How to treat hemorrhoids at an early stage at home?

How to treat hemorrhoids at an early stage at home?
How to treat hemorrhoids at an early stage at home?

Thinning of the venous walls provokes the development of hemorrhoidal disease. This is a rather delicate pathology - patients are often embarrassed to contact a proctologist and prefer to treat hemorrhoids at an early stage at home. From medicated baths to homemade rectal suppositories, there are many ways to alleviate symptoms and prevent complications.

Symptoms of the disease

The sooner you start treatment, the more likely it is that the disease will not enter the terminal stage. If symptoms of hemorrhoids have been noticed, then treatment should be started as soon as possible. The following manifestations may be observed:

  • itching in the rectal area;
  • remains of blood during defecation;
  • appearance of small, painless bumps in the anus;
  • recurring pain in the anus.

Stagesdisease development and treatment

Proctology distinguishes the following stages of the disease:

  1. In the first stage, the patient feels only mild discomfort. Hemorrhoids, which are formed due to the thinning of the venous walls, do not yet fall out. In rare cases, they can close the lumen of the rectum - this leads to the release of a small amount of blood after the act of defecation. Treatment of hemorrhoids at an early stage is the most effective, and in order not to start the disease, you should start therapy as soon as possible.
  2. In the second stage, hemorrhoids begin to fall out. Almost all patients try to adjust them, at this stage they succeed. Blood after the act of defecation is already released in larger quantities, in some cases even small bleeding may develop.
  3. At the third stage, discomfort follows the patient almost always. Now hemorrhoids are enlarged so much that they no longer fit in the rectum. So they start falling out. It is impossible not to notice them. Knots cause severe pain. They fill with blood and can burst on their own, this process can take from one week to a month. Do not think that after the knot bursts, the torment will end. Knots will form constantly. The disease is often complicated by bleeding, there may be infringement of hemorrhoids, thrombosis, infection - this is what hemorrhoids are dangerous for the patient's life.
treatment of hemorrhoids in the first stage
treatment of hemorrhoids in the first stage

Causes of hemorrhoidal disease

Most oftenthe appearance of hemorrhoids is due to the following reasons:

  • problems with bowel movements - constipation or persistent diarrhea, which are triggered by poor diet, sedentary lifestyle or deterioration of intestinal motility;
  • constantly being on your feet - blood rushes to the legs and pelvic organs, as a result, the load on the venous walls increases, and they can not stand it;
  • constant physical labor, because hemorrhoids are an occupational disease of loaders, builders;
  • weightlifting can also cause thinning of the venous walls and the appearance of hemorrhoids, especially when doing squats and deadlifts with extremely heavy weights;
  • regular malnutrition: lack of fiber in the diet causes constipation, and constant straining often provokes thinning of the venous walls of the rectum;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • pregnancy and natural childbirth is a common cause of chronic hemorrhoids that stay with a woman for life;
  • hereditary predisposition to varicose veins and thrombosis;
  • obesity, especially in the abdominal type (when fat is deposited in the abdomen);
  • frequent hypothermia of the pelvic area and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system lead to the formation of thrombosis in the rectum.

List of the most effective treatments

Modern proctology offers manyhow and how to treat hemorrhoids at an early stage. These can be rectal suppositories, taking blood thinning pills, taking herbal infusions orally, using therapeutic baths.

It is optimal to use not just one method, but a combination of ways to get rid of the disease. For example, in the morning before going to work - a bath of herbal infusions with the addition of potassium permanganate, and in the evening - be sure to put yourself a rectal candle.

The most effective medications for treating hemorrhoids at an early stage:

  • "Proctosan";
  • "Natalsid";
  • "Relief Ultra";
  • "Ultraproject";
  • "Proctosedyl M";
  • "Relief Advance"
  • "Hepatrombin G"
  • "Troxerutin" in the form of tablets and ointment;
  • "Venarus" in the form of tablets.

It is worth considering that you should not use the funds yourself. Medical consultation required.

