Is the sweet taste in the mouth dangerous?

Is the sweet taste in the mouth dangerous?
Is the sweet taste in the mouth dangerous?

One of the most common discomforts is a sweet taste in the mouth. This not only reduces the enjoyment of food, but can also mean the presence of various diseases. Therefore, such a state cannot be ignored.

The human tongue responds to different tastes: bitter, sweet, s alty, spicy. Different parts of the body are responsible for this. But if there is always an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, then this may indicate various diseases.

So, a sweet taste in the mouth can be a symptom of a carbohydrate metabolism disorder. But this does not mean that a person has diabetes. He has completely different symptoms: frequent urination, thirst, unmotivated weight loss.

A bitter taste in the mouth can mean problems with the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the backflow of bile into the esophagus. This condition often causes excessive consumption of spicy, fatty, smoked, dried foods, as well as citrus fruits. A bitter taste in the mouth can mean pathologies of the liver, gallbladder, bile duct dyskinesia and duodenum.

A bitter taste in the mouth is also due to a lazy bowel. This happens to people who are prone to overeating. The digestive tract gets tired of digesting food. Because of this, all the food eaten accumulates in the stomach and begins to rot. The result is a bitter taste in the mouth. To normalize digestion, you need to drink medicines that improve peristalsis. But these medicines should not be taken on a permanent basis, otherwise there is a risk that the intestines will completely stop working.

bitter taste in the mouth
bitter taste in the mouth

Often a bitter taste in the mouth occurs in people who like to drink alcoholic beverages. The thing is that alcohol, in fact, is a poison, and the liver may not be able to cope with its excretion. Therefore, it is better to abandon the use of alcohol and follow a diet. You can take hepatoprotectors - these are medicines that are aimed at improving the functioning of the liver and protecting it.

Also, a sweet taste in the mouth may indicate diseases of the nervous system. Especially about the pathologies of the trigeminal and facial nerves. Any perversion of taste requires a thorough examination by a neurologist. Therefore, if you eat an orange, and it seems to you that it is a banana, this is an occasion to urgently see a doctor.

Bad taste in the mouth
Bad taste in the mouth

When a s alty taste appears in the mouth, it is worth paying attention to the condition of the salivary glands. Most likely, they will be inflamed. Sometimes this condition occurs with diseases of the nasopharynx, and then the mucus flows into the oral cavity. This is what causes the s alty taste in the mouth. Abuse of sugary carbonated drinks, tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages can result in the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth. It maybe a symptom of dehydration. Coping with such a disaster is easy - just drink two liters of clean water a day.

Even minor symptoms such as a sweet taste in the mouth can be caused by many things. Therefore, it requires careful monitoring by a doctor. So you can protect yourself from many diseases. The main thing is to be attentive to your body.
