All people face various diseases. Some of the ailments are quite common, while others appear rarely. There are diseases that make people uncomfortable and prevent them from living a normal life. An example is discharge from the anus. It should be said right away that the cause of this phenomenon can be different, as well as the symptoms. Consider why there is discharge from the anus.

Reason for mucus discharge
Most often a person encounters the appearance of mucous secretions. The cause of such an ailment may be a banal malnutrition and dysbacteriosis or rectal cancer.
In violation of the level of beneficial bacteria and the formation of pathological microorganisms, in addition to the appearance of liquid, a person notes indigestion, unusual stools and bloating. The secretion of mucus from the anus in this case is treated with antibiotics and the use of a complex of beneficial bacteria and fermented milk products. Be sure to pass the analysis and undergo an examination before the correction.
If the discharge from the anus is accompanied by pain and general deterioration, then the cause of the disease can be much more serious. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible for examination and treatment. Especially if the family already had cases of bowel cancer.

Discharge of blood from the anus
The cause of this condition is most often an anal fissure or hemorrhoids. Only a competent specialist can correctly diagnose.
Anal fissure most often does not cause any discomfort to a person in everyday life. However, as soon as the moment of defecation comes, problems begin. The person is in pain and unable to empty their bowels. Very often, anal fissures are accompanied by constipation. It is necessary to treat such a condition with softening regenerating suppositories and laxatives.
If you suffer from hemorrhoids, then most likely, before bleeding from the anus appears, you will feel pain while sitting on a hard surface. Depending on the stage of the disease, the method of treatment is chosen. When hemorrhoids appear, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible. This will help to avoid surgery and cure the disease in conservative ways.
Also, the appearance of blood may be due to various neoplasms in the intestines. Most often, a person encounters polyps. They may bleed regardless of the time of bowel movement.

When they appeardischarge from the anus?
Depending on what is causing this symptom, a person may find discharge during or after a bowel movement.
Anal fissure most often makes itself felt during bowel cleansing. Patient discovers blood on toilet paper.
Hemorrhoids may have unusual discharge during the day or night, or after strenuous exercise.
Discharge from the anus with dysbacteriosis is most often found in the feces.
If you suddenly encounter various unusual discharges from the intestines, you need to contact a proctologist as soon as possible. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the necessary tests for you, according to the results of which it will be possible to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe a correction. Do not let the disease take its course and hope that everything will go away on its own. Sometimes even the most harmless disease can lead to irreparable consequences.
Take care of your he alth and always be he althy!