What is the psychosomatics of papilloma? What kind of neoplasm is this? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Papillomas are tumor-like formations that appear on the human body in the form of warts or growths. They cause a lot of inconvenience and, if left untreated, can turn into a malignant form. Consider the psychosomatics of papilloma below.
Reasons for appearance
So what is papilloma psychosomatics? This is the presence of a psychological motive or a whole group of reasons for a decrease in immunity and as an outcome of the activation of the human papillomavirus.

The basic reason for the appearance of warts on the skin is the invasion of the body by HPV. This infection is found in the skin, body fluids, and mucous membranes of the patient.
It is easy to get infected with this virus, because it can enter the body through any defectsskin, even through micro-wounds that appeared as a result of pathological dryness of the skin. According to statistics, this infection is present in 80% of the population of our planet. That is, in this case, the psychosomatics of papilloma does not play any role.
Incubation period
Few people know the characteristics of the psychosomatics of the human papillomavirus. It has long been noted that in different people the incubation period of invasion has an unequal long-term duration. So, some people can go through their whole lives with an infection in the body and not even know about it, while for others, 30 days after infection, growths begin to form on the skin.
Often papillomas reappear even after surgical removal. Moreover, for different patients this happens at different times, and for some it does not happen at all. The psychosomatics of the papilloma virus is responsible for this phenomenon. This means that signs of infection appear only after the occurrence of psychological problems.

This does not mean that the disease begins to manifest itself to the maximum immediately after minor stress. Organic disorders in the body usually begin when the individual's psyche is extremely overstrained.
Some statistics
HPV (human papillomavirus) 7 out of 10 Russians are infected to some extent. This infection lives and is not shown until the person's immunity decreases. The virus causes significant harm to our body. It deprives people of a happy, fulfillinglife when shown as growths.
The first harbingers of the presence of HPV in the body are papillomas and warts. If they are not treated, then the disease will develop further and the growths will spread throughout the body.
Psychological reasons for activation
We continue to consider the psychosomatics of papilloma. We will study the psychological reasons for its activation. A group of patients with papillomas does not like to live today. She keeps coming back to the past. Such sick people remember various situations that happened to them, try to understand what they did wrong, and how they should have acted in this or that case, and what should not have been done.

As a rule, these people do not like themselves, they treat themselves with excessive severity and do not forgive even small mistakes. At the same time, no matter what virtues and talents they have, they do not notice them at all.
Who is diagnosed most often?
Agree, the psychosomatics of papilloma, which appeared on the body, is rather intricate. In general, the skin integuments in psychosomatics are a reflection of how the individual is used to "feed" himself and how he interacts with the outside world.
Papillomas in most cases are diagnosed in female patients. This is partly due to the fact that men have a different type of thinking. They are more inclined to analyze and think than to experience and feel. That is why the carrier of the infection is usually the male population of the planet.
Psychologists saythat warts are most often encountered by those people who have suffered severe stress in the recent past, resulting in strong resentment.
Cervical dysplasia and mental he alth
What is the psychosomatics of cervical papilloma? It is known that papillomavirus 16 and 18 modifications are responsible for the progress of cervical dysplasia. This infection is usually activated in a certain type of women.

Very often these are ladies with very low self-esteem, who believe that their rights are infringed upon and that they are not sexy. Such patients do not like intimacy, they do not know how to build relationships with men and are ashamed of their bodies. Often they have a grumpy, rude nature, not feminine.
Development of oncological processes
Many people ask: "What is the psychosomatics of papilloma that appeared on the body?" We have already considered this issue. Let us now study the factors in the development of oncological processes. As you know, some types of papillomavirus can affect the appearance of cancerous diseases. However, this does not happen to everyone.
Many people with papillomas live for years, do not eliminate them and do not suffer from oncology. Often a papilloma turns into a malignant tumor when the patient begins to feel useless, believes that his life is wasted, and there is no point in it.
It has long been recorded that those people who are adored and feel desired live much longer than others. If a person feels that he is not loved, he often thinksabout death. Indeed, in this world there is not a single individual who would say to him: “I really need you! Stay!”

If a person is in such a depressed state for a long time, then various transformations begin to occur in his body, negatively affecting his defenses. As a result, immunity is not able to destroy even single atypical cells. As a result, the risk of cancer increases.
In this case, you should immediately go to see a psychotherapist. If a person does not want to do it on his own, then relatives are obliged to insist on his visit to the doctor. During this period, they must demonstrate their love to the unnecessary, make compromises, be attentive to him.
It should be noted that often not only old people, but also young patients feel the futility of their existence. For example, this happens as a result of unrequited love.
Who is at risk?
Surely, every person has faced various stressful situations during his life. But someone overcomes them with success and lives on, while someone falls into depression, which provokes the growth of warts and other growths on the body in the future. People prone to the emergence and growth of papillomas on the body have their own specifics. Stress affects the psyche most strongly in the following patients:
- Close relatives who had any mental disorders. If a person's father or mother suffered from anxiety or depression, they have a four times higher chance in the futurefuture encounter with psychosomatic disorders.
- Ladies of the reproductive period. Scientists have proven that women's sex hormones greatly affect their brain and, accordingly, their emotional background and mood. It is for this reason that every fifth lady on Earth overreacts even to the smallest stresses, suffers from prolonged depression.
- The elderly. According to statistics, one out of seven people over 60 suffers from some kind of spiritual impulses. At the same time, more than 90% of people do not pay attention to their condition and, accordingly, do not try to fight it.
- Low IQ.
- Unemployed, married or previously married.
- Dark-skinned or born from mixed marriages.

