if the child burns the tongue or receives a superficial injury. The burn may be due to the influence of aggressive chemicals or a substance heated to a very high temperature. There is a possibility of a quarterly course due to oral candidiasis. To provoke a disease of the tongue can stomatitis, infection with viruses, bacteria, anemia. There are cases of the development of the disease with insufficient saturation of the body with vitamins. Possible metabolic disorder. Sometimes glossitis indicates diseases of the digestive system.
Ulcer type
This type of disease is characterized by areas of ulceration. They can be numerous, but sometimes - and a single type. Ulcers are officially called aphthae. This became the origin of the alternative name, aphthous glossitis. Often, areas of ulceration are disturbed by the release of blood and severe swelling. A sick child complains of severe soreness of the tongue. The condition as a whole gradually becomes worse. Sometimes the aphthous type is a consequence of the catarrhal. The disease can appear against the background of a variety of oral pathologies, gum disease. Sometimes pathologies of internal organs manifest themselves this way.

Purulent-phlegmous current
Such a glossitis in children is a serious illness covering the deep organic tissues of the tongue. Pathology affects other parts of the oral cavity. The process usually spreads to the lymph nodes. The patient's condition is quite serious. The doctor immediately sees the manifestations of general poisoning, and measurements show a fever. Often, with such a pathology, hospitalization is indicated. As part of the therapeutic course, the main role is given to antibiotics.
Desquamative glossitis
Often found in children, desquamative glossitis is known as geographical language. A distinctive feature is a variegated appearance, red and pink zones of the organ. To some extent, these areas resemble images of continents on a world map. Inflammation is possible in areas where there is no plaque, and the covers are thinner than normal, as well as a change in the outlines of diseased areas: some change greatly in just a coupledays. A similar form of pathology is called wandering. It often accompanies diathesis, digestive pathologies, infection with worms. The wandering type of the disease occurs with metabolic problems and against the background of blood diseases. Treatment for this course is standard. The objective of the course is to achieve complete cleansing of the surface of the organ and eliminate the symptoms of the process.
Medium diamond type
This glossitis in children is accompanied by local thickening of the integument of the organ. This is most often observed in the region of the center, the back of the organ. The zone that has become thicker than the norm in shape is a rhombus or oval. May change color from red to bluish. This pathology often accompanies chronic digestive diseases. Glossitis of this type often manifests itself as relapses, tends to become chronic. Therapy depends on the subspecies of this course: the appearance of papillomas, a flat version and a bumpy form are possible. Sometimes surgery is needed, often doctors recommend the use of a laser.

Atrophic flow
Often accompanied by a lack of retinol, tocopherol in the child's body. In most, it forms in the form of a smooth bright spot of red color. The atrophic zone can persist for a relatively long time without any changes. In some cases, the course is accompanied by drying out of the organ. Histological analysis shows the expansion of blood vessels through which lymph and blood flow. The layer of papillae is inflamed, the tissues swell here. The atrophic form often accompanies gonorrhea.
Gunter type
This option is observed,if the patient's body lacks folic acid, if there is a lack of vitamin B12. More often, pathology indicates blood diseases. The main percentage of cases falls on anemia due to malfunctions of the hematopoietic function. The surface of the organ becomes crimson. Atrophic processes lead to the formation of a varnished outer layer. Such a glossitis in itself is not treated - you need to fight the underlying disease. The case will be led by a therapist, a hematologist.
Yeast type
Sometimes there is a need to treat glossitis in children against the background of an imbalance in the microflora in the oral cavity. More often this is due to taking antibiotics due to another disease. As a result, the development of normal microflora is inhibited in all organs, which suggests glossitis. With a disease, the tongue swells, a whitish coating appears on it. Marked furrows are visible. Often, the mycotic form is observed in young children, in children with very weak immunity. Treatment requires taking antimycotic agents.

Traditional medicine
It so happened that many modern parents do not want to treat their children with drugs. Others think that pharmaceutical products are too dangerous and can cause unwanted reactions. As a result, parents seek help from healers and collections of healers' wisdom, demonstrating features and recipes with photos of treating glossitis in children.
According to the doctors, this is nothing more than a waste of time. Glossitis is treated by a dentist. The doctor first evaluatesthe patient's condition, determines the form of the disease, then identifies the best methods and recommends drugs based on the type. In some cases, the patient is referred to other doctors. Treatment is usually practiced complex. The doctor determines the appropriate drugs, gives recommendations on proper nutrition.
About treatment
The therapeutic course is directly determined by the type of disease. Sometimes a case is handled by several specialists at the same time. For the treatment of some children, gastroenterologists and endocrinologists are involved. Sometimes you need the help of Laura. The classic treatment for glossitis of the tongue in a child is the treatment of the surface of the organ with special means that have aseptic qualities. The simplest and most affordable drug is potassium permanganate. You can use a solution of furacilin or "Miramistin", some use "Chlorhexidine". Many doctors prefer to prescribe Rotokan, Romazulan to patients. The choice is determined by the age of the patient and his ability to carry out hygienic therapeutic measures on his own. Sometimes "Laripront" is prescribed.
Having determined the causes of glossitis in children (desquamative, aphthous and any other), the doctor may advise taking Romazulan both for local treatment of the organ and inside. To do this, dilute the drug in plain warm water. The optimal concentration is half a small spoon per 200 ml of liquid. To rinse the mouth with Romazulan, mix a small spoonful of the product with a liter of water.

Bura solution and notonly
Borax solution can be applied to the surface of the oral cavity. The tool helps well with fungal infection. Sometimes antibiotics are indicated. More often than others, Clarithromycin, Ceftriaxone are prescribed. Useful antiherpetic drugs. The patient is shown to use multivitamin formulations to maintain the body's own forces. The doctor will select a specific drug based on the specifics of the case.
Often use "Chlorophyllipt". The cost of such a medicine is one hundred rubles. For the treatment of glossitis, it is indicated to use an alcohol solution. A large spoonful of the medicine is combined with a glass of clean water and the mouth is rinsed with the resulting liquid 4 times a day.

Sick zones can be treated pointwise with wound healing agents, local analgesics. Trimekain, Vinizol have a good reputation.