How to treat ears at home?

How to treat ears at home?
How to treat ears at home?

Ear inflammation is considered the most painful and acute, so if you experience shooting or cutting sensations, you need to take appropriate measures as soon as possible to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Various medications, as well as traditional medicine, will help with this.

It is worth noting how to treat ears - only the attending doctor can determine. This condition must be eliminated as quickly as possible, as it can signal the presence of dangerous diseases and pathologies. All products used must be safe for he alth.

Causes of pain

Before determining how to treat ears, you need to understand exactly why they can hurt. As a result of the flu or a cold, inflammation can occur and gradually turn into otitis media. In addition, one of the common causes of soreness is the presence of sulfur deposits and the penetration of moisture into the ear canal.

Carrying out diagnostics
Carrying out diagnostics

Before treating the ear at home, you need to examine the ear canal for foreign objects. Inflammation can also occur with a bitehuman insects, as well as as a result of the formation of a cyst or tumor. In this case, therapy is required for a long time, often with the use of surgical techniques.

Main symptoms

Before you treat your ears, you need to determine what exactly provoked the painful sensation, and what are the main symptoms of the course of the disease. In acute catarrhal otitis, pus does not form, and this form refers to the initial stage of the development of the disease. Inflammation affects the entire cavity of the middle ear. The mucous membrane swells and becomes inflamed. As a result, the lumen is significantly narrowed, which leads to the spread of infection.

Purulent otitis is characterized by the release of pus from the ear canal. This condition occurs when various infections enter the auditory tube. All parts of the middle ear are involved in the inflammatory process. This disease can be mild or chronic.

The main symptom of colds of the ears is the presence of severe pain. Pain is either dull or acute. Fluid builds up in the ear, putting pressure on the eardrum, causing pain. If discomfort is created due to a cold, then symptoms such as:

  • sleep problems;
  • loss of appetite;
  • irritability;
  • accumulation of pus;
  • temperature;
  • itchy ear;
  • hearing loss;
  • stuffiness.

Subsequently, a bacterial infection also joins the painful sensations. because ofaccumulation of fluid, the eardrum ceases to function normally. Its release to the outside indicates a rupture of the membrane. Symptoms of a cold do not appear immediately, but after a while. In any case, you should immediately consult a doctor, since only a qualified otolaryngologist can diagnose inflammation and conduct competent treatment.

Drugs for ear pain

How to treat an ear if it hurts? This question is of interest to many people who are faced with a similar phenomenon and who want to eliminate pain as soon as possible. Therapy does not always require hospitalization, so treatment can be done at home. Basically, ear pain is very severe and brings significant discomfort to the patient. If the disease is accompanied by a rise in temperature, then you need to take an antipyretic, in particular, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol. To quickly eliminate pain, you can use special drops with lidocaine.

Application of drops
Application of drops

Then you need to contact your doctor who will help determine how to treat the ears correctly. If there are plugs in the ear canal, the specialist will be able to wash them. For the treatment of otitis externa, doctors recommend using drops with an antibacterial effect. Often these are means such as Miramidez, Tsipromed, Anauran. However, it is worth noting that these drugs have certain contraindications, so you must first carefully study the instructions.

If the disease is mild, then local anesthetic agents can be used, inin particular, such as Otipax. Antimicrobial formulations for internal use are prescribed very rarely, mainly with an increase in temperature and an increase in lymph nodes. If the pathogen is of a fungal nature, then antifungal agents are prescribed, in particular, such as Fluconazole, Nitrofungin. If your ears hurt, how to treat at home - the attending doctor will be able to tell.

Treatment at home

How to treat an ear if it hurts, it is important to know for everyone who periodically suffers from this problem. Sharp painful sensations can occur as a result of a bruise, with a cold, as well as in the presence of a sulfur plug. First of all, the patient needs to take an anesthetic, and if the temperature is elevated, then bring it down. Then you need to drip 1 drop of peroxide into each ear. After 5 minutes, put a piece of cotton, which will act as a compress.

When water gets deep into the ear, you need to close your nose with your fingers, take air into your mouth and try to squeeze out the water, while tilting your head towards the affected area. This method works well when traveling by plane.

Using oil

You can treat the ear with folk remedies very quickly and efficiently, the most important thing is to competently approach this issue. Olive oil is very good for pain relief. The tool will remove accumulated bacteria and relieve discomfort. You can instill slightly warmed oil into the ear about 3-4 drops.

Application of oils
Application of oils

You can also soak cotton wool in warm olive oil and put it in the eara few minutes to quickly eliminate pain. Or replace it with mustard oil.

Tea tree oil and aloe juice are considered effective remedies. To get rid of painful sensations, you need to mix both components and carefully drip 2 drops of the resulting composition into the sore ear. To improve the result, it is recommended to close the ear with a cotton pad and put on a warm hat on the head.

Onion and garlic

It is very important to understand exactly how to treat the ear at home in order to achieve a good result and quickly normalize well-being. Ordinary onions have a lot of useful characteristics. It is used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. You can get rid of ear pain with the help of lotions prepared on the basis of this product. To prepare them, you need to peel the onion and finely chop. Then mix the resulting slurry with olive oil and make a compress.

