Adenoids are nasopharyngeal tonsils. They are part of the body's immune system. In normal operation, they serve as a reliable barrier that prevents bacteria, microbes and viruses from entering the internal environment. In childhood, the adenoids are more pronounced, as they grow older, they decrease in size. Specialists know how to treat adenoids in children without surgery up to a certain stage of development of the pathology. In some cases, surgery cannot be avoided.
General Description
Adenoid enlargement is one of the most common childhood diseases. Pathology is sluggish with periodic relapses of inflammation and severe complications. The growth of the nasopharyngeal tissue is called adenoids.
Most often it affects children aged 3 to 7 years. As the inflammation subsides, the adenoid tissue returns to its normal state and takes on a natural form that does not cause inconvenience. By adolescence, the pathology recedes, but the problem cannot be ignored, since it has detrimental consequences for the development of the child.

Reasons for appearance
Pediatricians and otolaryngologists cannot determine the exact causes of the onset of the disease and do not know why some children suffer from this pathology, and some are not familiar with even minimal symptoms.
There are certain factors that contribute to the development of pathology, namely:
- Heredity, unfavorable living conditions (increased dryness or humidity in the room, rare ventilation, dustiness).
- Infectious diseases affecting the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx (rubella, measles, diphtheria, scarlet fever, etc.).
- Frequent respiratory illness or chronic upper respiratory disease.
- Tendency to allergic reactions (bronchial asthma, sinusitis, etc.).
- Ecology (living in an ecologically unfavorable area, in places of emissions from industrial facilities, gas pollution, etc.).
Forms and stages
How to treat adenoids in a child should be determined by the doctor, based on the data of the tests, the form and stage of the disease.
The clinical picture is displayed by 4 stages of pathology:
- 1 stage - the tonsils are enlarged and occupy ¼ of the lumen. Breathing through the nasal passages is difficult, especially at night.
- 2 stage - adenoids block 2/4 of the respiratory passages of the nose, making it difficult to breathe during the day, the child starts snoring at night.
- 3 and 4 stages - the nasal passages are closed almost completely or completely, breathing occurs through the mouth.
Forms of the course of the disease:
- Acute - the course of the disease is accompanied by high fever, difficulty breathing through the nose, signs of intoxication of the body. Acute adenoids are often accompanied by tonsillitis.
- Chronic - the child often coughs for a long time, gets tired quickly, his hearing is impaired, sleep becomes restless, appetite drops significantly, complaints of headache appear.

Disease symptoms
The acute form of the course of the disease pushes parents to immediately consult a doctor, where the diagnosis is a matter of time and several studies. At the first appointment, a specialist can give recommendations on how to treat adenoids in a child. The chronic manifestation of the pathology is not immediately noticed, but there are a number of signs that give rise to contact a pediatrician.
Classic symptoms:
- Baby has difficulty suckling and is often hungry as a result.
- Difficulty breathing through the nose.
- Baby swallows with difficulty, smells bad.
- Snoring appears during sleep, restless sleep.
- Most of the time breathing is through the mouth.
- Voice is quiet, articulation is broken, behavior is lethargic.
- There may be complaints of a lump in the throat, headache, fatigue.
The appearance of the child acquires features uncharacteristic for his age - constantly parted mouth, drooping jaw, malocclusion, smoothed nasolabial folds, etc. Whenexamination by an ENT doctor can detect a deviated nasal septum, deformity of the chest.
Disease risks
Having found a pathology in a child, most parents find out how to treat adenoids in children at home. Adequate therapy can only be prescribed by a specialist after a series of diagnostic procedures. The course of the disease has its own characteristics in each case, ignorance of the nuances can be harmful.

Adenoids cause the following complications:
- Chronic otitis, hearing loss followed by hearing loss.
- Weakening of the immune system, which provokes allergic reactions and frequent infectious diseases.
- Difficulties with breathing cause impaired speech, memory.
- Inflammatory diseases (tonsillitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, etc.).
- Viral respiratory diseases (ARI, SARS, etc.).
- Decrease in efficiency, concentration, school performance.
Diagnostic Methods
To decide how to treat adenoids in a child, a number of studies are required to develop therapy tactics. Depending on the form of the course of the pathology and the degree of tissue growth, the doctor selects medications and a number of physiotherapeutic procedures. Stages 1 and 2 of the disease are amenable to conservative treatment, 3 or 4 require surgical intervention.
To find out the full picture of the disease, possible or existing complications, the doctor prescribes the following types of tests:
- General clinicalblood and urine tests.
- Pharingoscopy - the condition of the tonsils of the palate and pharynx is assessed.
- Anterior rhinoscopy - visual examination, vasoconstrictor nasal drops are used for diagnosis.
- Posterior rhinoscopy - a visual examination with a special mirror through the mouth.
- X-ray diagnostics in the lateral projection to clarify the diagnosis.
- Endoscopy - a detailed examination. When administered to young children, diagnosis is carried out using anesthesia.
- Cytological studies.

