Stomatitis on the cheeks: the best treatment regimen

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Stomatitis on the cheeks: the best treatment regimen
Stomatitis on the cheeks: the best treatment regimen

Video: Stomatitis on the cheeks: the best treatment regimen

Video: Stomatitis on the cheeks: the best treatment regimen
Video: Bronchonorm visiem klepus veidiem 2025, January

Stomatitis is a fairly common disease of the oral cavity today. This pathology is observed in every fifth inhabitant of the planet, while the disease can proceed in different ways. In dentistry, stomatitis is commonly referred to as the development of an inflammatory process on the oral mucosa and the inside of the cheeks. An illness is a reaction of the human body to an external stimulus. Previously, this disease was diagnosed, as a rule, in children, but today stomatitis on the cheeks is increasingly observed in adults. What causes this disease and how it proceeds, we will consider in this article.


Never encountered a similar phenomenon and do not know what stomatitis looks like on the cheek? The photos used as illustrations for the article will help you form your own opinion about the whole "charm" of the disease. Pleasant, I must say, not enough.

The disease manifests itself in the form of ulcers in the mouth, on the inside of the cheeks. It lasts up to fourteen days, afterwhich usually passes without leaving any traces. It is noteworthy that if the disease at least once made itself felt, there is a high probability of relapses, the frequency of which is very variable. According to statistics, people turn to specialists with such complaints three or four times a year. Some are concerned about chronic stomatitis (in the mouth on the cheek, on the mucous membrane of the lips), in which new ulcers appear when the old ones have not yet had time to heal. This disease is considered to be contagious, although it all depends on the causes of its occurrence.

stomatitis on the cheeks
stomatitis on the cheeks

Types of stomatitis

Both children and adults can be diagnosed with different types of this disease. Stomatitis on the cheek is very common (a photo showing the main manifestations of the disease is attached). Depending on the etiology, the following types of stomatitis are distinguished:

1. Bacterial - develops due to the presence of streptococci and staphylococci in the human oral cavity, which enter there through wounds on the cheek.

2. Traumatic - develops with repeated injuries of the mucous membrane, as well as in the presence of a diseased tooth, fragments of teeth or malocclusion, the constant presence of tobacco smoke.

3. Herpetic stomatitis - occurs when the human immune system is weakened. At the same time, the herpes virus, even after a full course of treatment, continues to remain in the body.

4. Candidiasis stomatitis on the cheek inside the oral cavity most often develops in childhood. The cause is yeast-like fungi, which are formed as a result of long-term use.antibiotics, as well as a decrease in human immunity.

5. Allergic - develops as a reaction of the body to various allergens.

6. Aphthous - develops as a result of a foreign body entering the mouth and is a reaction of the body to this irritant.

7. Gangrenous stomatitis - develops most often in people who use narcotic drugs, as well as due to beriberi, infection of the oral cavity.

Reasons for appearance

Today, experts call a large number of factors that can contribute to the development of stomatitis. At the same time, the main cause of the development of the disease is considered to be the entry into the human body of various bacteria, leading to inflammation in the oral cavity, resulting in ulcers in its various parts. As you know, there are always a lot of bacteria in the mouth, but in order for inflammation to begin, additional factors are required. Stomatitis on the inside of the cheek can develop due to malnutrition, lack of beneficial trace elements in the human body, oral injuries, exposure to various chemicals on the mucous membrane.

stomatitis on the inside of the cheek
stomatitis on the inside of the cheek

Quite often, the disease occurs due to habitual things and non-compliance with the rules of hygiene or violation of safety rules:

- trauma of the oral cavity as a result of biting the cheek, eating solid food, scratching the cheek with a deformed tooth or crown, denture;

- ingestion of alkalis and acids into the oral cavity,leading to chemical burns;

- violation of hygiene, which leads to the entry of pathogenic microbes and infections into the mouth;

- drinking and smoking.

In some cases, stomatitis on the cheeks in the oral cavity may appear as a result of the presence in the body of any infection, oncology, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, and also as a result of the treatment of malignant neoplasms (chemotherapy, radiation, etc.). Often, stomatitis worries pregnant women, since during this period hormonal changes in the body occur, and its protective functions decrease. Some diseases accompanied by fever, severe blood loss and dehydration can also cause sores on the mucosa.

