What to do if you scratched a mole? This is a common question. Damage to moles is a fairly common situation. Often, moles appear on open areas of the body, where they are prone to injury and friction.
Most often, nevi (moles) appear on the human body in childhood, but their formation in adulthood is not excluded. To understand what will happen if you injure a mole or have any other damaging effect on it, you need to know what these skin structures are.

What to do if you scratched a mole, many people are interested.
A little about moles
Basically, moles are considered benign epidermal neoplasms, consisting of cells that contain an excess of natural pigments, such as melanin. The reason for the formation of such structures can be a variety of external and endogenous factors, ranging from hormonal failure, endingultraviolet influence. Most often, nevi appear on the body in childhood, and in adulthood, their formation may be a manifestation of the physiological norm, however, this may be a signal of the occurrence of a pathological process, for example, oncological.
Connection with oncology
Moles of any visual characteristics and localization are often associated with cancerous processes, which has certain reasons. Dermatologists note that under the influence of certain concomitant factors, any mole can transform into melanoma, which is a dangerous oncological degeneration of the skin. One of these factors is trauma to the nevus.
Is it dangerous if you scratched a mole?
Injury factors
There are several varieties of nevi, each of which has an individual degree of risk of injury:
- Flat moles - outwardly similar pigmented structures do not rise above the surface of the epidermal cover, which significantly reduces the risk of mechanical damage to this type of mole.
- Convex moles - formations that protrude beyond the boundaries of the surface layer of the skin. Convex nevi are often exposed to trauma, due to contact with tight clothes, accessories and shoes, as well as in the process of combing, washing or performing certain physical work.
- Hanging moles - such neoplasms are most often injured, due to their morphological features.

The last two categories of nevi require a very careful attitude and constant monitoring. In addition, the risk group, whose representatives often face damage to skin nevi, includes, as a rule, children and women. The latter lead this statistic due to their commitment to uncomfortable tight clothing and a variety of accessories that often injure the body of a mole. Children, on the other hand, scratch or tear off moles often unconsciously, during the game.
And if you scratched a mole and it bled?
Bad sign
Blood from a mole is considered a bad sign. In this case, it is necessary to stop the bleeding and urgently contact a specialist for examination of the nevus and further therapy (removal of the formation may be required). It is also necessary to carefully examine the nevus: if it is scratched or torn off, then this is the cause of the bleeding.
However, it often happens that the bleeding is not due to trauma to the mole. In such a case, the formation is either slightly scratched or only partially torn off, or the case is even more complex. There is a certain risk that the mole has become dead and inflamed, which causes such bleeding. In any variant of the cause of bleeding from a nevus, you must consult a doctor. You should not worry, because neither the collection of tests, nor the procedure for removing this formation, if necessary, causes pain and difficulties.

Why does a mole bleed
If scratcheda mole and bleeding - this is a very bad sign. If everything is in order with the mole, it does not grow and does not change its appearance and color, then you do not need to touch it. However, if it is profusely filled with blood or there is bleeding from a nevus, this is a sign of a certain pathology that must be clearly diagnosed. A he althy formation will not bleed, therefore, if blood comes from a nevus, then it is injured.
Sometimes it happens that I scratched a mole without blood.
Causes of mole injuries
There can be several reasons for injury to a mole:
- If a person has accidentally torn off a mole in whole or in part.
- Scratch moles.
- Friction of the location of the mole.
- Scratch moles due to certain skin diseases.
In fact, there is only one reason for the occurrence of mole injuries - this is carelessness in relation to it. Each mole needs observation and care. When bathing and caring for the body, you should always be aware of them and avoid unnecessary exposure. In addition, a nevus can be injured in different ways.
If a mole is severely injured, blood may come out of it. For minor injuries, such as light scratches, there may not be blood, but you need to contact a specialist in any case.
Is it scary if you scratched a mole badly?

Is a mole injury dangerous
Clinical studies have confirmed that in almost 50% of cases, the formation of melanoma is preceded byinjury of pigmented nevi (moles). Some doctors consider these statements controversial, but it is too early to consider the discussion closed. There are many cases when, after a scratch or other injury to a mole, such violations passed without a trace, and almost every person injured a nevus at least once in his life. People also complain that the cat scratched the mole. However, the statistics are hard to dispute, so you need to be vigilant.
Symptoms of violation of the integrity of the mole
There are painful sensations or a feeling of discomfort - it is urgent to take measures that are aimed at establishing the causes and further therapy of the phenomenon on the epidermal cover. Some of the most common symptoms of a general nevus disorder are:
- the skin has uneven edges around the formation;
- there are signs of asymmetry in the shape of the mole;
- nevus color has changed;
- increasing education in size;
- Pain or discomfort.
Self-medication is unacceptable
When a child has scratched a mole, trying to treat it yourself is highly inappropriate, since such procedures can cause serious harm by introducing infection into the damaged cover. The main complication in this case is the development of malignant processes, which are caused by the pathological transformation of the cellular structures of the nevus.
It is for this reason that every person, if possible, should visit a doctor who will carry out the necessary diagnostic measures forthe study of a mole, which will help to identify the presence of certain diseases.
When a person scratched a mole to the point of blood, in the conditions of modern clinical medicine, these problems are solved in several available ways:
- electric current;
- laser removal;
- moxibustion.

