Paget's disease of the breast: symptoms and treatment

Paget's disease of the breast: symptoms and treatment
Paget's disease of the breast: symptoms and treatment

Paget's disease of the breast is a malignant pathology that affects the apocrine glands. It is now relatively rare. It is customary to distinguish two major types of the disease. Each has its own approach to treatment. Both variants differ in the formation of Paget cells - tumor formations of a rather characteristic shape and variety.

Paget's disease of the breast
Paget's disease of the breast

Some Features

Mamillary Paget's disease of the breast is an oncological pathology that covers the nipple. Of all the situations of malignant transformation of breast cells, this one is typical for three percent of cases. Pathology is observed in a variety of patients, regardless of gender. Mostly at risk - people who celebrated their fiftieth anniversary and older. It is known that for women the likelihood of developing an oncological process is higher, but in the male body it is more difficult to defeat it, the course is more severe. A distinctive feature of the shape is the epidermis of the nipple, the areola changes greatly under the influence of transforming cellular processes.

Paget's disease of the breast
Paget's disease of the breast

Up to 70% of all cases,when this form of Paget's disease of the breast was detected, in addition, other malignant transformations of breast cells were found in patients. As a rule, oncological processes affect deeper structures.

Second type

Extramamillary - a form that often develops near the reproductive organs, the anus. The armpits, navel and other non-standard areas are somewhat less affected. Negative processes occur in the dermis, apocrine glands. Up to a quarter of all cases are accompanied by other oncological processes in the skin at a deeper level.

Where did the trouble come from?

As doctors have been able to identify, Paget's disease of the breast is provoked by the features of the life cycle of the cell, encoded in DNA. Normally, it is supposed to create a cell, grow, reproduce, and gradually die. Apoptosis is a term applied to the phenomenon of programmed death. Malignant formations are created from cells in which the death program is disrupted. Apoptosis is simply not available for them, the cells seem to acquire immortality, endlessly dividing, which leads to the growth of education.

At a doctor's appointment, you can see many frightening photos of Paget's disease of the breast. This appearance of the pathology is due to negative processes that affect the apocrine skin glands, which can normally produce sebaceous components that prevent the skin from drying out. Such glands are found in various parts of the body, but their concentration is much higher near the nipples. The number of glands in the area is similarly increasedreproductive organs, armpits.

About the reasons

According to the reviews of he alth workers, histology, photos, Paget's disease of the breast develops gradually. The doctor will definitely consider the possible factors that provoked the pathology. More often, the changes are due to other oncological processes, and the one we are considering develops only as an additional complication. Many scientists are of the opinion that the mechanism is as follows: cells with a damaged genetic structure can migrate from different parts of the gland directly to the nipples.

Paget's disease of the breast symptoms
Paget's disease of the breast symptoms

There is an alternative explanation of how Paget's disease of the breast develops. Pathoanatomy, in particular, has found a lot of evidence for the correctness of this hypothesis. Probably, keratinocytes mutate, which leads to negative processes in the cells that form the nipple. This is what initiates a severe and rare disease.

Risk factors

Knowing the symptoms of Paget's disease of the breast is necessary if a person belongs to a risk group. The likelihood of getting sick is higher with the influence of the following aspects:

  • genetic information;
  • bad environment in the area of residence;
  • bad habits;
  • age (already at 35, the risk increases, the peak is set at 50-70 years by doctors);
  • premature menarche;
  • late menopause;
  • late delivery;
  • overweight;
  • prolonged use of oral contraceptives;
  • long-term hormone replacement therapy;
  • abundance of animal fats infood;
  • interaction with oncology-provoking, chemical, toxic substances;
  • frequent exposure to direct sunlight;
  • dermatological pathologies.


As doctors say, the symptoms of Paget's disease of the breast (photos show that the disease often proceeds rather unaesthetically) are as follows:

  • nipple, areolas become inflamed, scales appear, progress is observed over time;
  • discharge observed: pus or resembling water;
  • area hurts, itches;
  • nipples get cracked, damage doesn't heal;
  • multiple ulcers develop on affected areas.
Paget's disease of the breast symptoms photo
Paget's disease of the breast symptoms photo

Symptoms, treatment of Paget's disease of the breast is currently relatively poorly understood, although scientists have found that in the later stages there is destruction or retraction of the nipple into the breast. Statistics show: in a detailed examination of patients, in one case out of three, seals are found in the chest.