Thus, stomatitis on the cheek (inside the mouth) can be perceived as a kind of body signal indicating the presence of he alth problems. This may be the progression of chronic diseases, or a decrease in the protective functions of the body. Of course, it is not recommended to ignore these "bells" (even if the unpleasant symptoms go away on their own in a couple of weeks) - consult a doctor on time! He will prescribe competent, effective treatment and select drugs that are right for you.

Symptoms and signs

It is interesting that different types of stomatitis can manifest themselves in different ways, have different symptoms and signs. If catarrhal stomatitis develops, ulcers and aphthae appear on the cheeks. Aphthae are round sores, on top of which there is a gray coating. They are not painful, do not causediscomfort, but in case of their reappearance, scarring is possible, healing for a rather long time, while the cheek may be deformed. Often with stomatitis, the cheek swells, the mucous membrane turns red, a white coating appears.

With aphthous stomatitis, aphthae and ulcers of various sizes appear, which cause very painful sensations, while the lymph nodes increase in size, weakness and irritability appear.

with stomatitis, the cheek swells
with stomatitis, the cheek swells

Herpes stomatitis (appears most often on the cheek of a child) is characterized by fever, disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by weakness and malaise. This disease is contagious and is caused by the herpes virus.

In allergic stomatitis, swelling of the soft tissues of the oral cavity is noted, which makes it difficult for a person to swallow, while the tongue increases in size and often does not fit in the mouth. Also, bubbles appear in the patient's mouth, which burst after some time and turn into ulcers. Ulcers may coalesce to form a large lesion.

Bacterial stomatitis on the cheeks and palate is characterized by swelling and the appearance of deep ulcers (to the bone). If left untreated, the disease leads to tissue necrosis.

In case of traumatic stomatitis, erosions, abscesses, ulcers or wounds with white coating appear on the affected area. Gradually, the area begins to swell, redness and swelling appear. In some cases, tissue necrosis is possible, usually after a severe injury. Often stomatitischeek inside (photos illustrating the manifestations of this disease, to put it mildly, are unpleasant) of the oral cavity is accompanied by a fungal infection.

With gangrenous stomatitis, the patient has pain in his mouth, as there are necrotic areas. Blood clotting worsens, the patient stops eating and drinking, he develops erosions and rashes, body temperature rises, fistulas form on the gums, cheeks, jaw and tongue. Tissue necrosis gradually develops, encephalitis and even blood poisoning are possible.


It would seem that the diagnosis of stomatitis is a simple task. But the disease can be caused by many pathogens and triggered by various factors that need to be determined by the attending physician. Therefore, a specialist must necessarily prescribe a clinical blood test, examine blood for glucose, and also conduct PCR and bakposev from the oral cavity. The survey and examination of the patient also contributes to the identification of the nature of the disease. Before making a diagnosis, determine the form of the disease, taking into account the results of tests, tests and anamnesis of the disease.

stomatitis on the cheek of a child
stomatitis on the cheek of a child

Diagnosis of pregnant women

Diagnosis of this disease in pregnant women is not much different from the standard procedure. The difference is that the disease in expectant mothers lasts longer, sometimes the entire pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the immune system of women in the position is weakened, the hormonal background is changing.


Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Preventive measures to prevent the development of this diseaseinclude the following steps:

- oral hygiene, hands;

- giving up alcohol and smoking, drugs;

- timely visit to the dentist and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases;

- prevention of injury to the oral cavity;

- restriction of any contact with patients with stomatitis.

