Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Why does the face itch: causes and treatment

Why does the face itch: causes and treatment

The causes of unpleasant symptoms on the face are always a decrease in overall well-being. It is necessary to determine which provocateur significantly affects human immunity

Extrusion is a disease of the intervertebral discs. Extrusion types. Treatment Methods

Extrusion is a disease of the intervertebral discs. Extrusion types. Treatment Methods

Extrusion is one of the stages in the development of an intervertebral hernia. And today, many people are faced with a similar diagnosis. That is why patients are interested in information about the causes, symptoms and modern methods of treating this condition

Calcification in the spleen. Description of the disease, causes, symptoms and treatment

Calcification in the spleen. Description of the disease, causes, symptoms and treatment

From the appearance of various ailments, unfortunately, no one is immune. Calcifications in the liver and spleen - what is it? It is this question that worries many people who are faced with this problem

How to take propolis for cough. Propolis cough for a child

How to take propolis for cough. Propolis cough for a child

Cough treatment with propolis is a fairly common method that brings quick and positive results. With the help of this natural product, you can cure a cough in just a matter of days. Moreover, it is recommended for both adults and children and has practically no contraindications

Pseudocyst of the pancreas: symptoms, treatment, patient reviews

Pseudocyst of the pancreas: symptoms, treatment, patient reviews

Almost all human organs can be prone to neoplasms. The pancreas is no exception. A pseudocyst is the same neoplasm that can be located on the head, the body itself or the tail of the organ. Most often, this pathology may not be diagnosed for a long time due to the absence of specific symptoms. Often, patients do not experience any discomfort at all

Obsessive syndrome: symptoms and treatment. What is Obsessive-Compulsive Syndrome?

Obsessive syndrome: symptoms and treatment. What is Obsessive-Compulsive Syndrome?

Today, three out of a hundred adults and two out of five hundred children are diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder. This is a psychological disease that requires mandatory treatment. We offer you to get acquainted with the symptoms of ACS, the causes of its occurrence, as well as possible treatment options

How is purulent and serous meningitis treated

How is purulent and serous meningitis treated

Treatment of meningitis is carried out only in a hospital. It depends on the type of meningitis (serous or purulent), the level of inflammation, whether there is a violation of consciousness. The general principles that the doctor is guided by when prescribing treatment are described below

What are reactive arthritis?

What are reactive arthritis?

Reactive arthritis is a disease in which there is inflammation of several joints, which, in turn, occurs after suffering a serious infectious disease. In this article, we will consider this disease in as much detail as possible, its symptoms and the main methods of treatment

Trichophytosis in humans: causes, symptoms and treatment

Trichophytosis in humans: causes, symptoms and treatment

Trichophytosis in humans is a fairly common disease when it comes to lichen. To many, this term may seem unfamiliar. In fact, under it lies the well-known ringworm. It can be easily picked up by talking to a street cat. The price of a moment of tenderness is often this unpleasant disease

Fungus is a disease caused by pathogenic fungi. Types of fungi and methods of treatment

Fungus is a disease caused by pathogenic fungi. Types of fungi and methods of treatment

Today we propose to talk about the varieties of the fungus. This is the most common disease among the inhabitants of our planet. Surely many at least once in their lives have heard the term "mycosis", but what does it mean? This is a whole vast group of diseases that are caused by microscopic organisms that adversely affect the human body. This may be a lesion of the skin (in this case, the disease is referred to as "dermatomycosis") or nail plates (the medical term is appropriate here - "onychomycosis")

Dysentery: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Dysentery: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Intestinal infection with damage to the mucous membrane of the distal colon, the causative agents of which are microbes of shigella, is called dysentery, or shigellosis. Bacteria are rod-shaped in shape, their other name is dysentery bacillus. The development of the disease occurs as follows. Initially, microorganisms develop in the small intestine and then penetrate into the epithelial tissues of the large intestine, where they actively multiply, capturing the entire surface of the intestine

What is deformed knee arthrosis?

What is deformed knee arthrosis?

