Intestinal Trichomonas: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Intestinal Trichomonas: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Intestinal Trichomonas: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

There are a large number of microbes that can live in the human body for a long time without appearing and without disturbing their carrier. They are considered opportunistic parasites. One of these bacteria is intestinal Trichomonas.

In the body of a he althy person, it may never manifest itself. However, as soon as the immune system decreases, and the unpleasant symptoms of the presence of bacteria appear with all intensity.


Intestinal Trichomonas are the simplest organisms, consisting of a single cell. They have special flagella, with the help of which they move with very active and erratic movements. Can rotate around its own axis.

In its structure, intestinal Trichomonas resembles a pear. Its length can reach from 8 to 20 microns.

There are three to five flagella at the front edge of the microorganism, and one more at the back. The body of Trichomonas is covered with a unilateral undulating membrane. This is the undulating membrane, the main motor organ of the unicellular. The cytoplasm of the body contains vacuoles and a nucleus.

Intestinal Trichomonas reproduce by division. They feed on the entire surfaceyour body, absorbing substances dissolved in the liquid.

Distinguishing intestinal Trichomonas from other species

The simplest organism Trcihomonas comes in several varieties:

  • elongata;
  • vaginalis;
  • hominis.

Only the last species lives in the gut. Elongata lives in the human mouth. Vaginalis infects the genitals.

Oral, intestinal and urogenital Trichomonas differ from each other both in structure and in the level of pathogenicity. The most dangerous is the vaginal view.

Life cycle

In most cases, parasitism of intestinal Trichomonas occurs in the large intestine. Here she feeds, absorbing the flora around her.

The life cycle of intestinal Trichomonas is direct:

  • she has one owner;
  • old microorganism splits in half;
  • after reaching maturity, new protozoa again form daughter cells.

In the human body, the existence of intestinal Trichomonas proceeds only in a vegetative form - during nutrition, growth and reproduction, cysts are not formed. You can find the parasite in the colon and in liquid stools.

intestinal trichomonas
intestinal trichomonas

Routes of infection

Intestinal Trichomonas is able to live outside the human body for some time. She gets to the new owner by the fecal-oral route:

  • through dirty hands;
  • due to eating contaminated food;
  • through drinking contaminated water.

The source of infection is a sick person. Trichomonas comes out of it with feces. It gets on food and water either with soiled feces of hands, or because of flies that are carriers of the parasite.

trichomonas intestinal life cycle
trichomonas intestinal life cycle

Pathogenic action

Intestinal Trichomonas refers to opportunistic pathogens. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they can live on the mucous membrane for a long time without causing any unpleasant symptoms and without provoking the development of diseases. This is observed in people with strong immunity and normal intestinal microflora. Pathogenic, parasites become with a decrease in the protective properties of the body and a weakening of the degree of its general resistance.

Activation of intestinal Trichomonas cause:

  • acute and chronic diseases (special viral type);
  • prolonged use of antibiotics;
  • age-related changes in the body;
  • nervous turmoil;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • intense physical activity;
  • carbohydrate diets.
intestinal and urogenital trichomonas
intestinal and urogenital trichomonas

In itself, intestinal trichomoniasis is not a disease. However, when activated, parasites cause reactions of the body, similar to infectious manifestations. They also serve as a catalyst for the occurrence of various types of colitis and cholecystitis.

Signs of activation of intestinal Trichomonas

Symptomatic activity of pathogenic microorganismsstarts showing up unexpectedly. A person has the following clinical picture:

  • appetite decreases;
  • appear headaches, chills, weakness, apathy;
  • felt nausea, it may end in vomiting;
  • temperatures are rising, reaching 39 degrees in some cases;
  • pain in the navel area, their intensity increases during bowel movements;
  • a person suffers from debilitating diarrhea, its intensity can reach up to ten times a day.

Symptoms of intestinal Trichomonas resemble dysentery. However, a distinctive feature of the latter is the presence of blood in the feces. With trichomoniasis, there is a large amount of mucus in the stool. Its production is provoked by the development of inflammation and swelling of the intestine, which occur as a result of bacteria entering its walls.

If the parasite caused the manifestation of colitis, then the person will be diagnosed with the following symptoms:

  • temperature increase;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • bloating, heaviness;
  • exit feces streaked greenish or colorless;
  • pain that worsens when going to the toilet, after eating, during physical exertion;
  • weakness;
  • drowsy.
intestinal trichomonas structure
intestinal trichomonas structure

In some cases, intestinal Trichomonas cause bouts of cholecystitis. In humans, this manifests itself:

  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • bitter taste in mouth;
  • aching pains inareas of the right hypochondrium (they can give to the area of the neck, shoulder blades, arms).

When symptoms of activation of intestinal Trichomonas appear, it is necessary to visit a doctor. If left untreated, ulcers can develop on the intestinal wall. Trichomonas settle there. Thus, wound healing becomes difficult.


It is impossible to determine the correct cause of the above symptoms from the clinical picture. Too similar signs of activation of parasites with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Only the diagnosis of intestinal Trichomonas, which is carried out by the method of laboratory research, is considered reliable.

trichomonas intestinal treatment
trichomonas intestinal treatment

The patient's feces are taken for analysis. Do not forget that the parasite can be present in the feces of a perfectly he althy person. The pathogenic effect of microorganisms is confirmed only when Trichomonas hominis is found in feces in large quantities.


If the presence of intestinal trichomoniasis is confirmed, then you need to proceed with the immediate suppression of parasite activity. The necessary therapeutic agents are prescribed only by a doctor. Self-treatment of intestinal trichomonas is unacceptable.

To reduce the intensity of unpleasant symptoms, an enterosorbent and a weak solution of potassium permanganate are prescribed. In order to protect the intestinal walls from the appearance of ulcers, it is recommended to use a decoction of rice.

Suppression of activity and destruction of pathogenic microorganisms is carried out with the help of antimicrobial drugs,belonging to the group of nitroimidazoles. These medicines have properties:

  • destroy DNA bonds of Trichomonas;
  • break their replication;
  • inhibit protein synthesis in the cell that is the causative agent;
  • inhibit tissue respiration of the microorganism.
intestinal trichomonas symptoms
intestinal trichomonas symptoms

Painkillers are not recommended. They lubricate the clinic and can lead to the wrong treatment regimen.

During the period of parasite control, the doctor must constantly monitor the patient's condition, as well as monitor changes in the clinical manifestations of parasite activity. If necessary, adjustments are made to the treatment regimen.


There are no universal and one hundred percent methods that will protect you from infection with intestinal Trichomonas. However, doctors recommend paying attention to some measures that reduce the risk of getting the parasite into the body. Recommended:

  • fight flies, put nets on windows, hang special Velcro traps for insects;
  • be sure to wash your hands, do it every time after coming from the street, visiting the toilet, before eating;
  • periodically donate feces for laboratory testing;
  • buy packaged food;
  • be sure to wash food;
  • do not eat meat and fish dishes with blood, follow their thorough heat treatment;
  • drink water only after boiling;
  • staying in third world countries do not eat in establishments with questionablehygiene.
intestinal trichomonas diagnosis
intestinal trichomonas diagnosis

If such measures are observed, the risks of infection with intestinal Trichomonas are minimized. However, even if the parasite has entered the body, it may never manifest itself. To do this, you need to strengthen your immunity - eat right, lead a he althy lifestyle, say goodbye to bad habits.

If unpleasant symptoms begin to bother you, you should immediately seek medical help. A quick start of treatment will help restore he alth in the shortest possible time and with minimal damage to the body.