Apply the bandage to the ear and keep it on for about 15 minutes. If burning or itching occurs when using the lotion, then the compress should be removed immediately, and the ear should be rinsed with warm water and dried well with a towel. It is likely that inflammation has formed in the ears with a change in the integrity of the skin. In this case, it is not recommended to use warm compresses. How to treat the ears of an adult, only the doctor will tell.

garlic treatment
garlic treatment

Another good remedy is the baked onion. It helps to cope with pain if the ear is blown out. How to treat, you need to know for sure, since onlywith the correct use of this remedy, you can quickly eliminate discomfort and not provoke complications. For cooking, you need to kindle a fire and bake the onion in the skin in the ashes. As soon as it becomes soft, take it out of the ashes and wrap it in a soft cloth. Apply to the affected area and cover with a handkerchief. Use 2 times a day. In addition, this method will allow you to get rid of otitis at the initial stage of the course of the disease.

Garlic, which has pronounced healing and antimicrobial qualities, helps to cope with ear pain. You need to grind a clove of garlic, warm it up a little, and then mix it with sesame oil. The finished mixture is instilled into the ears 3 drops each.

Using propolis

Many people want to know how to treat ear pain so that they can quickly eliminate existing discomfort and relieve inflammation. Propolis has a good result. It is used for the treatment and prevention of many ear diseases. You can buy a tincture at a pharmacy or make your own.

Honey and propolis
Honey and propolis

To prepare a medicine, you need to take 100 mg of dry propolis and put it in the refrigerator for several days. Then grate on a coarse grater and soak in boiling water for 20 minutes. Remove the resulting husk and pour the mixture with 3 tbsp. vodka or medical alcohol. It is worth remembering that the longer you insist propolis, the more useful qualities it will have. It is necessary to instill 3 drops of the resulting solution in each ear. Treatment is recommended to continue for 7days.

In addition to propolis tincture, sunflower oil is also used with an extract of this remedy in a ratio of 2:1. You need to make a flagellum from gauze, moisten it in the resulting product and put it in your ear for several hours.

Heat compresses

The question of how to treat otitis media in the absence of purulent discharge worries many patients, because it is necessary to eliminate unpleasant symptoms quickly and as efficiently as possible. A heat compress will help relieve pain. To do this, heat a small amount of s alt in a frying pan until it turns yellow.

s alt treatment
s alt treatment

Put the finished product in a cotton bag, but you need to make sure that the s alt is not too hot: only pleasant warmth should be felt. The compress must be kept for at least 2 hours. You can replace s alt with cereals.

Boric acid application

To eliminate the focus of inflammation, you can use boric alcohol. Before using this tool, you must first conduct a thorough hygiene of the ear canal. To do this, drip a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into the sore ear and leave for 10 minutes. After that, tilt your head to the sink so that the drug pours out on its own. Peroxide will help eliminate excess sulfur, dust and dirt. This procedure has a very good effect on the ear, and also allows boric acid to eliminate inflammation much faster.

Before the drug is administered, it must be mixed with purified water in a ratio of 1:1. To eliminate acute inflammation, at least 3 drops of the drug are required. Repeat this procedurerecommended daily until the symptoms disappear completely. For the medicine to work better, the ear canal must be closed with a cotton turunda.

If the pain is very strong, then you should moisten a piece of gauze in this remedy, insert it into the ear and leave it for several hours. After treatment, it is forbidden to go outside for 3 hours.

Using decoctions

Knowing how to treat otitis media in adults, you can quickly achieve a good result and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Various decoctions with a pronounced healing effect are considered a good remedy. For cooking, you can use chamomile flowers or bay leaves. To do this, pour the selected product with water and bring to a boil, and then leave in a dark place for 3 hours.

Instill the resulting decoction 10 drops into the affected ear and at the same time take 3 tbsp. l. medicines.

Using tinctures

Various tinctures are considered a good and effective remedy. You can buy them at the pharmacy or prepare them yourself. You can make a healing remedy based on raspberry or rosehip roots.

In addition, calendula tincture is well suited for treatment. It is necessary to moisten the cotton wool and put it in the ear, and put a dry cotton wool on top. Keep as long as possible.

Alcohol tincture of calamus rhizome will help. The agent is instilled 3-4 drops 3 times a day. However, it can be taken orally, previously diluted with water.

Celandine tincture helps to cope with severe ear pain. For this you need 20 gcelandine pour 100 ml of vodka and insist for 10 days. Moisten a swab in the resulting product and lay in the ear. Apply 2-3 times a day.

Other traditional medicine

For pain in the ears, you can use honey diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1, in the form of drops. Fresh aloe juice is effective as an anesthetic, it is also useful to insert Kalanchoe leaves wrapped in gauze into the ear canal.

To relieve pain, you can make a special remedy based on flour and honey. For this, 1 tbsp. l. mix flour with 0.5 tbsp. l. honey until a homogeneous mixture is formed. Then put it on gauze and apply to the sore ear all night. To improve the result, you need to wrap your ear with a warm scarf.

When choosing the most effective treatment, you should first consult with your doctor.

Features of the treatment of children

If a child feels sore and stuffy in the ear, what to treat - only a qualified doctor will tell you. The cause of inflammation is related to the structure of the ear in children, as a result of which fluid and bacteria can enter the ear cavity.

Paracetamol is good as a pain reliever, which is relatively safe and relieves pain well. You can also take Efferalgan or Nurofen.

Ear treatment in children
Ear treatment in children

Among the traditional methods of eliminating ear pain, one can single out such drugs as Isofra, Otofa or Gentamicin. You can also carry out treatment with folk remedies. To relieve pain, you can instillalmond oil in the ear canal. In addition, garlic oil is considered beneficial.

Therapy can be done with plantain herb, thyme, geranium juice, chamomile infusion, rose hips. However, it is worth noting that all remedies can only be used under the supervision of a doctor, as many of them may be unsafe.