Deformed arthrosis of the knee joint is a disease caused by dystrophic-degenerative changes in tissues. This disease most often affects older people

West Nile Fever: Symptoms and Prevention

West Nile Fever: Symptoms and Prevention

The first case of isolation from human blood of the West Nile virus was recorded in 1937 in Uganda. Further studies have shown that the causative agent of this disease is a representative of the flavovirus group

Ankle sprain: treatment and diagnosis

Ankle sprain: treatment and diagnosis

The medical term "sprain" implies a complete or partial tear of a ligament caused by a traumatic effect on the ligamentous apparatus of a particular joint

Miniscule patella: types of injuries, treatment

Miniscule patella: types of injuries, treatment

Injury to the meniscus is a relatively common phenomenon, the usual cause of injury is a sharp and deep flexion in the knee joint. Athletes are most commonly affected by these injuries. There are several types of meniscal injuries

Internal bleeding: symptoms and types

Internal bleeding: symptoms and types

Internal bleeding is the outpouring of blood caused by damage to the venous or arterial vessels in the cavity of the internal organs of a person

Stuffy nose: what to do to get rid of a runny nose faster?

Stuffy nose: what to do to get rid of a runny nose faster?

Stuffy nose: what to do to make the disease go away? A few tips on how to quickly get rid of a runny nose at home

Ringworm in a dog: signs, danger and treatment

Ringworm in a dog: signs, danger and treatment

Ringworm in a dog is dangerous because it can infect not only other animals, but also people. How to determine that your animal is sick, and how to cure it, read on

Suddenly my leg cramped. What to do?

Suddenly my leg cramped. What to do?

Suddenly my leg cramped. What to do? First you need to relieve the spasm, then find out the causes of the pain and constantly engage in prevention

Warty nevus of the scalp

Warty nevus of the scalp

What is a warty nevus? Why is this skin protrusion dangerous? We will answer these and other questions regarding the mentioned disease below

Is the sweet taste in the mouth dangerous?

Is the sweet taste in the mouth dangerous?

It often happens that a person feels different tastes in his mouth: bitter, sweet sour, and so on. Should I be worried about this and should I see a doctor?

Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of esophageal dysphagia

Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of esophageal dysphagia

The phenomenon in which a person experiences discomfort in the process of swallowing or cannot swallow anything at all (food, water, saliva) is called dysphagia. A single manifestation of such a condition can alert a person, and if such a phenomenon has manifested itself repeatedly, then it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to make a diagnosis and conduct effective therapy

High hemoglobin in men: causes and treatment

High hemoglobin in men: causes and treatment

Most often, men treat their he alth with disdain, but this is fundamentally wrong behavior. Recently, high hemoglobin in men is very common and carries more danger than it might seem at first glance

How to treat ears at home?

How to treat ears at home?

How to treat ears correctly? This question worries those who often experience inflammation of the ear canal. For therapy, you can use medications, as well as alternative methods that give a good result

Werlhof disease: causes, symptoms, features and treatment

Werlhof disease: causes, symptoms, features and treatment

Werlhof's disease is a severe pathology of the blood, which is characterized by a decrease in the number of platelets, an increase in their tendency to stick together (aggregation) and the occurrence of pinpoint hemorrhages and hematomas under the skin. This disease has been known since ancient times. In 1735, the German physician Paul Werlhof described the symptoms of this disease. Currently, this is one of the most common blood pathologies. Another name for Werlhof's disease is thrombocytopenic purpura

Emergency and routine tetanus prophylaxis

Emergency and routine tetanus prophylaxis

It is an infectious disease, the main symptom of which is convulsive muscle contraction. The causative agent of infection enters the body through the wound surface, for example, it can be cracks, burns, abrasions, wounds or punctures. Treatment can give good results, but only if diagnosed early, in some cases a fatal outcome is not ruled out. This disease can also be prevented by performing a complex of vaccinations

Illnesses of the feet. Proper foot care

Illnesses of the feet. Proper foot care

Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and mycosis (fungus) - these diseases are the scourge of our time. Large loads on the legs, heredity, visiting public places without appropriate shoes will lead to foot diseases. So how do you take good care of your feet?

