Bronchitis in children without fever: symptoms, causes, main signs of bronchitis, treatment and recovery

Bronchitis in children without fever: symptoms, causes, main signs of bronchitis, treatment and recovery
Bronchitis in children without fever: symptoms, causes, main signs of bronchitis, treatment and recovery

Bronchitis is an acute inflammatory process resulting from the penetration of infection into the lower respiratory tract. Often affects the area of the nose and throat, trachea and larynx. First, inflammation occurs in the nasopharynx, then it goes to the deeper parts of the respiratory system. This means that under the influence of specific etiological conditions and background conditions, structures that are in the lumen of the bronchus of any caliber are damaged. At the same time, in the traditional form, inflammation is not transmitted to close tissues of the lungs or other areas of the upper respiratory organs.

Girls and boys get sick equally. As for the body type of the child, children with high weight and signs of paratrophy are more susceptible to bronchitis, especially its obstructive form. Hereditary predisposition and cases of family defeat are also found. Does bronchitis happen without fever in children? Symptoms that signal this disease are described below.

bronchitis without fever in a child, treatment
bronchitis without fever in a child, treatment

The main signs of the course of the disease in babies

Early detection of signs of the disease will prevent further complications and will help to start therapy on time, which will increase its effectiveness. For bronchitis in a child under one year old, as in young children, the criteria for making a diagnosis are:

  1. Previous acute respiratory disease. Quite often, children can get the disease on the background of viral infections. As a rule, this happens on the 3-4th day of SARS.
  2. Cough is considered a basic indicator of bronchitis. By its nature, it is possible to note with certain certainty that the inflammation is localized directly in the bronchi and at what stage it is. As a rule, its occurrence signals the onset of the disease. At this time, it is dry, sometimes hoarse. The baby coughs regularly, almost with every breath. This is due to irritation of the inflamed mucosa with air. After a couple of days, the bronchial epithelium is renewed and mucus begins to rapidly form to remove microorganisms located in the affected areas. Clinically, this is expressed in the form of a wet cough. It becomes less frequent and quite soft. At this time, the baby is able to cough up colorless or yellowish sputum, which he usually swallows.
  3. Discomfort in the chest area. Children up to a year do not know how to speak, but older babies in some cases indicate this. Localization of the inflammatory focus in the chest areamore characteristic of tracheitis, which is very often formed in the form of an alternate descending process.
  4. Severe weakness of the body, lethargy and lack of appetite in a child are far from specific properties of bronchitis. However, their formation must constantly alert parents. The problem is that the infant organism is so variable that the etiology of the disease can change its course every hour. These signs are considered to be indicators of deterioration.
  5. Wheezing, also one of the peculiar signs. Its character can contribute to the correct diagnosis - simple or obstructive bronchitis. The disease can be both dry and wet. Of the latter, large- and small-bellied are distinguished. The more wheezing resembles crepitus, the more likely that the small bronchi are affected, and this will require differential diagnosis to exclude pneumonia. At the same time, it is possible to listen to them either during auscultation of the chest, or even at a distance, at a distance. It should not be overlooked that wheezing can also occur due to the accumulation of mucus in the throat, which can smooth out the bronchitis clinic.
  6. Shortness of breath is considered a serious indicator of the disease. Determines the occurrence of respiratory failure and its severity. The baby begins to breathe often and difficult, especially with various loads. In young children, this is also expressed by the appearance of cyanosis of the skin during breastfeeding, which he refuses.
  7. Palpitations and tachycardia occur simultaneously with shortness of breath and are also consideredindicators of respiratory failure. Its very appearance already indicates a difficult state.

It is worth saying again that a child has bronchitis without fever. Symptoms in children of different ages manifest themselves in their own way, but the main of the initial signs is a dry cough.

Additional Research

As a rule, these symptoms of bronchitis without fever in children with cough and wheezing are enough to make a diagnosis. In doubtful situations, to exclude concomitant lung damage in the form of bronchopneumonia or other pathologies, an x-ray examination of the chest organs is indicated. It is highly desirable to carry out a sputum culture for the composition of the microflora and its susceptibility to drugs, which will prevent the appointment of substances that are not suitable for a particular child in this case.

obstructive bronchitis in children without fever
obstructive bronchitis in children without fever

Causes of bronchitis

From among the etiological conditions and mechanisms for the development of bronchitis in a child up to a year old with its frequent chronicity and recurrent course up to 2-3 years of age, it is possible to note the characteristic features of the child's body, the conditions that provoke the development of the disease and the bacteria that directly become it factor.

As for the provoking causes for the formation of the disease, here it should be noted more significant ones that provoke the rapid development of the disease.

Regular hypothermia of the body

This is due to the imperfection of thermoregulation of children, especially in the first 3 months of existence. Ifparents dress their babies very easily and at the same time walk on the street, or the baby stays in a room with an air temperature below 18-19 ° C, this can cause hypothermia. And on the contrary, if you wrap the baby very much, he will rebuke. The smallest draft for wet skin is enough to provoke hypothermia and further illness.


how to treat bronchitis in children without fever
how to treat bronchitis in children without fever

In this case, there is a huge number of disagreements. If the baby begins to cough and teeth are cut at the same time, almost all parents take all the signs for the course of a natural process. Doctors stubbornly refute this as a variant of the norm, and insist on curing bronchitis. In fact, these 2 processes are interconnected. Of course, teething will require a lot of energy and immune mechanisms suffer, and mucus begins to form in the bronchi. If the process becomes inflammatory, with the presence of absolutely all accompanying signs, then it is summarized as bronchitis.

