Internal bleeding: symptoms and types

Internal bleeding: symptoms and types
Internal bleeding: symptoms and types

Internal bleeding is the outpouring of blood caused by damage to the venous or arterial vessels in the cavity of the internal organs of a person. The close attention that doctors pay to this issue is primarily due to the fact that this type of bleeding is difficult to diagnose. The most common causes of internal bleeding are chest injuries, malignant tumors, complications characteristic of a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the female genital organs.

Internal bleeding: general symptoms

There are a number of early signs that are characteristic of any internal bleeding, regardless of its source:

• pale skin;

• cold sweat;

• general malaise;

• dizziness;

• feeling of darkness in the eyes;

• anemia;

• hypotension.

Internal stomach bleeding: symptoms

stomach bleeding symptoms
stomach bleeding symptoms

The cause of bleeding in the stomach and esophagus can be varicose veins caused by portal hypertension, and othersdiseases such as, for example, ulcerative colitis, erosive gastritis or Crohn's disease. However, the most common cause of this type of bleeding is a stomach or duodenal ulcer. By the way, the following manifestations are also characteristic of patients who are suspected of internal bleeding of the intestine. The symptoms of these two types of bleeding are similar, so doctors are not always able to immediately determine the location of the damage. May be:

• vomiting blood;

• tarry chair;

• blood in stool.

Internal bleeding: symptoms of lung damage

Pulmonary tuberculosis, mitral valve stenosis, abscesses, heart attack and inflammation of the lung, malignant tumors in the respiratory system - all these diseases can cause pulmonary hemorrhage, the main symptom of which is blood in the sputum. It can be either barely noticeable red or pink streaks, or expectoration of blood with a “full mouth”. In addition, the patient's breathing becomes difficult, he feels pain in his chest. Changes in the chest x-ray are also possible: the mediastinum is shifted towards the he althy lung.

internal bleeding symptoms
internal bleeding symptoms

Internal bleeding: symptoms characteristic of "female" diseases

The first signs of internal bleeding in women are:

  • feeling of tension and compression in the pelvis;
  • bloody discharge from the anus;
  • bloating;
  • pre-fainting.
  • fast thready pulse;
  • cold sweat.

Internal bleeding: symptoms of hemoarthritis

Hemoarthritis is the accumulation of a certain amount of blood in the cavity of a joint. Most often, the cause of this condition is trauma, less often - hemophilia. In such bleeding, general signs, unlike local ones, are less pronounced. There are three clinical grades of this lesion:

• Mild pain and some “smoothness” of the joint are characteristic of first-degree heoarthritis, and, nevertheless, its mobility is not limited by anything;

• hemoarthritis of the second degree is characterized by a more pronounced pain syndrome, aggravated by exertion, the smoothness of the joint is more noticeable;

• The third degree of hemoarthritis implies a sufficiently large (up to 100 milliliters) blood content, the pain syndrome is acute.
