Almost all human organs can be prone to neoplasms. The pancreas is no exception. A pseudocyst is the same neoplasm that can be located on the head, the body itself or the tail of the organ. Most often, this pathology may not be diagnosed for a long time due to the absence of specific symptoms. Often patients do not experience any discomfort at all.
Why does this disease occur?
It is worth noting that the pseudocyst of the head of the pancreas is most often diagnosed. Doctors say that the pathology most often appears against the background of chronic or acute pancreatitis.

Also no less at risk are people who have experienced direct trauma to the pancreas itself or its wall. At the same time, the neoplasm itself looks like a hematoma, and inside it contains just a huge amountspecial enzymes. If the pathology has arisen under such circumstances, then only surgical intervention should be performed and a pseudocyst in the pancreas is removed from a person. Reviews after the treatment are positive.
Also, the appearance of a neoplasm may be due to frequent intravenous administration of ICE drugs. Unfortunately, this is a necessary measure for people who suffer from chronic pancreatitis. That is why doctors strongly recommend regular examinations when administering IPF to exclude the formation and growth of a pancreatic pseudocyst.
Pseudocysts are less likely to occur against the background of surgical treatment or against the background of past atherosclerosis of the pancreas. The latter pathology is extremely rare.
Iatrogenic pseudocysts deserve a separate discussion. Such formations are also quite rare. Most often they are formed after surgery in the pancreas. It is important to remember that this pseudocyst is not a consequence of a medical error. This is just a kind of reaction of the body to a traumatic factor.
Main Stages
Gastroenterologists distinguish several types of the formation in question. A pseudocyst can be located on the body, on the head, and a pseudocyst of the tail of the pancreas can also occur.
Educations also differ in the nature of their occurrence:
- pancreatic;
- post-traumatic;
- postoperative.
Also, the disease is determined by several stagesdevelopment. It is worth noting that only a doctor can determine at what stage the pancreatic pseudocyst is. Treatment is appropriate.

- The initial stage lasts approximately 1.5 months. At this time, the formation of the lesion cavity is just beginning.
- Stage two lasts up to 3 months. The resulting cavity becomes loose.
- The third stage lasts up to six months after the onset of the disease. At this stage, fibrous formation already appears.
- The last stage is determined by the presence of a dense capsule
Other classifications
Like any other disease, it is better not to start this disease and treat it in the early stages. At the initial stage, the formation of the body heals well, as well as the tail, as well as the pseudocyst of the head of the pancreas. Treatment, reviews are often positive. With timely treatment, only a few patients experienced he alth problems. This is mostly due to some chronic comorbidity.
In gastroenterology, this neoplasm is also divided by time classification, that is, how long the disease exists:
- acute form is put in the presence of education, which is not yet 3 months old;
- subacute form - no more than six months;
- chronic form is set when the capsule has already formed and its age exceeds six months.
Easiest to treat is the acute form, when the inflammation is most sensitive to drugs. The situation is worse with chronicform. Usually a chronic pseudocyst is treated only with surgery.
It is worth noting that a pseudocyst does not always exist in a single instance. It also happens that the doctor has several growths in the patient.
Symptoms accompanying the disease
Usually, any neoplasm does not manifest itself for a long time and the patient does not even know about its presence in the body. But doctors warn that there are still signs, and a person may assume that he is developing a pancreatic pseudocyst. The symptoms are not typical. First of all, it is pain in the abdominal cavity. It is worth noting that at the initial stage of the disease, the pain is more acute, but after a while it becomes dull or completely disappears, leaving behind only unpleasant sensations.
Also sometimes a person may experience nausea and vomiting. This symptomatology is not typical for such an ailment. With the development of such sensations, the doctor may assume the presence of complications.

Some of those who have cured a pancreatic pseudocyst note that the pain was most often localized in the right hypochondrium (in the case of a tumor of the head) or in the left hypochondrium (in the case of a tumor of the body or tail of the gland). Unpleasant sensations are paroxysmal in nature, and sometimes turn into persistent excruciating pain.
Modern types of diagnostics
When a patient turns to a gastroenterologist, he must first study the patient’s medical history as much as possible, as well as evaluate the qualityhis life. This should be followed by a thorough inspection. It usually consists of gentle palpation of the peritoneum and abdomen. If the pseudocyst is large, the doctor may detect slight asymmetry, as well as a small ball.
In case of pain, the patient begins the examination by taking a blood and urine test. Since this formation is benign, a biochemical study does not show the full picture. The therapist can only assume that the patient has a diseased pancreas. A pseudocyst, however, is not determined by a similar method.

