Tachycardia: what to do when symptoms appear?

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Tachycardia: what to do when symptoms appear?
Tachycardia: what to do when symptoms appear?

Video: Tachycardia: what to do when symptoms appear?

Video: Tachycardia: what to do when symptoms appear?
Video: The Impact of Vertebral Compression Fractures 2024, July

In today's world, cardiovascular diseases are becoming more common. This is due to several factors that adversely affect the overall he alth of a person. These include: the environmental crisis, stressful situations in which a person is almost constantly, chronic lack of sleep, fatigue, lack of normal proper physical activity and nutrition. A person may develop a disease such as arrhythmia, there are several forms of this pathology, one of which is tachycardia. Symptoms, what to do - these are the main points that we will consider next.

tachycardia what to do
tachycardia what to do

Definition of tachycardia

Tachycardia is a rapid heartbeat that occurs abruptly, spontaneously. At the same time, the rhythm of the heartbeat is present. This disease especially often affects women whose age has crossed the limit of 40 years. A normal rhythm for an adult will be considered in the range from 50 to 100beats per minute. When a tachycardia attack occurs, the heart rate begins to exceed 100 beats per minute. At the same time, patients often complain that there is a feeling that now the heart will “pop out of the chest.”

If you or your relatives and friends were worried about tachycardia, "what to do" is the first question asked by close and caring people. Since tachycardia is an attack, measures must be taken immediately. The main thing at the same time is to know what can be done and what is contraindicated.

tachycardia symptoms what to do
tachycardia symptoms what to do

Tachycardia can have several manifestations. If it is the result of excessive physical exertion, activity, and so on, then this type of tachycardia is considered quite understandable and normal. Everything will be restored and will return to normal after the factor that caused this phenomenon is eliminated. Pathological is considered tachycardia, which occurs for no apparent reason. Its presence may indicate that there are some cardiovascular diseases. The doctor can explain in more detail after diagnostic measures. If tachycardia is diagnosed, what should be done during attacks, you should ask your doctor.

How can tachycardia manifest?

If a person is concerned about tachycardia, what to do, you must know in order to eliminate the attack in a timely manner. During the onset of an attack, the patient may be disturbed by the following symptoms:

  • palpitations;
  • feeling the pulsation of the cervical vessels;
  • in a patientthere is a feeling of unease;
  • often dizzy, up to fainting.

Do you suspect that you have tachycardia? Symptoms of what to do are the main questions in order to understand how to provide first aid to the patient.

tachycardia symptoms what to do
tachycardia symptoms what to do

Danger of pathology

If your loved one has tachycardia, what should you do first? It is very important during an attack to know what measures need to be taken to make the patient feel better. Serious consequences can occur if first aid is not provided:

  • development of acute heart failure;
  • IHD;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • fatalities.

If tachycardia is a response to physiological changes, then it is considered adequate. As for childhood, up to 7 years old, tachycardia is noticed in almost everyone, you should not panic here, this is normal, no special measures need to be taken, with age it will all go away by itself.

Danger of tachycardia

The mechanism of the disease itself is rather complicated, as a chain reaction changes in the body that adversely affect the functioning of the whole organism as a single system. If the heart begins to beat faster than under normal conditions, then the ventricles simply cannot have time to fully fill with blood. This is fraught with consequences, since the release is reduced, as a result, blood pressure decreases, the influx to all human organsblood is not fully produced, the organs begin to lack oxygen.

If tachycardia does not stop for a long time, then the consequences of disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system can lead to the development of arrhythmogenic cardiopathy, the contractility of the heart is disturbed, and its volume increases. In the body, a violation of normal blood circulation is inevitable, and this is fraught with the fact that coronary heart disease can develop, as well as myocardial infarction.

Classification of pathology

Tachycardia can have several manifestations. By its nature, it can be normal, not requiring intervention, assistance and special measures, and pathological, which needs diagnosis, first aid and treatment. The second variant of the disease indicates that the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted.

Electrical impulses in the heart are generated in several ways. Depending on this, two main types are distinguished:

  • Sinus tachycardia is a pathology that is the result of an increase in the sinoatrial or sinus node, which plays the role of a generator of impulses, which, in turn, form the rhythm of the heartbeat.
  • Ectopic form of the disease - is a pathological increase in heart rate, in which the pulse generator is not the sinus node. The source of impulses is outside it, this can occur in the atria or ventricles. This form of pathology differs in that the duration of pathological changes can vary from several minutes to several days. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that all this time, while the attack lasts, the heart rate does not return to normal, but always exceeds the normal rate.
tachycardia symptoms what to do what not to do
tachycardia symptoms what to do what not to do

The second form of pathology occurs spontaneously, suddenly, and can also end unexpectedly. But in order to avoid unwanted complications, you need to know what to do, how you can help the patient. Next, we will consider the question of how to provide first aid to the victim, what can be done and what is prohibited.

