Lichen is a lesion of the skin, the fungi of which are present in almost every person. But for the fungus to become active, certain conditions must be met. Lichen can be transmitted by contact, from a sick person to a he althy person, through clothes or wardrobe items, bath accessories. In addition, there are other provocative causes of pityriasis on the head.
A little about the problem
Pityriasis dermatosis is characterized by strong flaking and localization exclusively in the upper part of the body, usually on the head, without spreading down. Another name for this pathology is multi-colored, as it can have different shades. And the people generally call it "solar fungus", due to the fact that it most often appears in the summer.
The disease is caused by a lipophilic yeast-like fungus that can be on the skin for a long time, but only appear under certain conditions. At risk aremiddle-aged and young people, very rarely the disease occurs in children (under 10 years old) or the elderly (after 65 years old).
Pityriasis versicolor of the scalp is classified as a moderately contagious disease and cannot cause an inflammatory process. Affects only the upper layers of the epidermis. The incubation period is 1.5 months.
Risk group
People who abuse sun exposure, frequent tanning beds and wear synthetic clothing are also at risk.
Pityriasis versicolor of the scalp is often diagnosed in patients with immunodeficiency or in the presence of oncology. In adolescence, it can appear against the background of hormonal failure during puberty. For the same reason, dermatosis can occur in a pregnant woman or during menopause.
If lichen appeared in childhood and was not diagnosed and cured, then subjective sensations can accompany a person throughout life. Children are more susceptible to this disease if they live in a subtropical climate, in such countries it is diagnosed in 40% of cases. In temperate climates, the incidence rate is only 2%.

Possible provocateurs
Today, there are a number of factors that can cause yeast activation, namely:
- genetic predisposition to different types of dermatitis and dermatoses;
- increased oiliness of the skin;
- disturbances in the work of the hornylayer;
- endocrine diseases, in particular diabetes mellitus;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- obesity;
- spring-autumn season;
- diseases of the kidneys and liver, pancreas;
- chronic pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system;
- hormonal disorders;
- some diseases of the genitourinary system;
- hyperhidrosis or chemical changes in the composition of sweat;
- menopause and pregnancy.
Also, the following diseases can be provoking factors: caries, tuberculosis, pyelonephritis or tonsillitis in a chronic form. In some cases, the disease develops against the background of a long depressive state and constant nervous strain. Some medications that are taken uncontrollably, in particular antibacterial and hormonal drugs, can become provocateurs.
Due to the fact that one of the factors that activate the fungus is hyperhidrosis, most often this type of lesion occurs in men.
Causes of illness in children
The causes of dermatosis in children are the same as in adults. In particular, these are excessive sweating and stressful situations, mental strain and protracted viral diseases. Also, the reason may be non-compliance with personal hygiene or improperly selected antibacterial agents.
Where and how can you get infected?
Pityriasis versicolor on the head is a low-contagious disease, so the fungus can become active if hygiene standards are not observed. In particular, you cannot usebath accessories after a sick person, wear hats after him. There is a small risk of infection in the pool or bath, sauna, if there is direct contact with a person who has activated the fungus, or his personal belongings. There are no other ways of infection with dermatosis.