How to treat hemorrhoids at an early stage at home? There are several ways to influence:

  • healing baths;
  • homemade rectal suppositories;
  • compresses on the area of the prolapsed hemorrhoid;
  • power correction.

In the first stage of the disease, home therapy alone is often sufficient. Ideally, if you can change your lifestyle - this will avoid recurrence of the disease.

For example, if the loader refuses to constantly carry weights and changes his placework, this will reduce the load on the pelvic organs. Over time, blood circulation will be restored and the manifestations of hemorrhoids can be forgotten. Alas, there are professions that do not involve reducing the load over the years. For example, military personnel are forced to be on their feet for long hours - this lifestyle contributes to the appearance of hemorrhoids. But since it is impossible to change the load and make it less, it remains only to use various methods of therapy.

herbal remedies for hemorrhoids
herbal remedies for hemorrhoids

How to treat hemorrhoids at an early stage at home?

This question interests many patients. How and how to treat hemorrhoids at an early stage in women? The structural features of the pelvic organs make this process much easier than in men. The fair sex can afford to use the entire arsenal of means in the fight against the disease: these are rectal suppositories, baths, and ointments.

How and how to treat hemorrhoids at an early stage in men? They have it harder. For example, baths with the addition of potassium permanganate often provoke a burn of the external genital organs. Therefore, before using this or that remedy, you should test for a possible allergic reaction. Herbal infusions are almost always safe, however, they can also cause hives, rashes, burning and itching in the genital area. For men, it is better to use rectal suppositories: local action will provide a therapeutic effect on the rectal area.

folk remedies
folk remedies

Independentmaking rectal suppositories

How to cure hemorrhoids at an early stage in men? Here is a list of the most effective recipes for making your own rectal suppositories:

  1. This recipe requires beeswax and sea buckthorn oil. Candles have an excellent analgesic effect, contribute to a decrease in the size of hemorrhoids. About 50 grams of beeswax should be melted in a water bath. Add a tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil. Then pour the resulting mass into molds for ice. Put in the refrigerator, let cool. You will get square oil pieces - they must be cut with a knife in such a way that a rectal suppository is obtained no more than 0.5 cm in length. It is necessary to insert candles into the rectum several times a day. Under the influence of body heat, the wax melts, and the healing bioflavonoids begin to actively act, relieving pain and healing the mucous membrane.
  2. Candles made from potato juice and beeswax are a great remedy. You should make blanks in the same way as the first method. Only instead of sea buckthorn oil, you need to add potato juice to the wax. This ingredient is famous for its ability to have a beneficial effect on the rectal mucosa and anesthetize hemorrhoids. Potato juice as part of wax candles has helped more than one person - this is confirmed by the reviews.
  3. How to treat hemorrhoids at an early stage at home, if there is no way to get beeswax? Vaseline can be used as an auxiliary component for the manufacture of rectal suppositories. It freezes well in the refrigerator.if you add a little potato starch to it. The proportions are as follows: half a teaspoon of starch, a teaspoon of potato juice, three tablespoons of medical vaseline. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and pour into ice cube trays. Once chilled in the refrigerator, cut gently with a knife and use two to three times a day as you would any other rectal suppositories.
beeswax for hemorrhoids
beeswax for hemorrhoids

Using baths to relieve symptoms

How to treat hemorrhoids at an early stage during pregnancy? Baths are ideal. Do not use aggressive components for the preparation of therapeutic liquid. For example, potassium permanganate, even in a weak solution, can cause severe irritation, and sometimes even a burn.

How to treat hemorrhoids at an early stage? The ideal ingredients are herbs:

  1. Chamomile has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. A concentrated infusion should be prepared: pour three tablespoons of dry crushed inflorescences with a glass of boiling water. After the liquid has cooled and infused (after about an hour), you need to mix it in a basin with two to three liters of warm water. Take a sitz bath for twenty minutes
  2. Oak bark is famous for its healing, astringent properties. In order to prepare a concentrated solution, you will need two tablespoons of dry chopped oak bark. You can boil them in a glass of water for about five minutes. Or you can just pour boiling water over it and let it brew.
  3. Healing fee, which is sold inpharmacies specifically for preparing a bath for hemorrhoids, consists of a mixture of herbs: yarrow, chamomile, mint, oak bark, bogulnik. The mixture of these ingredients provides a local healing and soothing effect for the rectal mucosa. You can prepare an analogue of the pharmacy collection at home. To do this, mix medicinal herbs in equal proportions, pour boiling water over and let it brew.
herbs for hemorrhoids
herbs for hemorrhoids

