Almost everyone experiences leg cramps. And do not think that this necessarily indicates serious illnesses. In most cases, it brings the foot or calves together due to completely harmless reasons - a long walk, for example.
Pain in the muscles of the legs appears after a sharp contraction. This can be explained by banal lack of sleep and chronic fatigue. During too severe physical exertion (playing sports, too long a run to the shops, etc.), an excess of lactic acid is formed in the muscles. This also leads to seizures. Insufficient blood flow to the legs when sitting in an uncomfortable position, low mobility, as a result of which the muscles are not stimulated enough by the nerves, cold water when bathing, lack of vitamin D, potassium, calcium and magnesium in the body - all these are possible reasons why leg cramps occur.. What to do if this trouble happened to you? Rather, remove the spasm, and only then deal with the causes and engage in prevention. It is hardly possible to think about the lack of vitamins in the body when the leg is cramped.

What to do to relieve pain? Try to stretch the affected muscle. To do this, sit down, straighten your leg and try to move your heel forward as much as possible, bending your myself. This will help stretch the calf muscle. Another way: stand facing the wall forty centimeters from it, legs apart, rest your hands above your head and slowly, without taking your feet off the floor, move away until you feel that the contracted muscles are stretching. Do not be too zealous, there should not be too much pain. Stop and hold this position for thirty seconds. The pain will gradually subside.

When your leg is cramped, what can you do besides exercise? An excellent remedy for such pain is massage. Choose a place in the middle of the calf and press it with your thumb, increasing the strength. After that, for a couple of seconds, press in the popliteal fossa. Attention! This method is contraindicated for pregnant women.
It often turns out that because of the cold water in the river, the leg cramped. What can be done to prevent this from happening again? Warm up your muscles well before you climb into the water. Convulsions occur due to vasoconstriction due to a large temperature difference. Warm-up exercises will increase blood flow, and the leg will not cramp. If the trouble has already occurred, you can prick the muscle with a needle or pin. Some people, who want to be prepared for the unexpected, put safety pins on their bathing suits in case they get their foot too far from the shore.

As already mentioned, the cause of seizures is often a lack of vitamin D, calcium, potassium and magnesium in the body. We usually think that it's just a cramped leg. What to do to prevent muscle spasms? Take medications or dietary supplementscontaining these elements, and a vitamin that promotes their absorption. Eat more fresh herbs, fruits, milk, cottage cheese, almonds, walnuts, raisins, dried apricots, legumes, sunflower seeds, buckwheat and beets, drink mineral water. It is well within our power.
And yet sometimes the legs cramps due to diseases such as diabetes, varicose veins, cirrhosis of the liver, thyroid disease and others. If spasms or convulsions due to circulatory disorders are frequent, do not hesitate - consult a doctor.