Tachycardia: what to do?

Tachycardia is a cardiovascular disease that occurs in attacks. During a sudden abnormal increase in heart rate, you need to know what can and should be done to alleviate the patient's condition. This will help to avoid the occurrence of undesirable consequences and death. So, you have determined that tachycardia is taking place, what to do next?

  1. Be sure to call people for help.
  2. Take care to call an ambulance.
  3. Get fresh air, open a window.
  4. Loosen your neck and remove the belt from your trousers, it is necessary that the body does not feel tension.
  5. The face should be washed or wet with cold water.
  6. Give the patient water and a sedative to drink. Suitable in such situations, valerian, motherwort tincture, "Corvalol" or "Barboval".
  7. Press the closed eyelids of the patient with your thumbs for 10 seconds.
  8. Recommend the patient to cough.
  9. Wait for the arrival of a qualified technician.

These are simple measures that can save a person's life during tachycardia attacks. Do not give the patient unfamiliar drugs, the effect of which is not fully known. In the treatment and prevention of heart and vascular diseases, drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor after diagnostic and laboratory tests.

Pregnancy and tachycardia

During pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, the body experiences stress several times more. The same can be said about the work of the cardiovascular system of the expectant mother. Not in all cases, tachycardia in pregnant women should be treated, if a woman's heart rate in the third trimester reaches 130 to 155 beats per minute, then this is considered normal and can be treated with rest. If you lie down and relax, then such a pathology will disappear. Due to the rapid heartbeat, a woman may experience dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, pain in the heart area. Have you been diagnosed with tachycardia? Symptoms of what to do in this case, everyone should know in order not to get into trouble during an attack.

tachycardia attack what to do
tachycardia attack what to do

Pathological tachycardia is considered, in which the pregnant woman will experience nausea or will experience vomiting or urge to it. This suggests that the expectant mother has some kind of cardiovascular disease. In order to understand what is happening, you need to visit a doctor and undergo a diagnosis,take tests. Do not delay this, because pregnancy is a special condition in which the body experiences additional stress.

Treatment of tachycardia

There are several methods of treating tachycardia, which must be carried out under the supervision of a qualified physician. First of all, he must see the clinical picture of the disease, this can only be done after passing laboratory and other research methods.

As for treatment and first aid, they are carried out in accordance with the symptoms that are observed in the patient. Widespread use in the treatment found folk remedies. To alleviate the patient's condition, doctors recommend regularly consuming caffeine and some decoctions of herbs and fruits.

what to do with tachycardia at home
what to do with tachycardia at home

Traditional treatments

Traditional medicine is able to help the patient, who is responsible for this issue. You cannot self-prescribe medications. This should be done by a specialist only after the cause and clinical picture of the disease become clear. The first step is a survey. Based on its results, it will be possible to determine whether there is a need for medical treatment of tachycardia. You can often do without it. If the cause is understood, then its elimination can lead to the restoration of the entire cardiovascular system, if there are no more complications. What to do with tachycardia at home? Traditional medicine recipes are presented below.

If there is tachycardia at low pressure, whichto do, the expert will tell you. In most cases, the cause of tachycardia is a concomitant disease of the heart or blood vessels, then it is necessary to treat exactly the pathology that acts as a provocateur.

Drugs for the treatment of tachycardia

If we talk specifically about tachycardia, then the treatment is carried out with the help of two main groups of drugs - these are sedatives, that is, sedatives, and antiarrhythmic drugs. Among the most effective, popular and affordable sedative drugs are Persen, Novo-Passit, valerian. Appropriate products that are based on the extract of motherwort, valerian, peony and hawthorn, as well as mint.

Antiarrhythmic drugs are prescribed depending on the cause of tachycardia attacks. The main ones among them are "Ritmilen", "Anaprilin", "Adenosine" and "Verapamin".

Folk treatments

What to do with tachycardia at home? For prevention and treatment, it is advisable to use folk remedies on a plant basis. How to apply folk methods?

  1. Brew yourself to drink mint or lemon balm, you can add leaves to regular tea. This is especially appropriate before bedtime or during times of tension, stress, and so on.
  2. Make rosehip tea. 2 tablespoons of fruit in a glass of water, boil for 2-3 minutes, drink instead of tea.
what to do with tachycardia at home
what to do with tachycardia at home

If there was an attack of tachycardia, what should I do?You can prepare the following drink: 5 teaspoons of hawthorn fruit, a few leaves of motherwort, 2 liters of water. Boil the decoction for 5 minutes. You can drink both for prevention and during an attack.

Timely access to a specialist will increase the chance of a full recovery several times over. Do not delay treatment, as this can lead to death or the need for surgery. Do you have tachycardia? Symptoms of what to do and what not to do should be known not only by you personally, but also by your relatives and friends in order to provide the necessary assistance in time.
