Diabetes mellitus is characterized by an excessive accumulation of carbohydrates in the blood plasma. Such a supersaturation can be caused by a malfunction in the glucose-insulin ligament, when the production of insulin by the body is disrupted, and glucose cannot be delivered to the cells. This is the first type of diabetes.

The second type develops in case of violation of the process of absorption of sugar molecules by cells. In this case, a large amount of glucose accumulates in the blood plasma, which is unable to enter the cell for processing.
The common symptoms of diabetes in women and men are associated with elevated blood sugar levels. This makes the patient feel thirsty. The presence of sugar in the urine contributes to the violation of the physiology of urination. The excreted urine is plentiful in volume, which is explained by the large amount of water drunk, the excess sugar gives the urine a sticky consistency. The main diagnostic sign of diabetes is laboratory confirmation of elevated blood sugar.

Type 1 diabetes is manifested by rapid depletion of the body, the development of ketoacidosis and the appearance of a coma. This type of diabetes develops in a young body and continues until the end of life.
The first symptoms of diabetes mellitus, which develops according to the second type, occur at an older age in people who are overweight. They are weak and uncharacteristic. The disease appears imperceptibly and can be detected late, when a whole complex of characteristic signs appears in the body.
Due to the anatomical features of the genitourinary system, signs of diabetes in women may have specific signs. The presence of sugar is always a breeding ground for the development of microorganisms. The anatomical location of the female urethra favors an easier penetration of microbes into the bladder, where they find favorable conditions for reproduction, causing many urological diseases. This can be manifested by the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, and the pain may disappear and reappear.

The appearance of thrush in the vagina, which causes severe itching and cheesy discharge, can be regarded as signs of diabetes in women. The genitourinary system is not the only one in which sex differences in the signs of diabetes are determined. Additional symptoms of the disease include frequently occurring lesions of the respiratory system. Cough, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, pneumonia occurring withfever and runny nose, are signs of diabetes in women.
The impact of diabetes on the body is very significant. Excess sugar circulating in the bloodstream injures the inner walls of the arteries. Patients begin to suffer from angina pectoris, the risk of myocardial infarction increases. Impaired circulation in the legs. Diabetic is forming

foot. In severe cases, ulcers that do not heal for a long time appear on the legs, gangrene of the extremities often forms. Vision problems act as specific symptoms of diabetes in men and women. Signs of diabetes include itching and burning of the skin, insomnia and nightmares.
While type 1 diabetes is nearly impossible to prevent and even harder to treat, type 2 diabetes is preventable. This requires control over the state of the body, nutrition and physical activity. In addition, the same measures can completely eradicate the disease.