Intake of nettle infusion inside

How and how to treat hemorrhoids at an early stage at home? It is important to remember that the effective removal of symptoms is possible only with a complex effect. Therefore, infusions of herbs should be drunk inside. For example, a decoction of nettle is an excellent blood thinner. It should be taken daily on an empty stomach for at least ten days.

Nettle is not a panacea, but it can help in the fight against the disease. Its medicinal substances will purify the blood, restore metabolic processes in the body, strengthen blood vessels and support the work of many organs. For medicinal decoctions and infusions, dry and fresh nettle leaves are used. Also, the stems of the plant and its root are useful in the treatment. You can buy a ready-made dry collection at the pharmacy. Some people collect and harvest nettles on their own. To do this, you should collect the plant in the period from May to August, when the leaves and root are the richest in useful substances - vitamins and bioflavonoids. With proper drying and harvesting, the plant retains its medicinal properties.

nettle extract for hemorrhoids
nettle extract for hemorrhoids

Propolis and honey infight hemorrhoids

Bee products are a great way to treat hemorrhoids at an early stage. A photo of a propolis candle is presented below.

It is necessary to melt a small piece of propolis in a water bath. You can add some fresh flower honey, sea buckthorn or olive oil to it. Then cool in the freezer and cut with a knife, forming candles with your fingers. Use two to three times a day. Insert into the rectum to a depth of about two centimeters from the entrance. At an early stage of hemorrhoids, regular use of rectal suppositories can almost completely relieve the symptoms of the disease.

how to make candles for hemorrhoids
how to make candles for hemorrhoids

The benefits of oils in the treatment of hemorrhoids

Oils can be added to suspensions for the preparation of rectal suppositories or simply lubricated with hemorrhoids. The bioflavonoids and fatty acids contained in the oils relieve dryness, itching, burning. At the initial stage, the hemorrhoids are small, and by lubricating them with oil, you can easily set the painful formation inside.

Olive oil for hemorrhoids is useful due to the composition:

  • vitamins: tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), retinol acetate (vitamin A), niacin (vitamin B3), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), vitamin K;
  • organic acids: oleic, linoleic, palmitic;
  • polyphenols;
  • microelements: magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and others.

Raw potatoes against hemorrhoids

This remedy was used by our distant ancestors. Can notspend time making candles from wax and propolis. How to cure hemorrhoids at an early stage as quickly as possible? You can simply cut a candle out of a raw potato with a knife, rinse it thoroughly with water and insert it into the rectum to a depth of about one to two centimeters. Already in the morning after such a procedure, the patient will feel relief: unpleasant itching and burning will subside. Hemorrhoids in the first stage of the disease can completely disappear thanks to potato juice.

The biggest plus of this tool is the speed of execution. Minus - a candle, unlike propolis and wax, will not dissolve in the rectum. She will come out with the act of defecation. This process is unpleasant for many patients - so they prefer to spend time making wax candles with the addition of raw potato juice.

The importance of proper nutrition in the fight against hemorrhoids

The importance of proper nutrition cannot be underestimated. It has been said more than once that only an integrated approach to treatment will help to get rid of the symptoms of the disease for a long time. Proper nutrition will help normalize the stool - constipation will disappear, and with them the load on the rectum. The following ingredients should be included in your daily diet:

  • beets (both raw and boiled);
  • prunes (you can use dried fruit);
  • vegetables and fruits rich in fiber;
  • greens: parsley, dill, cilantro.

People who lead a sedentary lifestyle should introduce moderate exercise. This is light stretching, jogging, cycling, aerobics. This will improve peristalsis.intestines and will help accelerate blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