The best and most modern methods of diagnosing a disease include:
- X-ray with contrast. The images show signs of a pseudocyst and displacement of internal organs due to its growth.
- Ultrasound diagnostics will help determine which part of the formation is located, as well as refute or confirm the presence of complications.
- EDGS detects the presence of inflammation, compression of internal organs and possible dilation of veins in the esophagus.
- ERCP. The most informative procedure. Refers to endoscopic techniques. During it, the doctor can examine the affected area in detail and accurately determine whether a person has a pancreatic pseudocyst.
- CT. Another informative method. During the CT scan, inflammation is displayed as accurately as possible.
- Cytological examination is mandatory for such a diagnosis, since a pseudocyst can easily be mistaken for malignanteducation.
Also, such a formation can be confused with a true cyst or with a benign tumor.
Medication treatment
Drug treatment is applicable only if the pseudocyst has formed relatively recently. Also, conservative treatment is indicated in the absence of pain and a mass less than 6 centimeters in size.
Also, some doctors prefer to wait a certain time at the initial diagnosis and not even prescribe pills. The fact is that the pseudocyst of the pancreas can resolve on its own. Usually, observation is carried out for several months, and when the picture is saved, treatment is already prescribed.
A drug program typically consists of:
- IPP;
- blockers of H2-histamine receptors;
- cholinolytics.
Also, drug treatment is perfectly complemented by the installation of a catheter. It is located directly in the formed capsule. Through the catheter, a nurse injects certain drugs for disinfection.
Many patients who have already experienced pancreatitis may notice that the treatment of pseudocysts with medications and the treatment of pancreatitis are very similar. Indeed, drugs mainly relieve only an acute inflammatory process, after which the formation is delayed on its own.
If the pseudocyst grows to a large size (more than 6 centimeters), does not resolve on its own, and conservative treatment does not work, then a decision is made tosurgery.

Surgical removal may vary:
- Drainage percutaneous. It is considered one of the most effective ways. During the operation, drainage is established through the skin and the wall of the gland. Doctors sometimes use this method with caution, as some patients may experience certain complications.
- Linear endoscopic echography. With this method, the pseudocyst is drained through the human stomach or intestine. The method is also considered effective, but it can only be carried out if the formation is located in close proximity to the stomach.
- Transpillar drainage of a pancreatic pseudocyst. This method cannot be considered a full-fledged surgical one. Its essence lies in the installation of a special stent. It is placed in the human body during the next ERCP.
- Internal drainage. It is considered an obsolete method. In modern medicine, it is practically not practiced due to the fact that many patients tolerate such an operation very poorly.
- Complete surgical removal of the pseudocyst. During the operation, a large incision is made in the abdomen. This method is very traumatic, but it is very often used when the formation is located in the head or tail of the pancreas.
Before any operation, the patient must follow a strict diet.
What complications might occur?
If you constantly postpone a visit to the doctor and do notfollow the doctor's requirements, a pseudocyst can cause serious harm to the human body. Usually, additional surgery is required to eliminate complications.
Main complications:
- rupture (it happens extremely rarely, can only occur when an organ is injured);
- festering;
- bleeding.
There are also complications after surgery. This applies to the formation of the body, tail, and the pseudocyst of the head of the pancreas is also susceptible to this. Reviews after the operation only confirm this fact. So, possible complications:
- hemorrhage;
- damage to other organs;
- scar formation;
- fistula formation;
- transition of a tumor into cancer;
- infection.

At the same time, many complications can be avoided if the surgeon correctly and accurately performs the operation. But from malignancy, unfortunately, no one is immune. Therefore, after surgery, timely control over the affected area should be carried out.
A pancreatic pseudocyst is not a fatal disease, but there is still a certain risk. Mortality from this disease does not exceed 14%, but this is only if a person ignores the pathology and refuses treatment.
There is also a risk of death during the operation. In this case, the mortality rate is 11%. If aftersurgery, the patient has suppuration or infection, then the risk of death increases significantly.
Also, do not forget about the possible recurrence of the neoplasm. Of course, it is not as large as in true tumors, but still present. According to medical reports, the probability of recurrence of a pseudocyst is approximately 30%. It is believed that relapse is much more dangerous than the initial education. During a relapse, there is a high probability that the tumor will turn into cancer, as well as the occurrence of complications. With a recurrent pseudocyst, the risk of possible death is higher.

Preventive measures
There are simply no strict rules and preventive measures. Of course, maintaining a he althy lifestyle and giving up bad habits can reduce the risk of formations. Also, do not forget about the timely treatment of diseases. It is worth recalling that most often a pancreatic pseudocyst occurs against the background of undertreated pancreatitis.
Also, do not forget about prevention for people who suffer from hepatitis, as the disease also negatively affects the state of the pancreas. If, nevertheless, there are any deviations, then the patient must necessarily follow a strict diet, refusing heavy food and not overloading the body with heavy physical exertion.
If a pseudocyst is found, treatment with folk methods should be abandoned. The use of certain herbs or infusions not only may notbring any benefit, but also harm an already diseased organ.