Lip bites look like small cracks, which are usually located in the corners of the lips and give a person a lot of inconvenience associated with painful sensations when eating, smiling and communicating with other people. When a jam appears, it becomes painful to open your mouth, so in severe cases, some people even refuse to eat. How to treat sticky lips?

The appearance of a jam does not depend on a person's age and time of year, although they most often occur when a person has reduced immunity. If treatment measures are not taken in time, deep wounds, ulcers and crusts may occur.
Zips on the lips: causes and treatment
The appearance of a jam is a symptom. First of all, during treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of their occurrence, which can be different: taking antibiotics, lack of vitamins A, B, C, E, frequent licking of the lips, excessive consumption of alcohol or sweets. For these reasons, you need to seek help from a doctor. In other cases, you can heal yourself at home.
How to treat sticky lips
- Herbal lotions. Sage, calendula, chamomile or othersherbs available for purchase. A bag of brewed green tea can also help by applying it to the painful area.
- Oils: rosehip, avocado, tea tree, olive. Apply oil-soaked cotton swab to painful lips for ten minutes. Do this several times a day.
- Propolis. Mix 10 g of propolis with 100 g of butter. Heat this mixture and apply lotion 4-5 times a day.

How to treat sticky lips so that they disappear forever? First of all, you should pay attention to preventive measures.
It is easier to prevent these sores than to treat them. For this reason, it is very important to monitor your he alth and try to prevent their occurrence. Sometimes the body tells us about the possible occurrence of the disease. So, for example, if you notice that your lips are often and very dry, then this may portend the appearance of a jam. It is important to pay due attention to the moisture of the lips. For excessive dryness, apply rose oil or honey to the lips at night. Flaxseed decoction or lip balm may also help. All this can be purchased at the pharmacy.
Jamming can also appear due to irritating factors: poor quality crowns, tartar, dentures. Smoking can also be an irritating factor in the appearance of seizures. If you smoke, take care to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day. It is better to follow simple rules than to treat sticky lips.

You should enrich your diet. Vitamin B2, which is found in whole grains and legumes, leafy green vegetables, and nuts, is very important for humans. Eggs, poultry, and fish are good sources of animal-derived riboflavin to prevent jamming.
Seizures that occur in the corners of the mouth often spoil the appearance, and with it the mood. It is very important to take measures to prevent seizures, as well as treatment measures if seizures have already appeared. If you let everything take its course, then the problems that have arisen can worsen and cause a lot of problems. Now you know how to treat jams on the lips, if they appear. Stay he althy!