This is important

If there is a suspicion of a pathology, you do not need to look on the Internet for photos of the stages of Paget's disease of the breast, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor. It is almost impossible to determine the pathology on your own: as can be seen from the statistics, in the initial stages people rarely seek help, simply not realizing the scale of the problem. In order to save your he alth and life, with any doubtful symptoms, you need to visit a doctor, undergo a comprehensive examination, and onlybased on the analysis, decide on a suitable therapeutic program.

Diagnostic features

The classic method for detecting pathology is histological analysis. For research, tissue samples are taken from a diseased area of \u200b\u200bthe body. When using modern equipment in the laboratory, they look for Paget's cancer cells. If tumor processes localized in other breast tissues are additionally detected, tomography is mandatory. To clarify the result, they can be sent for a specific x-ray, ultrasound. They do a biopsy of breast tissue.

Paget's disease of the breast histology photo
Paget's disease of the breast histology photo

Main problem

As can be seen from the statistics, more often patients come to the late stage of Paget's disease of the breast, which significantly limits the ability of doctors and worsens the prognosis for pathology. To some extent, this is due to the low prevalence of the problem: at first, many mistake it for less dangerous dermatological diseases, and they are treated. They prescribe steroid drugs that relieve symptoms, bring relief, although they do not help to cope with the problem.

When diagnosing, it is important to accurately establish the diagnosis, exclude the possibility of psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, mycosis. Similar manifestations can provoke Bowen's pathology, histiocytosis. It is known that melanoma manifests itself in this way. The task of the doctor is to prescribe a sufficient amount of tests so that it can be accurately identified which of the listed problems is observed in a particular case.

Features of therapy

The method of treatment is determined based on the stage of the pathology, the nature of its course, the presence of accompanying oncological diseases.

Paget's disease of the breast symptoms treatment
Paget's disease of the breast symptoms treatment

Quite often a radical approach is practiced - removal of the mammary gland, removal of lymph nodes located in the armpits. This option is usually chosen when the pathology is accompanied by other malignant neoplasms in the breast. There are situations when complications are provoked by metastases in the muscle tissue under the breast. We have to resort to a rather complicated measure developed by the eminent surgeon Halsted. This is a radical operation in which the breast, lymph nodes, and chest muscles are removed at the same time. The recovery period after such an event is accompanied by the use of hormonal drugs, a course of chemotherapy.


If detailed studies have shown that there are no other tumor processes in the breast tissues, it is enough to perform a surgical intervention. It is not required to carry out after it either therapy using chemical components or hormone replacement.

If it was possible to detect a pathology in the initial stage, when the lesion covers only the nipple area, the doctor may recommend a surgical intervention in which the affected area is cut out, leaving the breast intact. In addition to the directly diseased area, a small supply of he althy tissue is also taken to prevent recurrence.


When identifying a pathology and determining the optimal therapeutic course, it is important not only to follow the doctor's recommendations, but also to change your lifestyle. You should completely abandon bad habits and change the menu so that the diet becomes high-quality, balanced, rich in nutrients. Every day, the amount of protein, calories necessary for the normal functioning of the body, should get into food.

Traditional medicine against cancer

While doctors are trying to invent more effective and modern medicines, the effectiveness of which would be higher, the public is developing its own unique recipes based on natural ingredients. Of course, they will not cure cancer, but they will help maintain immunity and strengthen the body, especially if the internal systems are weakened by chemotherapy. In general, all such options can be used only after consulting a doctor, so as not to harm yourself and avoid the conflict of traditional medicines and alternative folk recipes.

The most useful is the floater. Of course, the plant itself is poisonous, but only in large enough quantities. With reasonable use, there is a slight toxic effect that destroys damaged cells, while nothing harms he althy ones. Tea is prepared on the basis of the floater: a glass of water is taken on a spoonful of grass and insisted for half an hour, filtered. The drink is consumed in the morning before meals in a glass for three weeks, after which the dosage is doubled, drinking one glass before breakfast, the second -before dinner. It is recommended to drink this tea until the disease is completely defeated.

Mallow against cancer

This beautiful flower not only brings joy to its appearance, but also good for he alth. In oncology, it is consumed as a chilled drink. A quarter liter of cold water is taken per tablespoon of dried grass (or twice as much fresh), mixed and left to stand for 12 hours.

Paget's disease of the breast
Paget's disease of the breast

After this time, the drink is filtered and used for food up to four times daily in fifty-ml portions.
