The liver is the most important organ of the human body, performing a number of vital functions. When uncharacteristic changes occur in this organ, hepatomegaly occurs. What it is? This is a deviation characterized by a pathological enlargement of the liver, which can accompany almost all diseases of this organ. In severe cases, the liver can weigh up to 20 kg and occupy most of the abdominal cavity.

Signs of hepatomegaly
This pathology is characterized by symptoms such as discomfort, tightness, a feeling of pressure in the right hypochondrium. Also, the patient can observe external changes in the body when the liver reaches a large size and becomes visible on the abdominal wall. Heartburn, nausea, stool changes, bad breath - all this can be observed with such a deviation as hepatomegaly. That this is such a serious condition that requires the immediate consultation of an experienced specialist should not raise any doubts. In addition, such specific signs as yellowness of the sclera and skin, itching of the mucous membranes and skin can be noticeable. It should be known that such a minor hepatomegaly canseen in young children. This is considered as a variant of the norm. As a rule, with age, the liver becomes normal in size.

Hepatomegaly: what is it and what are its causes?
There are three main groups of diseases that can cause a pathological change in this important organ.
Liver disease
In its diseases, direct destruction of cells occurs, which can lead either to swelling of tissues, or to a rapid process of regeneration. And if in the first case the normal state of the liver can be restored by eliminating the inflammatory process, then the second option is somewhat more complicated. If the formation of new tissues occurs faster than the death of old ones, then only a part of the destroyed hepatocytes is replaced, and the liver itself increases in size and acquires a bumpy shape.

In this case, an increase in the liver occurs as a result of the accumulation of various substances (carbohydrates, fats, glycogen, iron, etc.). This can be provoked by such diseases as fatty hepatosis, hemochromatosis, amyloidosis, hepatolenticular degeneration. Some of these ailments are hereditary and do not depend on lifestyle. But basically, such deviations occur through the fault of a person and develop as a result of obesity or the abuse of alcohol or drugs.
Diseases of the cardiovascular system
Swelling of organs may result frominsufficient circulation, which leads to stagnation of blood. Especially in such a situation, the liver suffers. After all, edema provokes compression and death of hepatocytes, in place of which connective tissue is formed, which leads to hepatomegaly.
Treatment of disease
With hepatomegaly, therapy is carried out comprehensively and exclusively under the supervision of a specialist. An increase in the size of the liver is only a manifestation of another disease, therefore, drug treatment is aimed primarily at eliminating the cause of the pathology. In addition, successful recovery requires adherence to a certain diet. It consists in organizing a rational and balanced diet, which reduces the amount of carbohydrates and fats.
If a diagnosis of "hepatomegaly" is made, what it is, what are the causes and signs of deviation, you now, after reading the article, know. Do not hesitate to see a doctor if you have the described symptoms - and be he althy!