The term "respiratory neurosis" refers to a pathological condition characterized by the occurrence of disturbances in the absorption of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide. The main provoking factor in the development of the disease is a long stay in a state of stress. Another name for the disease is hyperventilation syndrome. Currently, there are several methods for the treatment of respiratory neurosis. The choice of therapy regimen is carried out by the doctor based on the history and diagnostic results. With a timely visit to the doctor, the prognosis is favorable.
Breathing is a continuous process. First, oxygen enters the human body from the air, then the latter is directly involved in the process of oxidation of organic substances. The final stage is the removal of carbon dioxide from the body.
Like any other physiologicalprocess, breathing is regulated by the nervous system. Under the influence of various adverse factors, its work may be disrupted. As a result, a person begins to periodically suffer from lack of air. At the same time, the patient panics. Since the disease is associated with disorders of the central nervous system, information on how to treat respiratory neurosis should be provided by a neurologist.

There are many causes of pathology. The main ones are:
- Diseases of a neurological and mental nature. The most prominent example is depression.
- Psycho-emotional instability.
- Regular and prolonged exposure to stressful situations.
- Violation of the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.
- Pathologies of the respiratory organs.
- Regular contact of the body with toxic and aggressive compounds.
- Uncontrolled medication intake.
A feature of respiratory neurosis is that the brain remembers all the circumstances under which an attack once occurred. For example, if a person felt a panic attack in the subway and lack of air, next time it will be very difficult for him to move using this type of transport. With a high degree of probability, the symptoms of hyperventilation syndrome will occur during the following trips.

Clinical manifestations
Their intensity is purely individual. The main symptom of respiratory neurosisis lack of air. The very process of oxygen uptake becomes uneven. The process is completely broken. The breaths become intermittent and short. This is followed by a brief pause in breathing. Then the person convulsively tries to inhale air. A similar condition in almost all cases is accompanied by a panic attack. A person in such seconds is almost sure of the imminent onset of death.
Respiratory neurosis can occur in two forms:
- Spicy. In this case, the symptoms are very pronounced. The patient during an attack not only suffocates, but also hysteria. He demands those around him to call an ambulance.
- Chronic. With this form of the disease, the symptoms are erased. At an early stage in the development of the disease, a person may be disturbed only by shortness of breath during stress. Over time, the intensity of manifestations intensifies.
Shortness of breath and lack of air are only the main symptoms of respiratory neurosis. As a rule, almost all organs are involved in the pathological process.
After some time, the following symptoms appear:
- stomach pain;
- flatulence;
- stool disorders;
- dryness of the oral mucosa;
- heart pain;
- tremor;
- muscle weakness;
- dizziness;
- numb fingers;
- irritability;
- anxiety;
- dry cough;
- constant sensation of a lump in the throat.
Regardless of severity of symptomsrespiratory neurosis, it is impossible to delay the treatment of the disease. This is due to the fact that an attack, having arisen once, will sooner or later be repeated. At the same time, each time its intensity will increase.

Features of the course of the disease in children
The main cause of pathology in young patients is stress. Panic attacks often occur in children with respiratory neurosis. In addition, the mood of the kids always “jumps”. From the side, the child always seems nervous and irritable, he gets tired very quickly.
Children with respiratory neurosis are uncommunicative. They have difficulty falling asleep and often wake up during the night. The main symptom of the pathology is suffocation during an attack.
Information on how to get rid of respiratory neurosis is provided by pulmonologists and neurologists. It is to them that you need to contact when the first alarming symptoms appear.
Difficulty in diagnosing the disease lies in the fact that its clinical manifestations are similar to those of many pathologies. In this case, doctors act by the method of exclusion. The patient must be prepared for the fact that the process of differential diagnosis can be long.
For the final confirmation of the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe capnography. This is a study, the essence of which is to measure the concentration of carbon dioxide emitted by a person. In order to provoke the onset of an attack, the doctor asks the patient to breathe as often as possible. Then the data is committed.
Diagnosis of the diseasealso involves completing the Niimigen Questionnaire. This is a test that was developed by Dutch pulmonologists. The patient needs to answer 16 questions. Based on the results, the doctor assesses the degree of progression of the disease.