The risk of developing psychosomatic abnormalities also increases in people who were abused in childhood, in those who use medications to lower blood pressure and psychotropic drugs, who have protracted ailments of a purely organic genesis, disorders of the thyroid gland, suffer from lack of sleep.
Non-pharmacological methods of healing
To eliminate psychosomatic pathologies, doctors use a variety of psychotherapy technologies. Their choice depends entirely on the mental state of the individual and his age.
In this case, suggestive methods of therapy are often used, that is, healing, the essence of which lies in the influencepsychotherapist on the thoughts of the patient. Here, the specialist inspires the patient with the necessary information or (in difficult cases) hypnotizes him.
Very good effects and gives a positive treatment. In this case, the doctor conducts a series of conversations with the patient, during which he teaches him to correctly assess different situations, to cope with stressful conditions with the utmost ease. Depending on the severity of the disease, 20 to 50 sessions may be needed.
Behavioral Cognitive Therapy is also recommended here. In this case, the doctor encourages the patient, teaches him to look for virtues in himself and improve them, helps to transform thinking and instructs how not to succumb to stereotypes.
Healing is rarely complete without family therapy, psychodrama and psychoanalysis. In severe cases, medication may be needed.
Drug treatment
For the treatment of ailments that are associated with psychosomatics, doctors prescribe antidepressants. They enable the patient to look at the world differently and help to eliminate the feeling of oppression.
In addition, tranquilizers are often used. They remove fears and anxiety, but at the same time improve the activity of the nervous autonomic system, do not cause a feeling of drowsiness.
In this case, sedatives are rarely dispensed with. They remove the feeling of resentment, aggression, anger, relax the muscles of the whole body. The advantages of these medications also include the fact that they neutralize the effect of psychostimulants.

Doctorsit is advised to use sedatives in the evening, as they tend to cause slow reactions and drowsiness.
Psychotropic drugs are selected by a doctor. It is he who determines the duration of their application. Synthetic medicines are optional. In mild cases, you can get by with pharmacy teas, herbal preparations. Babies are often prescribed homeopathic remedies.
Disease prognosis
Warts are surgically removed in one session. However, if the psychosomatic motives of the disease are not eliminated, then neoplasms may reappear on the skin.
After the patient has completed the full course of treatment, it is important for him to learn how to counteract stress. To do this, you need to meditate, lead a he althy lifestyle, relax more, engage in various sports, and be in the fresh air more often.
Papilloma in intimate places
What is the psychosomatics of papilloma on the large genital lips of a woman? On the genitals, such growths occur due to the following reasons:
- dissatisfied with oneself, especially one's own appearance;
- long-standing, long-standing grievances (more often on men in general or on a sexual partner);
- irritation, annoyance, anger towards the opposite sex;
- feeling of inferiority and inferiority, self-doubt.
Prevention of this type of papillomas is as follows:
- using barrier contraception (condom);
- compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
- maintaining sufficient levelsimmunity;
- promiscuous is forbidden.
Louise Hay
What does Louise Hay say about the psychosomatics of papilloma? It is known that Louise compiled a table of the causes of ailments, based on her many years of experience and other people. It was first published in the book Heal Your Body in 1982. Since then, she has helped many people solve their own problems.
Although Louise Hay is not a healer or a doctor, but the creation of this table has become natural. After all, the application of its technology gave exceptional results. A person himself can change his life and heal himself by transforming his type of thinking and attitude towards himself.

Louise Hay believes that if a person has a neoplasm, it means that he keeps old grievances in his soul. What does he need to do to heal? Louise suggests creating a healing mindset and saying, “I love myself and will reward myself with great thoughts. I forgive with ease.”
Other psychosomatics
Do you know the psychosomatics of papilloma on the neck? We have already said that medicine defines the human papillomavirus as an infectious disease that appears against the background of a decrease in immunity. However, medicine does not explain why tumors arose in a particular place.
Psychosomatics also explains this point: it is believed that a person communicates with the real world and declares himself to him through the skin. If he does not respect himself, does not appreciate, then the skin begins to project such an attitude towards himselfby molding outgrowths. The appearance of papilloma in a certain place indicates that there are fundamental problems in this area of \u200b\u200blife.
So, stubbornness, pride, intractability are the causes of growths on the neck. Psychosomatics makes the neck responsible for ease in relationships. As soon as the individual begins to be irrelevant and overly stubborn, the body immediately reacts accordingly.
And what is the psychosomatics of papilloma on the eyelid? Such an education indicates that a person is only interested in personal enrichment, he is ready to forget about decency in order to achieve a goal. However, as well as papillomas that appeared on other parts of the face.
In any case, warts appear only when a person stops loving himself the way he is. Faith in personal external and internal beauty will help to avoid the formation of papillomas. Do the following:
- Understand the true psychological causes of illness.
- Release accumulated anger, unconscious anger, let go of bad memories.
- Learn to openly express, control your emotions, attitudes to situations and people.
- Make and maintain the right social and personal connections.
- Learn to forgive wrongs from others.
- Forgive yourself for the mistakes you have made towards others and yourself.
- Think in detail, and then organize time for good rest (relaxation, good sleep). This will help start the process of relaxation and release from psychological clamps,voltage.
Remember that every person is unique. All people are different, everyone has the right to their personal habits and opinions. What was previously considered imperfection compared to anyone else must be rethought as your individual trait, a personal feature that makes you different from others.