How it all begins
Symptoms of pityriasis versicolor on the head of a person are characterized by the appearance of asymmetrical spots with jagged edges. They can be brown, pink or yellow. At the beginning of the development of the disease, they are small in size, over time they merge into a single large focus. Then the affected area begins to peel off, scales appear. The infected part of the skin does not tan in the sun. In the area where the lichen is located, the skin constantly itches.
Depending on the season, the shade changes, in winter it is darker, even dark brown, and in summer it brightens under the influence of ultraviolet rays.
In childhood
In children, the average incubation period lasts from 1 to 3 weeks, but can reach several months. The duration of the development of the disease depends entirely on the immunity of the baby. At an early age, during the period of 1-3 years, the symptoms of the presence of the fungus may appear a few days after infection.
Manifestations of dermatosis are the same as in adults: first small spots appear, then grow and merge, peel and itch.
Diagnostic measures
Diagnosis of pityriasis versicolor on the head and other parts of the body is carried out usingBalzer's iodine test. The essence of the technique is that the affected area is smeared with iodine. After the solution is absorbed, the places where there is a fungus immediately appear, standing out against the general background with a dark brown color. Iodine solution can be replaced with aniline dyes.
When examining the material after scraping through a microscope, fungal filaments are clearly visible, which are localized in large groups and have a rounded shape.
You can also determine multi-colored lichen on the head using a mercury-quartz lamp, when illuminated, the places affected by the fungus turn brown or reddish-yellow. The diagnostic procedure is carried out in total darkness.
There is another technique - the phenomenon of "chips". If the stain is carefully scraped off in the affected area, then loosening of the stratum corneum and flaking of the scales will be observed.
Diagnostic measures in pediatrics are the same as for adults.

How to get rid of fungus
Treatment of pityriasis versicolor on the head does not involve hospitalization. Therapy mainly consists of the use of topical preparations and tablets.
How to cure pityriasis versicolor quickly? Along with chemical preparations taken orally, external means, you should definitely adjust your diet. If there is a suspicion that the disease has arisen against the background of a stressful situation or problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then they should be disposed of. This applies to any problem that has become a provocateur of the appearance of lichen. In addition to this, ifget rid of the provocateur, the probability of relapse is reduced to almost zero.
External treatment
External therapy involves the use of special creams and ointments that are applied to the affected areas of the skin. The group of medicines for dermatosis includes drugs with the following active ingredients:
- clotrimazole;
- naftifin;
- ketoconazole and others.
If we are talking about the localization of the fungus on the scalp, then Nizoral shampoo is used. Its price is rather high (from 600 rubles), but the efficiency is at a fairly high level. The active ingredient in Nizoral shampoo is ketoconazole.
Shampoo will have to be used daily, for two or more weeks, depending on the result achieved. After the peeling disappears, the use of shampoo should be discontinued so as not to harm the skin and hair.
In childhood, shampoo is used only for 5 days. In the future, you can use it as a prophylactic, 3 days in a row, one wash at a time. It is best to take preventive measures before the onset of the summer season.
Also "Nizoral" is available in the form of tablets and cream.
You can use other shampoos and lotions, as long as they contain antifungal ingredients, such as sodium thiosulfate, ketoconazole or selenium sulfide.
The main positive feature of these funds is that the components are not absorbed into the blood.

Drug "Clotrimazole"
This is a long-known remedy that helps to cope with fungal diseases. For the treatment of pityriasis versicolor on the head of a child or an adult, Clotrimazole ointment can be used. In addition, lotion and cream with this active ingredient are produced. There is also a drug in tablet form.
The ointment is used twice a day, but applied to the skin, especially on the head, should be very careful, trying not to get it on he althy skin. As a rule, there are no side effects after using the ointment or cream. However, if there is a burning sensation or redness, then it is better to refuse further use of the product and consult a doctor to choose another one.
It should be noted that clotrimazole is also not absorbed into the blood through the skin, but the use of products containing it during the period of gestation is not recommended.
Drug "Fungoterbin"
This drug has the active ingredient terbinafine. Available not only in the form of a spray and ointment, but also in tablet form. Most often included in complex therapy, for example, tablets are drunk at the same time and ointment is applied to infected skin areas.
Tablets for pityriasis versicolor in humans with the active ingredient terbinafine should not be used to treat children under 2 years of age. In other cases, the course of therapy is 14 days. There is no information about the negative impact on the condition of a pregnant woman and fetus during the period of using Fungoterbine, howeverconsultation with a doctor is still recommended. And one more feature of this drug: it is impossible to interrupt the course of treatment, even if the symptoms have almost completely disappeared.
Drug "Mycozoral"
Drug based on ketoconazole. However, in comparison with Nizoral, the price of shampoo and other forms of release is lower. When using the remedy, a fairly rapid disappearance of symptoms is observed, however, the course of treatment must be completed in full, as recommended by the doctor, so that there is no relapse in the future. Available in shampoo, ointment and tablet form.
The drug is not used for the treatment of pregnant women. In addition, if the course of treatment involves the use of other drugs, their intake should be extended in time, that is, Mycozoral is used in the morning, and another drug in the evening, or vice versa.