Drug therapy
The disease requires an integrated approach to treatment. If the symptoms of the pathology are mild, it is not advisable to prescribe medications. In such situations, doctors advise regularly doing breathing exercises and undergoing treatment with a psychotherapist.
In the presence of pronounced symptoms, medication is indispensable. The treatment regimen for respiratory neurosis includes the following:
- Sedative preparations, which are dominated by herbal ingredients.
- Tranquilizers and antidepressants. These drugs have a beneficial effect on the psychological state, due to which the feeling of anxiety disappears.
- Neuroleptics.
- Preparations containing magnesium, calcium and vitamin D. These components help to relax the muscles of the chest.
- Beta-blockers.
- B vitamins.
Any medicines are prescribed exclusively by a doctor on an individual basis.

Breathing exercises
Its essence is to achieve an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the exhaled air. Without exercise, the treatment of respiratory neurosis is ineffective.
- Stand or sit with your back perfectly straight.
- Shut your mouth. Breathe only through the nose.
- Take a deep breath. Imagine how the air fills the abdominal cavity. In this case, the stomach should really stretch.
- Imagine how the air fills all the zones above.
- Hold your breath for a few seconds.
- Exhale slowly. Imagine how the air comes out of the chest, abdomen and other areas.
You need to exercise daily. According to reviews, respiratory neurosis is not a sentence. But only if you responsibly follow the doctor's recommendations.

Folk methods
With the help of non-traditional means alone, it is impossible to get rid of the disease. However, doctors recommend taking sedative decoctions and infusions to normalize the psycho-emotional background, which will significantly improve the course of the pathology.
Most Effective Recipes:
- Take 25 g of pre-dried and chopped mint leaves. Pour raw materials with 200 ml of boiling water. Put the container on fire. Boil for 5 minutes. Cool and strain. Ready broth to take 100 ml after a meal in the afternoon. The course of treatment is no more than two weeks.
- Take 1 tsp. chamomile flowers. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over them. Cover the container with a lid. Let it brew for 10 minutes. Cool, strain. Take three times a day, 100 ml. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. After a short break, therapy can berepeat.
- In case of neuroses of various nature, motherwort is highly effective. The most useful is the juice of the plant. It is necessary to grind freshly picked motherwort leaves. Squeeze juice out of them with gauze. Add 30 drops of healing liquid to 15 ml of water. Take three times a day, half an hour before meals.
During treatment, it is allowed to use mono- and multicomponent fees from the above components.

Doctors' recommendations
To improve the effectiveness of treatment, you must follow a few rules:
- Quit smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Properly organize the regime of work and rest.
- Sleep well. The duration of a night's sleep should be at least 6 hours.
- Adjust the mode and nutrition. It is recommended to give preference to he althy food.
- Regularly expose the body to moderate physical activity.
- Avoid mental fatigue.
In other words, patients are encouraged to follow the principles of a he althy lifestyle.
With timely access to a doctor, the outcome of the disease is favorable in most cases. As a rule, full recovery occurs within a few months.
Ignoring the symptoms of pathology is not recommended. The disease does not pose a danger to human life, but significantly worsens its quality. Over time, the attacks become more intense. In addition, panic attacks begin to disturb more often. On theagainst the backdrop of these conditions, the functioning of the nervous system is even more disrupted, which cannot but affect the state of he alth.
In conclusion
The term "respiratory neurosis" refers to a disease in which a person periodically feels breathlessness. In most cases, the provoking factor is a long stay in a state of stress. Diagnosis of the disease is complicated by the fact that the disease has many symptoms, while none of them is specific. Treatment of respiratory neurosis involves medication (in severe cases), regular exercise, work with a psychotherapist and lifestyle adjustments. If all the doctor's recommendations are followed, the prognosis is favorable.