Ringworm in a dog: signs, danger and treatment

Ringworm in a dog: signs, danger and treatment
Ringworm in a dog: signs, danger and treatment

Ringworm in a dog or trichophytosis is a rather dangerous disease, after which the animal may have stains that are devoid of color and areas of skin without hair. How can you tell if your animal is affected? Examine it carefully. On the affected areas of the skin, a rash first appears, then a crust, and then the hair falls off. Bald places - foci of alopecia - always have a round shape. They can hurt and itch. Take a good look at the affected areas, the photo will help identify ringworm. In dogs, visible signs may not be enough to diagnose the disease. All this can be a consequence of other skin ailments. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a veterinarian after conducting the necessary tests. If you think your dog has ringworm, don't delay visiting the veterinarian.

ringworm pictures in dogs
ringworm pictures in dogs

The disease is easily transmitted from one animal to another, so the owners of several dogs should immediately separate the sick animal from the he althy ones, and keep a close eye on the rest in order to start treatment at the first sign. Ringworm in dogs is not only transmitted bycontact with a sick animal, but also through care items. The likelihood that all the dogs in the house will get sick is very high.

ringworm in dogs
ringworm in dogs

Another unpleasant side of ringworm is that it is also transmitted to humans. The risk group includes people with weak immunity. The owner can also become infected from a dog, so limit the contact of your children with a sick dog and take hygiene rules more seriously. Let them play later with a he althy animal rather than suffer from ringworm themselves. If infection does occur, contact a dermatologist immediately. Most often, areas of the skin covered with hair are affected. The diameter of the foci of the disease can reach up to 1.5 cm. Hair in these places break off at a height of 2-3 mm. When an area of bare skin is affected, it looks like a pale yellow spot with a scaly center.

ringworm treatment in dogs
ringworm treatment in dogs

If a doctor has diagnosed ringworm, treatment in dogs includes the following measures: antiseptic treatment of the affected areas, the use of antifungal drugs, the introduction of a vaccine, not only preventive, but also therapeutic, as well as the appointment of medications that activate the immune system. A special diet is not prescribed, the dog can continue to eat the usual food, one has only to add vitamins that contribute to the rapid restoration of wool. If the affected areas began to overgrow, most likely, the disease was defeated. An accurate conclusion can be drawn from the results of a repeated laboratorydiagnostics.

How can I prevent ringworm in my dog? Timely introduction of a preventive vaccine. The procedure will be carried out in any veterinary hospital. Frequently conduct a visual inspection of your animal for the appearance of lesions, so that at the first sign you can take him to the veterinarian. But it is better to carry out preventive vaccination so as not to worry about the he alth of your pet.