Post-traumatic osteomyelitis: symptoms, diagnosis, causes, treatments and prevention

Post-traumatic osteomyelitis: symptoms, diagnosis, causes, treatments and prevention

Post-traumatic osteomyelitis occurs when open fractures appear. The cause of it is the contamination of the wound in the presence of injury. The more difficult the fracture is, the more chances there are for the development of such a disease. As a rule, all bones are affected

Thalassemia - what is it? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of thalassemia

Thalassemia - what is it? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of thalassemia

It is very difficult to understand a large number of hereditary diseases, for example, one of them is thalassemia. Few people know what kind of disease it is. And it can have quite serious consequences

Temperature with bronchitis: how long does it last, how and how to bring it down?

Temperature with bronchitis: how long does it last, how and how to bring it down?

Bronchitis is an infectious disease caused by inflammation in the bronchi. One of the most unpleasant symptoms of the disease is fever. The question of how long the temperature lasts with bronchitis and how to bring it down worries many people suffering from this disease

Snot in children. How to treat and prevent this disease

Snot in children. How to treat and prevent this disease

Snot in children is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that brings concern to both the babies themselves and the mother. Therefore, so that they do not appear, it is necessary to constantly strengthen the child's immunity with the help of proper nutrition, which includes all the necessary products, namely meat, fish, fruits and vegetables

Fracture of the eye socket (eye orbit): danger, operation, consequences

Fracture of the eye socket (eye orbit): danger, operation, consequences

The orbit of the eye is an anatomical pit in the skull. Most often, fractures are combined, that is, they are found in combination with trauma to other bones of the facial part of the skull, such as, for example, the frontal, temporal, zygomatic, maxillary or bone tissue of the root and back of the nose, the walls of the orbit itself

Hemophilia in children: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Hemophilia in children: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Hemophilia is a complex genetic pathology, manifested by the absence of certain enzymes responsible for blood clotting. There are three types of the disease, depending on which of the substances in the blood are not produced. People with hemophilia can die from blood loss, as a result of cuts or wounds, and during operations. All their lives they have to be as careful as possible - any bruise can lead to internal bleeding. Hemophilia is especially dangerous in children

Swollen legs - what to do?

Swollen legs - what to do?

Swollen feet? What to do? The main thing in this case is the advice and recommendations of a specialist. In this article we will talk about preventive measures and first aid. So let's read

Why do you always want to sleep

Why do you always want to sleep

Feeling tired from day to day and trying to sleep at the slightest opportunity? Is it normal? Why do you always want to sleep

How to treat fungus on toenails: different ways

How to treat fungus on toenails: different ways

Toenail fungus appeared, and you don't know what to do now? It is impossible to start this disease, since it itself is not cured, but only aggravated. How to treat fungus on toenails? Consider in this article

How to treat sticky lips

How to treat sticky lips

Constantly worried about cracks in the corners of the lips? The disease is very unpleasant, as a person sometimes cannot even eat. Therefore, in this article we will look at how to treat jamming on the lips, and how to prevent their occurrence

How to treat a runny nose in an infant: tips and tricks

How to treat a runny nose in an infant: tips and tricks

Does your little one already have a runny nose and are you worried? Do not immediately panic, a runny nose can be easily cured if you take it seriously. Consider in this article how to treat a runny nose in an infant

How to remove s alt from the body

How to remove s alt from the body

Knees and other joints began to hurt? And this is only the beginning of torment if a lot of excess has accumulated in the body. How to remove s alt from the body correctly? Consider in the article

Amelogenesis imperfecta: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Amelogenesis imperfecta: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Amelogenesis imperfecta is a rather rare genetic disease, which is a violation of enamel formation with further destruction of the tooth structure. The formation of defective enamel can disrupt the mineralization of teeth. In the future, discoloration may be observed along with a change in the color of the enamel, which begins to acquire a brown or gray tint