Chickenpox is an infectious disease that in almost 100% of cases gives a chance of infecting a he althy person through contact with a sick person, provided that a he althy person has not previously had this type of disease. This pathology is classified as a childhood disease, but it still occurs in adults, who have a rather severe course.
It is believed that when a person has been ill with chickenpox, he develops lifelong immunity, however, in 3% of cases the disease reappears. The main characteristic of the pathology is a rash all over the body. But there are patients in whom the rash is localized on the mucous membrane of the throat.
Transmission Features
Chickenpox in the throat enters the human body by airborne droplets. The disease is very rarely transmitted by contact. After the virus enters the respiratory system, it moves inwards, penetrating into the bloodstream, and affects the epidermis. The causative agent of the disease is the herpes virus, in this case Varicella Zoster, which is considered one of the most contagious.

Chickenpox in the throat of a child canto proceed almost asymptomatically, but if we are talking about an adult, the more severe the course of the disease. In addition to the pronounced symptoms, the pathology itself can be very long. Initially, general well-being worsens, lethargy appears, as the infection gradually penetrates the body. Then there is a headache and plaque on the surface of the tongue. The patient may be disturbed by the constant change of sensations of heat and cold, trembling may begin throughout the body. After some time, the body temperature rises and rashes appear in the oral cavity.
The rash is presented in the form of small red dots, from which blisters with a white liquid inside form in almost a couple of hours. Then the blisters break, but they do not crust in the mouth. It is at this moment that a sore throat appears with chickenpox. There are usually no rashes on the tongue. Ulcers form in the palate, tonsils, and may even appear on the esophagus. With such localization, the main danger is the addition of a secondary infection.

Before the new appearance of blisters, you can observe a jump in body temperature. And the closer the sores to the throat, the higher the temperature. Ulcers cause not only pain, but also coughing and changes in the voice. In addition to rashes on the mucous membrane, they can appear on the face, palms and the whole body.
Diagnosis and how to treat?
Special tests for chickenpox are not required. In most options, treatment in a hospital for chickenpox in the throat is not required. All procedures can be done at home. In thiscase, special solutions and infusions for rinsing are used. The diet during treatment should be as vitaminized as possible, there should be a lot of drinking and strict adherence to hygiene rules. Smallpox itself is treated with antiviral drugs, in particular, Acyclovir and Solcoseryl. These medicines allow you to suppress the virus at the DNA level. The dosage is selected by the doctor individually.
Pain in the background of herpes appears when blisters appear on the tonsils and the back of the throat. The patient may be tormented by a strong cough, accompanied by pain. What to do and how to gargle with chickenpox? There are many drugs and other products that are sold in pharmacies and stores and do a pretty good job of eliminating the symptoms of chickenpox.
"Furacilin" is one of the most common antiseptics that can be purchased at any pharmacy. For the rinsing procedure, 1 tablet of the drug is diluted in 100 ml of warm water. Rinse your mouth with this liquid. To achieve maximum effect, the procedure should be carried out at least 5 times throughout the day. Furacilin is also sold as a powder for dilution.
An analogue of "Furacilin" is sodium sulfacyl, which is sold in ampoules. To prepare the solution, dilute one ampoule in a glass of warm water, mix well and gargle. However, this drug has a number of contraindications, so you should read the instructions before use.

Apple cider vinegar perfectly inhibits the inflammatory process. To prepare the rinse solution, dilute 2 tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of warm water.
If you have a sore throat with chickenpox, then calendula tincture, which can be purchased at pharmacies, will help. In a glass of water, dilute 2 tablespoons of the tincture and gargle several times throughout the day.
Green tea will help relieve pain. The number of tea rinses can be unlimited, but it must be brewed weakly for these purposes.
You can use the most traditional recipe: gargle with baking soda diluted in water. Iodine can be added to such a composition, which will accelerate the process of drying and the disappearance of bubbles. You can also use potassium permanganate if nothing else is at hand. But with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, you can gargle no more than 2 times during the day.
Several rules for the rinsing procedure
To achieve the maximum effect of the rinsing procedure, you should follow some rules. In particular, the procedure itself should be carried out only after eating, the composition should not be swallowed. For the preparation of the product and the procedure, you can not use hot or cold water, only warm. It is not worth saving: it is better to pour out the remaining composition from one rinse and prepare a new mixture for the next procedure.

Ointments and gels
Does your throat hurt with chickenpox? Of course, it hurts, especially if the place of its localization is in the throat. In thatcase, not only rinses, but also gels, ointments will help. To relieve severe symptoms, you can use "Kalgel". The agent lubricates directly the bubbles. A tangible result is already observed after a couple of days, the bubbles disappear, and with them the pain. Spots can be lubricated with Solcoseryl adhesive paste. It is applied after eating on the tonsils and larynx. The pain is relieved by this remedy for about 5 hours. To wipe the blisters, you can use sea buckthorn oil, which should be lubricated with watery blisters several times throughout the day.
Essential oils
Pain with chickenpox in the throat in an adult is well removed by essential oils, besides, they help to neutralize the virus, that is, the patient feels a decrease in pain, and the problem goes away faster. The main thing to remember is that essential oils are highly concentrated, so they must be diluted. The proportion should be as follows: 5 drops of oil per 100 ml of water. Essential oils can be used in the treatment of children from 4 years. Thanks to them, a new epithelium is formed faster in damaged areas.

Folk recipes
When using products made from natural ingredients, it is better to consult a doctor, as herbs have many active biological components and can cause an allergic reaction. A good effect with chickenpox in the throat gives a decoction of sage and chamomile. The recipe is very simple: a small amount of both medicines should be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for about 30 minutes. After the solution has cooled to room temperaturetemperature, you can gargle.
Suitable for removing the inflammatory process and a more complex composition of the tincture, which can be added:
- chamomile flowers;
- flax seeds;
- eucalyptus;
- calendula.

All components are added in equal parts, poured with 200-250 milliliters of boiling water and infused. After 30-40 minutes, you can start gargling. The procedure should be carried out at least 3 times a day. For children, eucalyptus is best suited, decoctions from it, it acts gently and quickly.
Possible Complications
It is necessary to understand that chickenpox in the throat is not only pain, but also a high risk of developing complications in the future. Other organs can be involved in the inflammatory process: bronchi and even lungs. And this is the risk of developing bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis or laryngitis. In addition, with chickenpox, swelling of the mucous membrane appears, which leads to difficulty in the breathing process, followed by the formation of sputum. If complications arise, it will be necessary to treat not only chickenpox, but also concomitant diseases.

Can you save yourself?
Today, there is only one method that can protect a person from smallpox - vaccination. The vaccine can be administered at any age, but is most often done before 12 years of age. Despite this, it is better to refuse any contact with an infected person. Do not neglect the rules of hygiene, use only your own towels andother bath accessories. Be sure to ventilate the housing, keep it clean and carry out wet cleaning. Watch your immunity, strengthen it as much as possible.