Rheumatic fever is a connective tissue disease that affects the nervous system, cardiovascular system, and human skin. The most susceptible to this disease are young people from 7 to 15 years. Rheumatic fever occurs against the background of a previous streptococcal infection and, as a rule, has a recurrent character. Over the past decade, the number of patients with this pathology has decreased significantly.

What provokes the occurrence of the disease
Quite often, rheumatic fever manifests itself in young people with hypothermia, malnutrition. Hereditary predisposition is also of great importance. It is noted that women and girls most often suffer from this pathology. The risk category also includes people who suffer from frequent nasopharyngeal diseases or have had an acute streptococcal infection.
Rheumatic Fever Symptoms
Rheumatismappears 7 to 14 days after the transfer of infectious diseases such as pharyngitis or tonsillitis. Then comes the "latent" (hidden) period, the duration of which can be from 1 to 3 weeks.

At this time, the patient is practically not bothered by any symptoms. In some cases, a slight malaise, a slight increase in body temperature is possible. Then comes the second period, characterized by more pronounced symptoms. The patient may exhibit polyarthritis, carditis, changes in laboratory parameters. Rheumatic fever also causes pain in medium and large joints, arthritis. Often, patients complain of memory impairment, fatigue, irritability.
Rheumatic fever treatment
The fight against the disease consists in strict adherence to the regimen and regular intake of medications that eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Recurrent rheumatic fever with proper treatment, as a rule, is not observed. The doctor prescribes penicillin antibiotics and macrolides. After the activity of the disease decreases, these drugs should be continued for another 4-5 years. To reduce the number of inflammatory phenomena, NSAIDs or ibuprofen are prescribed. The dosage of drugs depends on the condition of the patient.

In addition, it is recommended to take diuretics, especially if the patient suffers from edema. For the treatment of heart defects resulting fromdiseases, antiarrhythmic drugs are prescribed. In severe condition of the cardiovascular system, a surgical operation is possible.
Preventive measures are adequate and timely treatment of infection caused by streptococcal microorganisms. Various antibiotics are used for these purposes. The course of treatment usually takes 10 days. Extencillin is prescribed to prevent recurrent rheumatic fever. With untimely or unqualified treatment, complications may occur, such as heart disease or infective endocarditis.