The patella menisci are crescent-shaped cartilages that are located on the sides of the knee joint. Their main functions are:
- fixing the knee joint and preventing its excessive mobility;
- reducing the shock loads that the cartilage that covers the surfaces of the bones of the joint is subjected to, thus preventing premature wear of the cartilage;
- preventing friction of the bones of the knee joint.
At the same time, meniscal injury is a relatively common phenomenon, its usual cause is a sharp and deep flexion in the knee joint. Athletes are most commonly affected by these injuries. There are several types of meniscal injuries.
Mini patella: types of injuries
- Tear, but in fact - a partial rupture of the meniscus. The most common type of damage to this element of the knee joint, it accounts for up to 50% of all cases of trauma. Partially tearing, the meniscus seems to be wedged between the cartilage.
- Complete detachment of the meniscus is the rarest, but at the same timethe worst damage. As a result of an injury, the miniscus of the patella can either completely or partially separate from the joint, as if “dangling” inside the articular bag. The treatment of such injuries requires mandatory surgical intervention.
- Directly pinching the meniscus by the cartilage of the joint (40%).

Pain, swelling, immobility of the joint - all these manifestations are characteristic of many other injuries, so only a doctor can reliably confirm that the victim's miniscus of the patella is damaged.
How to treat a meniscus injury?
First of all, the orthopedist palpates the painful node and finds out the extent of its damage, an MRI may be required. The treatment strategy largely depends on the type of injury, but there are a number of common procedures doctors use to repair the miniscus of the patella. Treatment is usually long, often requiring a radical solution. But first things first.
The primary task of the orthopedist is to release the meniscus from the cartilage that has pinched it. An experienced traumatologist, chiropractor or orthopedist will be able to eliminate pinching and restore mobility to the joint within 2-4 sessions. When, for one reason or another, the specialist fails to set the meniscus, the patient is prescribed hardware traction (traction) of the joint. After the meniscus is in place (but not earlier), physiotherapy and ultrasound treatment, as well as exercise therapy, are prescribed. If conservative treatment did not bring the desired result, or the meniscus does notjust pinched or torn, but torn, then a decision is made on the complete or partial removal of the meniscus.

Minisk patella: treatment with folk remedies
Traditional medicine is also capable of helping to heal the meniscus. The following methods have worked well.
- Daily 2-hour medical bile compresses.
- Two-month course of treatment with honey-alcohol compresses (daily for 2 hours).
- Burdock compresses (daily for 8 hours until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear).
- Remember that home therapy is only possible if the injury is not complicated by a displaced meniscus.