First degree adenoid treatment
Adenoids go away with the growing up of the child, but the possible consequences can significantly affect his future he alth. Blocked, even partially, nasal passages do not allow the brain to receive oxygen to the full extent, the lungs, which are deprived of full functionality, also suffer. No less problems lie in wait for other organs and systems.
The first degree of pathology is successfully treated, the disease is not cured, but its manifestations become minimal. According to most experts, in order to prevent further tissue growth, it is enough to wash the nasopharynx 3-5 times a day with saline or preparations based on sea water.
It is allowed to use folk recipes, but in this case, a doctor's consultation is required. Traditional medicine uses a large amount of herbal ingredients, which can cause allergies, especially in young children.
How and whatwash your nose
Specialists have long known how adenoids are treated in children in the nose at the first stage of the disease. Washing and wetting of the nasopharynx at least 3 times a day is recognized as the best method of conservative therapy. For the procedure, saline or preparations based on sea water are used.

For cooking, it is enough to dissolve 1 teaspoon of sea s alt (can be replaced with table s alt) and soda in one glass of warm water. Having achieved complete dissolution of the crystals, you can proceed to the procedure. There is a danger in home recipes - the lack of sterility of all ingredients, the approximation of the recipe, the risk of damage when injected into the nasal cavity.
Experts recommend using pharmacy products, most of which are isotonic solutions based on sea or ocean water. A positive effect has been seen when using such means:
- Saline sterile.
- Aquapor series for babies and children.
- Salin, etc.
The best results are shown by drugs in the form of a spray, for children under one year old - in the form of drops. If the child already knows how to blow his nose on his own, then it is possible to use special systems for washing the nasopharynx (Aquamaris, Dolphin, etc.). It is strictly forbidden to use a syringe for washing, a syringe. Without calculating the strength, you can apply the product with excessive pressure, which will cause otitis media.

Adenoids 2degrees: therapy
The disease may worsen and move to the next stage. In this case, therapy is extended. How to treat adenoids in a child of the 2nd stage of development? First of all, you need to see a doctor, go through a full range of diagnostics and follow the doctor's instructions in the future. Usually, in addition to washing the nose, vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed to restore normal breathing and eliminate swelling.
Drops and sprays of this series of drugs are used no longer than 3 or 5 days in a row. With longer use, addiction develops, and adenoids are aggravated by chronic rhinitis. If the measures taken do not help and the disease progresses, then a course of antibiotics based on amoxicillin in combination with clavulanic acid is prescribed.
The duet enhances the action, but the acid can cause exacerbations if the baby has a diagnosed ulcer or erosion of the stomach, intestines. In this case, the doctor selects a different combination of medications.
Experts recommend using a combined approach. How to treat grade 2 adenoids in a child using physiotherapy methods? Doctors recommend the following procedures: electrophoresis, laser therapy, cryotherapy, UHF.
When surgery is needed
Surgical operation is always an intervention in the body, and many try to avoid such aggravation, trying to understand how to treat adenoids in a child of the 3rd stage of the development of the disease. In some cases, suction of pus occurs. The procedure is performed by an experienced specialist. If nottake such steps, then the pus will continue to migrate to the rest of the nasopharynx. When all possible methods of conservative therapy have been exhausted, an adenotomy is prescribed.

The best age for intervention is between 3 and 6 years old. Surgery at a younger age increases the chances of a recurrence of the disease. Indications for carrying out are:
- The presence of adenoids of 3-4 degrees of development. Sometimes such recommendations are given in the acute course of the disease, classified as grade 2, but there are clear signs of a qualitative leap into a more severe form.
- Frequent otitis, colds.
- Night snoring and choking during sleep.
In some cases, doctors refuse to perform an operation, and this is due to existing blood and skin diseases. Additional intervention will cause complications, then conservative methods are used, requiring the exact implementation of all procedures.
There are no special and mandatory measures to prevent the appearance of adenoids. There are recommendations to reduce the risk of the disease:
- Strengthening immunity (hardening, low temperature in the bedroom, sports, walking).
- Wet cleaning the premises at least 3 times a week.
- It is worth getting rid of items that actively collect dust (stuffed toys, long-haired floor coverings, books on open shelves, etc.).
- Take measures to eliminate mold in the premises and prevent its occurrence in the future.
- Requiredtreat colds and viral diseases.
It is believed that it is impossible to insure against the appearance of adenoids in children. Komarovsky tells how to treat this disease both in books and in a TV show in detail. But he also points out that if there are indications for surgery, it should not be postponed. Delay will lead to complications.