Acute respiratory diseases

bronchitis in a child without fever, Komarovsky
bronchitis in a child without fever, Komarovsky

ARI in more than half of the cases become a factor and background for the formation of bronchitis. Among the specific causative agents of the disease in a child under one year old, initially affecting the bronchi and able to actively increase the enterobacterial flora, microbes of a wide variety of groups belong, less often pathogenic organisms from the adenovirus genus. They stimulate the destruction of the epithelium of the respiratory organs. Whereinthe mucosa becomes defenseless. Against this background, a secondary enterobacterial infection joins, which under normal circumstances lives in the lumen of the bronchi, without initiating practically any pathologies.

How to treat bronchitis in a child?

In a child, bronchitis often takes on a chronic course, with stable relapses up to a three-year period. For this reason, it is imperative to comply with certain terms of the treatment process. How is bronchitis treated in children without fever, the symptoms of which you already know? Here are the main recommendations:

  1. Food. Allergenic foods are excluded (chocolates, honey, raspberries, citrus fruits.) The menu must be fractional, food is nutritious and high-calorie. Be sure to drink enough. The mother's diet during breastfeeding is the same.
  2. Schedule. Eliminate tedious loads for a sick baby and walks on the street, especially in bad weather and in the acute period of the disease. You need to get out into fresh air. Children should be dressed appropriately for the weather.
  3. For the treatment of bronchitis in a child without obstructive temperature, antitussive substances are prescribed. This requires a differentiated approach to the appointment. If children have a dry cough that regularly disturbs sleep, it is recommended to take antitussive drugs ("Sinekod", "Stoptussin".) When the baby begins to sputum, it is necessary to start taking drugs to thin it and remove it from the bronchi.
  4. Inhalation treatment. The most productive way to healwith each variant of bronchitis. With its precise application, every need for prescribing antibacterial agents can be eliminated.
  5. In the treatment of bronchitis in a child without an acute form of temperature, antiviral and immunomodulatory substances are used. Taking into account that most diseases occur against the background of respiratory tract infections, homeopathic drops or pills will certainly be prescribed.
does bronchitis happen without fever in children
does bronchitis happen without fever in children

No antibiotics anywhere

It is advisable to involve them from 2-3 days during the period of enterobacterial infection with the slightest signs of bronchitis. The duration of their use for at least 5 days must be precisely maintained. If necessary, it is preferable to continue the duration of the cure in order to prevent the development of resistance of microorganisms to drugs and the chronicity of the process. In the event of an allergic interaction with a drug, it is replaced by an identical drug (preferably from a different category). Antihistamines are prescribed.

Massage procedure

bronchitis in children without fever with cough
bronchitis in children without fever with cough

Massage proved to be very good at the recovery stage. In the acute form of the disease, it is strictly prohibited. The criterion for appointment is the state when a dry cough changes into a wet one, after a decrease in temperature or its absence. It is worth remembering that it should be vibrating and help to remove sputum. To do this, the baby is placed on the tummy. Alternate stroking of the skin is performed, followed by knockingmovements towards the spine, from the bottom up. The duration of one session is 7-9 minutes. The procedures are performed every day, for about two weeks.

Komarovsky's general recommendations for bronchitis without fever in a child

The doctor, examining children, is able to detect swelling of the chest. The retractions of the zones of this area are visually considered, since additional muscles are involved in the course of breathing. The key conditions for curing bronchitis in a child are the exclusion of self-treatment, the appropriate referral to a specialist, which will indicate the course of therapy.

In case of a threat of the transition of the disease into a chronic form, in the presence of a high body temperature, the baby is subject to hospitalization. In particular, this applies to a child up to a year and older, since they are characterized by inadequate functioning of the organs responsible for breathing. Acute bronchitis is treated with warm drinks, antipyretic drugs, and bed rest. At normal temperature, inhalations are done, rubbing the diseased area.

When is additional action needed?

there is bronchitis without fever in a child
there is bronchitis without fever in a child

If the disease does not leave within a week, an auxiliary examination is necessary. It is forbidden to take antibiotics. Physiotherapeutic methods are introduced into the totality of medical operations, a special diet is determined.

As an antibacterial therapy, children should be given only those drugs that are indicated for medical purposes. Parents should take this issue seriously, do not acquirerandom advertised pharmaceuticals.

No codeine

Children under one year old should not be given substances containing codeine. Nationwide ways to cure bronchitis can be used as additional in the presence of basic medical therapy.

In order to exclude this diagnosis in the future, children are put on dispensary records. In winter, it is preferable not to wrap the child very much, to beware of sweating, clothing must be windproof.

It is worth protecting yourself from hypothermia

Hypothermia is one of the first factors in the appearance of bronchitis. Industrial dust is also often the cause of the disease. The best place for a child to play is an area where trees grow, it is recommended to walk with them away from production. It is necessary to pay attention to the cleanliness of the room where the baby is. Dusty air is considered a breeding ground for bacteria that can provoke inflammation of the bronchi. It is advisable to carry out measures to harden the child, introduce physiological procedures, breathing exercises.
