From the appearance of various ailments, unfortunately, no one is immune. So, for example, many people are concerned about the question: calcifications in the liver and spleen - what is it? Let's try together to understand the features of the named pathology.
What are calcifications?
Spleen calcifications - These are s alt deposits of various sizes that form during inflammation. It is extremely often possible to observe such a situation that the lower part of this formation softens and turns into a cyst.
Also a common problem is the occurrence of concomitant necrosis. It develops when the tissue that is located in the border area between he althy and diseased areas melts, thereby contributing to the appearance of sequesters.

Causes of disease
Calcifications in the spleen appear as a result of inflammatory processes in the body. That is, this disease is a secondary phenomenon, and in order to prevent it, it is enough to know the main prerequisites and causes of occurrence. diseaseevolving:
- as a consequence of an infectious disease that can affect not only the spleen itself, but also the organs next to it (most often, experts associate the occurrence of calcifications with pseudotuberculosis, yersiniosis, etc.);
- the second reason is much more difficult to identify - it is expressed in a violation of the metabolism of calcium and phosphate in the body, which may cause s alt deposits of various sizes.
Regardless of the cause, in most cases this pathology does not require any treatment, but in some situations it is simply necessary, because chronic diseases may begin to worsen and transferred ones may return.
Since the calcifications in the spleen are similar in structure to human bone, they will be clearly visible during examination using X-rays or computed or magnetic tomography. Ultrasound is used to determine the presence of inflammatory processes and their spread in the body.

It is extremely unpleasant for every person to hear that he has formed calcifications in the spleen. The reasons for the appearance of these deposits are not diverse, and if during the diagnosis the doctor comes to the conclusion that an infectious disease has become a provoking factor, then the patient may be prescribed a complete examination of the liver and lungs, because all these organs are interconnected.
If the growths are small, then most often they resolveindependently and do not require any treatment. Symptoms, respectively, also do not manifest themselves in any way. You can find out that there are growths in the spleen during an ultrasound examination. In this case, the doctor indicates that scars are forming on the surface of the organ.

In the event that the calcifications are converted into a cyst or become large enough, the patient may complain of the following symptoms:
- pain in the left side under the ribs;
- nausea and, in severe cases, vomiting;
- fatigue;
- sleep disturbances and drowsiness;
- headaches.
Spleen calcifications: treatment
In the event that a person does not complain of ailments or, during various types of studies, the specialist did not notice complications, the disease is not treated.
The most dangerous complication that can cause calcifications in the spleen, - is occlusion of blood vessels. This pathology can lead to serious consequences. During the diagnosis, it can be identified by the following factors:
- large s alt accumulations;
- venous vessels greatly increase and expand.
When these signs appear, surgery is usually performed, during which the spleen is completely removed.
Folk treatments
If calcifications in the spleen were detected in the early stages, you can try to get rid of them without surgery andcarrying out the operation. In this case, the possibility of their safe removal and scarring increases significantly.

The most effective recipes for this are as follows:
- Chicory (20 g) is poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water and left to infuse for 40 minutes, after which they are consumed 2 teaspoons, three times a day, before meals.
- St. John's wort (10 g) is brewed in a glass of boiling water and left for 30 minutes. After cooking, the broth is filtered and another 200 ml of water is added. After the remedy is ready, it is drunk 3 times.
- It is also recommended to drink pomegranate or cabbage juice, which before this is slightly warmed to room temperature. Use this remedy 3 times a day 30-60 minutes before eating.
If calcifications in the spleen were detected in the early stages, you can prevent the development of the disease with the help of a special diet, during which you should refrain from flour, sweet, fatty meat and fish, spicy foods, smoked meats, various canned food. It is also not recommended to often drink coffee and too strong tea.