Preventive measures should be taken immediately after the baby is born. Then stomatitis on the cheeks of a child (photos of children suffering from an illness cause sincere pity and compassion) will not appear. Important here is the care of the oral cavity and compliance with the feeding regimen of the child. At preschool and school age, children are most susceptible to this disease, so parents should explain hygiene rules to children.

swollen cheek with stomatitis
swollen cheek with stomatitis

Stomatitis on the cheek: treatment

It is unlikely that it will be possible to cure stomatitis with folk remedies alone, medical preparations are needed here, which eliminate pathogenic bacteria, heal wounds, restore acidity and microflora of the oral mucosa. Usually antibiotics, antiseptics, vitamins are used as medicines. The treatment regimen for stomatitis depends on its etiology, variety. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Treatment of candidal stomatitis

This type of disease is presented in the mildest form, so the treatment can last only a few days. For recovery, it is enough only to rinse the oral cavity with special disinfecting solutions. It can be potassium permanganate, herbal infusions and decoctions, hydrogen peroxide,"Chlorhexidine", "Iodinol", "Furacilin" and others. It is also recommended to take drugs to increase immunity.

Treatment of herpes stomatitis

First of all, immunostimulating and antiviral drugs are prescribed. It can be "Zovirax", "Anaferon" and others. Lugol, Zelenka, Cholisal are used to eliminate ulcers - they must be applied to damaged areas several times a day with a swab. Antifungal ointments are also used: oxolinic, interferon and others. After eating, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with a decoction of calendula.

stomatitis on the cheek treatment
stomatitis on the cheek treatment

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis

If a child falls ill, they are given antipyretics, painkillers and antiseptics. Well in this case, a solution of furacilin, gramicidin paste is suitable. After eating, you need to rinse your mouth with infusions of herbs (chamomile, sage, oak bark). Adults are prescribed drugs aimed at removing intoxication, improving the state of the immune system. Often prescribed "Amiksin", "Diflucan", "Claritin", vitamins and immunostimulants. In any case, the doctor should prescribe antibiotics and antiseptics. A solution of tannin is used to heal ulcers. it is very important to follow a special diet during the treatment period.

Treatment of allergic stomatitis

Treatment of allergic stomatitis should be comprehensive. First of all, it is necessary to exclude exposure to the allergen. The patient is prescribed a diet, mineral water is excluded from the diet. Fortreatment of this type of ailment, antihistamines are used ("Suprastin", "Clarotadine", etc.) and vitamins of groups B, C and PP. You also need to take folic acid. Areas that are inflamed are recommended to be treated in the same way as in the treatment of other types of stomatitis.

Treatment of traumatic stomatitis

Depending on the nature of the lesion of the oral cavity, a course of therapy is prescribed. Treatment should begin with the elimination of the cause of the disease. Then follows the treatment of the oral cavity. To do this, use a solution based on hydrogen peroxide or a solution of furacilin. Also, the patient may be prescribed drugs to fight infection, relieve inflammation. The same remedies are used here as in the treatment of other types of stomatitis. Painkillers are often used.

Treatment of bacterial stomatitis

If with stomatitis the cheek is swollen and ulcers appear in the oral cavity, antibiotics are prescribed, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs. In principle, the treatment regimen is the same as for other types of disease. In the event of tissue necrosis, surgical intervention is necessary, after which the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment. Immunostimulants play an important role - they help to cope with the disease much faster.

stomatitis on the cheek inside
stomatitis on the cheek inside

Treatment of gangrenous stomatitis

Treatment of this type of disease is carried out only in a hospital. The patient is transfused with blood, the affected areas are eliminated by surgical intervention. The doctor prescribes a complex of vitamins, recommends enhancednutrition, the oral cavity is washed with potassium permanganate, antibiotics must be prescribed. It is quite difficult to cure gangrenous stomatitis, often people die from this disease, so it is better not to allow complications, but to treat the disease in time.

Best treatment regimen

As already noted, treatment depends on the etiology, type and form of the disease, as well as on the characteristics of the patient. After conducting research and laboratory tests and making a diagnosis, the attending physician selects a therapy regimen aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease, as well as preventing relapses. The course of treatment involves the use of drugs of various effects:

- painkillers;

- anti-inflammatory;

- antihistamine;

- antiviral;

- immunomodulators;

- vitamin therapy.

The attending physician individually selects a set of measures aimed at eliminating the disease.

stomatitis in the mouth on the cheek
stomatitis in the mouth on the cheek

Stomatitis today is not such a terrible disease, but rather unpleasant. Its development can be prevented, and the right and timely chosen treatment makes it possible to completely restore the body and not give the disease a chance to disturb you again.
