Violation of metabolic processes in the body is the cause of various diseases. One of these is uric acid diathesis. This condition precedes serious disturbances in the work of the urinary, nervous and musculoskeletal systems. It develops at any age, but always requires close attention from doctors.
Medical certificate
All elements of living organisms contain purines. The natural process of deformation of cellular structures entails the destruction of these substances. As a result of the breakdown, uric acid is produced. In normal concentration, it performs several functions. It is entrusted with the work of cleansing the body of excess nitrogen, protecting blood vessels from damage, and stimulating brain functions. Uric acid is excreted naturally. Normally, its content in the body of a man is 3.4-7.0 mg per 100 ml of blood, and women - 2.4-5.7 units.
When metabolic processes, such as water-s alt balance, are disturbed, uric acid is retained in the body. Its level risesthe s alts (urates) present in the composition crystallize and precipitate. They can accumulate under the skin, in the kidneys, joints and other organs. In the urine, a similar sediment resembles red crystals. The presence of such s alts in urine is the main symptom of uric acid diathesis.
At the initial stages, the pathology does not manifest itself with a pronounced clinical picture. It often goes unnoticed because the patient does not experience visible he alth problems. In the absence of timely treatment, complications can develop. They manifest in the form of gout, urolithiasis and kidney failure. In this case, the digestive system always suffers. Pathology leads to changes in the psychological mood, since the acid has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system.
Causes of occurrence
Purine metabolism disorders are usually associated with changes in eating behavior. The cause of the pathology may be the use of foods rich in these compounds. We are talking about an excess in the diet of white meat, legumes, tomatoes, sweets, coffee and carbonated drinks. Also, the development of uric acid diathesis is influenced by prolonged fasting. Today, doctors are increasingly associating the disorder of metabolic processes with a genetic predisposition.
In addition, a whole group of factors can potentially provoke the appearance of a violation:
- inflammatory processes of the abdominal organs;
- irradiation;
- diabetes mellitus;
- frequent stress;
- alcohol abuse;
- taking hepatotoxicdrugs;
- intense exercise.
In pregnant women, pathology develops due to fluid loss against the background of vomiting in severe toxicosis. Another reason is considered to be an increase in the activity of vasopressin - a hormone responsible for removing fluid from the body, an increase in blood volume. The likelihood of a disorder is especially high in the first months after conception. However, it resolves on its own in most cases closer to the second trimester.
In children of the first years of life, symptoms of uric acid diathesis appear due to errors in nutrition, the predominance of meat food in the diet. Their excretory system is imperfect, therefore it cannot dissolve large volumes of s alts. Other causes of the disorder are damage to the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the production of vasopressin, kidney pathology and Down syndrome.

Disease manifestations
Uric acid diathesis is most often manifested by the defeat of three systems: urinary, endocrine and nervous.
The heaviest blow usually falls on the kidneys. At the same time, urolithiasis develops, which is characterized by the formation of stones in the relevant organs. Stones form s alts of uric acid. Their sizes may vary. The smallest stones are excreted in the urine, and large formations require surgical care. As a rule, the disease is asymptomatic. His first attacks are accompanied by severe pain, nausea and the appearance of blood in the urine. To stop these manifestations, it is necessarymedical assistance.
Symptoms of uric acid diathesis in adults are sometimes expressed in the form of gout. This disorder does not occur in children. It develops due to the transformation of uric acid into urates, which accumulate in tissues. The most common manifestations of gout are affected joints. The fingers of the upper and lower extremities are most affected. Rarely, arthritis develops. With gout, there is swelling and redness of the skin in the joint area, pain when pressed.
Pathology sometimes affects the central nervous system. The patient complains of increased fatigue and irritability, sleep disturbance, sudden mood swings.
General clinical picture
Regardless of the form of manifestation of the disease, it is customary to single out the general clinical picture characteristic of certain stages of its course. At first, the patient does not experience he alth problems. The first sign of a disorder is the appearance of uric acid crystals in the urine. At the same time, its acidity increases. A person may experience a burning sensation when urinating. The color also changes, the smell of urine becomes more fetid and dark.
At the next stage, the psychological state of the patient changes. There is increased excitability, aggressiveness, frequent mood swings. Sleep disturbances result from CNS irritation. The patient is tormented by nightmares. Uric acid diathesis is necessarily reflected in the work of the digestive tract. The pathological condition is characterized by poor appetite, weight loss/gain, nausea. The vomit haspronounced smell of acetone.
Some manifestations of the disease are paroxysmal and periodic. For example, the temperature may slightly increase, blood pressure. Some patients have asthmatic attacks, headaches, intermittent tachycardia.
Symptoms of uric acid diathesis in women who are expecting a baby have practically no distinctive characteristics. However, they experience fluid loss due to vomiting due to toxicosis, weight gain, and prolonged constipation is possible. In menopausal women, the overall clinical picture is often supplemented by gout. The condition is accompanied by pain and inflammation of the joints of the big toes.