Rumikoz pills
In some cases, traditional and widespread therapy does not help get rid of dermatosis, ointments for pityriasis versicolor, creams and lotions do not help. In such cases, tablets are prescribed, in particular Rumikoz, with the active ingredient itraconazole. However, this medicine cannot be used without a doctor's prescription, as it has a huge number of contraindications. The duration of the course of treatment cannot exceed 7 days, the drug is not used in pediatrics. It should not be taken during lactation and pregnancy.
Treatment of childhood dermatosis
In the treatment of children from pityriasis versicolor on the head, only sparing methods and drugs are used,doses are carefully verified and drugs are selected. Therefore, when it comes to a child, there can be no talk of self-treatment. Moreover, the longer the treatment process is, the greater the risk that other infections will join the existing problem, since it is quite difficult to make sure that the child does not scratch the affected area.
Treatment tactics are almost the same as in the treatment of adult patients. First of all, creams and ointments are prescribed, and only with poor performance - tablets.
Sertaconazole, Bifonazole, that is, imidazole derivatives, are most often used in pediatric treatment.

Homeopathy and herbal medicine
If there is intolerance to pharmaceutical ointments for pityriasis versicolor, other traditional medicine, then you can use homeopathic remedies. First of all, these are Psorilom capsules. This medicine has a complex composition, which includes graphite, potassium bromide, goldenrod, fumes. Along with the capsule form, there is an ointment in which, in addition to the components described, there is oil of violet, elderberry, rosemary, milk thistle. These oils have an antibacterial effect, promote the healing of affected areas of the skin, and relieve irritation.
Lichen can also be treated with the well-known ointment of Vishnevsky and Konkov. You can also use tinctures of propolis, celandine and calendula, which are used to wipe the places where there are spots of lichen.
Recipes of alternative medicine
Pityriasis versicolor on the head lends itself welltreatment with folk remedies. One of the simplest recipes: mix sorrel, which is thoroughly crushed beforehand, with sour cream. The proportion should be 1:1. With this composition, compresses are made on infected areas of the skin.
A good remedy can be made from rue (herb) mixed with butter, the proportion in this case is 1:5. The resulting composition also lubricates infected areas on the head.
You can treat the place with lichen with onion juice. St. John's wort, which is finely chopped and mixed with petroleum jelly, is also suitable.
Additional methods for getting rid of the fungus
Persons who have pityriasis versicolor are advised to sunbathe more often. UV rays help reduce bacterial activity.
During the treatment period, wet cleaning should be carried out daily in the room where the patient is located. In addition, be sure to use disinfectants.
Clothes are recommended to be changed every day, preferably bed linen. Washing should be carried out at a high temperature: from 95 to 100 degrees. After drying, linen and clothes are recommended to be ironed.

Prevention measures
In order not to become a victim of pityriasis versicolor, first of all, it is not recommended to wear things and hats of strangers. If possible, it is better to avoid sudden temperature changes, wash your hair and body regularly. It is better to give up synthetic clothing, and even more so hats made from non-natural materials.
Asa prophylactic agent is hardening and strengthening the immune forces of the body. You should also monitor your diet, it should be rational and fortified.
To prevent re-infection, hygiene rules should be strictly observed. If there is hyperhidrosis, then measures should be taken to eliminate it. In the spring, when all chronic diseases become aggravated, it is recommended to wipe the places where there was once a lichen with a solution of salicylic alcohol (2%). Also, as a prophylactic, you can use Nizoral shampoo. And of course, be sure to avoid contact with an infected person until he is completely cured.
Despite the rather simple treatment of pityriasis versicolor, the disease should not be left to chance or self-prescribe drugs.