The course of pathology in children
In young patients, such diathesis is otherwise referred to as neuro-arthritic. This condition is not a disease, but a constitutional predisposition.
Acute symptoms are usually not felt by the child, but his behavior changes. The baby becomes easily excitable. Despite the pronounced restlessness, such children quickly capture information and school material. They are significantly ahead of their peers in mental development.
At night, little patients can urinate uncontrollably right into the bed. They are prone to allergic reactions to food and plant pollen. Therefore, rashes and scratching appear on the skin. In rare cases, they complain of pain in the joints.

Separately, we should talk about uric acid diathesis in infants. This statemanifests itself in infants immediately after birth. It is expressed in traces of orange crystals on diapers and dark urine. The increase in the number of urates occurs due to the adaptation of the child to extrauterine life. As a rule, the violation resolves on its own within a few days.
Diagnostic Methods
Symptoms and treatment of uric acid diathesis in adults is de alt with by a nephrologist, in children - by a pediatrician. To clarify the preliminary diagnosis, the following laboratory tests are used:
- blood biochemistry;
- general urinalysis;
- Urine and blood tests to determine pH levels.
Additionally, ultrasound of the urinary system is prescribed to detect urate sand. If metabolic acidosis is detected, the lungs and liver are examined. Based on the results of a comprehensive diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment.

Therapy options
There is no specific treatment for uric acid diathesis in adults. The therapy recommended by the doctor is exclusively symptomatic. Its main goal is to reduce the concentration of urates in the urine and lower the acidity of the urine. For this, medications, diet therapy and the help of traditional medicine are used. Let's take a look at what each treatment option is.
The use of medicines and physiotherapy
The action of drugs used in therapy is aimed at:
- alkalinization of urine and lowering the content of uric acid in it ("Kalinor", "Urocyte");
- stimulation of metabolic processes (various vitamin-mineral complexes);
- xanthine oxidase inhibition to prevent uric acid production (Allopurinol).
To alleviate the condition, patients are prescribed various physiotherapy. Ultrasound therapy, magnetotherapy, UV irradiation and darsonvalization are characterized by high efficiency.

Change in diet
Treatment of uric acid diathesis cannot be imagined without diet therapy. It is based on a sharp restriction in the diet of proteins and s alt, but an increase in the content of "slow" carbohydrates. You will have to give up fatty and fried foods, meat, sweets and canned food. The diet must necessarily include fresh vegetables and fruits, a variety of cereals, vegetable oil and nuts.
Dairy products and eggs are allowed to be consumed no more than twice a week, as they negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys. The total calorie content of the daily diet should be 2-3 thousand kcal. If there is a need to normalize the weight, this indicator can be changed up or down.
Moderate exercise is recommended to maintain a balance between calories burned and consumed. For example, walking, running or cycling. Morning exercises are especially useful. However, one should not be too zealous and load the body. Otherwise, physical activity can have the opposite effect and increase the amount of urate in the urine.

Help of traditional medicine
To eliminate the symptoms of uric acid diathesis, treatment based on the recipes of folk healers gives a positive result. Freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices are helpful. They contribute to the change in the acidity of the aid and its alkalization.
Phyto-collections based on the following plants are no less useful: wild rose, knotweed, corn stigmas, St. John's wort. To prepare a decoction, you must select one ingredient. Pour about 5 tablespoons of dry grass with a glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for several hours. The resulting decoction is recommended to be taken in small sips throughout the day. The duration of such treatment should not exceed two weeks.
If there are signs of inflammation, you can add chamomile, calendula or calamus roots to the decoction. However, it is important to understand that herbal treatment should be discussed with a doctor in advance. Many herbal teas are prohibited for problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment of little patients
Specific therapy for young patients has not been developed. Treatment involves following a diet and controlling the amount of fluid drunk / removed from the body. Changing the diet is based on the same principles as for adult patients. Additionally, children are prescribed vitamin complexes. With significant deviations in the analyzes and the ineffectiveness of diet therapy, metabolic medications are resorted to.
Prognosis for recovery and consequences
Urinary diathesis in women and men responds well to treatment based on diet therapy. If sickis in no hurry to seek medical help or ignores the recommendations of a doctor, the likelihood of complications is high. The most common among them is the transformation of s alts into calculi, their displacement into the ureter, followed by blockage of the passages. In this case, therapy already implies surgical intervention.