Together with any of the above methods, the patient can get rid of the nevus on the skin and eliminate the pain that is often observed in injuries and diseases of moles.
So, I scratched the mole until it bled. What to do, the doctor will tell.
Removal techniques
If the doctor decides to remove the mole, this can be done using the following modern techniques:
- surgical removal;
- nitrogen removal (cryolysis);
- electrocoagulation;
- laser therapy;
- radio wave excision - getting rid of a mole using high-frequency waves.
Surgical removal is considered the most reliable method of removing damaged moles. The surgeon cuts off the formation with a scalpel and cauterizes the wound. Then an antibiotic and a special bandage are applied to the surface. Sometimes the mole and its surrounding surface are removed. The size of this area affects the possibility of developing a malignant process. After cutting out large sections, sutures are applied.
The cryodestruction method is used for small moles and papillomas in prominent places. Using an applicator, liquid nitrogen is applied to the mole, onwhere the bubble appears. It subsequently shrinks and forms a crust, which then falls off and new skin remains in place. This is confirmed by dermatologists. What to do if you scratched a mole, you should first check with them.
Electrocoagulation fights annoying moles, warts, HPV, acne and many other ailments. When removing a mole with an electrocoagulator, the specialist selects the power of the device, and with the help of a loop-tip, begins to act on the mole with an electric current.
Laser therapy is suitable for removing small neoplasms. Today, this procedure is recognized as the most effective method for removing a mole on the face. Its essence is the complete elimination of education. To remove a mole without damaging the surrounding areas of the skin, a beam with a certain wavelength is selected. Its effect is aimed at melanin, which is contained in moles.

Injury to moles: consequences
First of all, it should be noted that the development of the oncological process is not always associated with scratches or other damage to pigmented nevi, and not necessarily melanoma will be the result of such a phenomenon. At the same time, scientists have proved that for moles that are initially classified as melanoma-dangerous, trauma to the surface can lead to an acceleration of the onset of a pathological malignant process. This is one of the main reasons why it is necessary to protect any nevi from all kinds of aggressive influences that damage them.structure.
In addition to malignant transformation, there are several more dangerous consequences that torn or scratched moles can carry with them:
- The development of severe bleeding. The body of the nevus is supplied with many blood vessels that saturate the cells of this formation with oxygen and nutrients. Some nevi, such as hemangiomas and angiomas, consist entirely of a plexus of blood channels. In this regard, if such a formation is damaged, severe bleeding may occur, which can be stopped only through medical care. After visual healing, such a mole often bleeds for a long period of time, which is a consequence of injury.
- Accession of infections. An open wound surface, which is formed at the site of a damaged nevus, forms a quick access for various infectious agents to the skin, and, accordingly, to the entire human body. As a result, a local infectious process or a generalized pathological condition may develop, which is accompanied by suppuration of contaminated sites.
- Inflammatory processes. Often, after mechanical injuries of the nevus, people notice swelling of the area around the mole and hyperemia of the skin. This, along with pain during touching, may indicate the development of the inflammation process. Such a reaction is often accompanied by spasm of blood vessels, which is manifested by the appearance of a white spot around the injured mole. If untreated, this process can lead tosuppuration of the wound surface.
- Formation of scars and scars. This aspect is especially worrisome for women when she scratched a mole on her face with some accessory or manicure. The consequence of such a sloppy attitude can be an aesthetic defect, which is formed against the background of an excessive growth of connective tissue. Subsequently, such scars and scars can only be removed through special cosmetic techniques.

To avoid the above unpleasant phenomena, it is necessary to carefully and attentively treat moles and, best of all, remove the formation located in the high-risk zone in advance.
How to stop bleeding
What to do if a child scratched a mole?
If after an injury, blood has flowed from a mole, the necessary measures should be taken. The first thing to do is to take cotton wool and 3% hydrogen peroxide and cauterize the bleeding area on the skin. After that, a sterile bandage is taken, folded in 2-3 layers and applied to the mole for 10-15 minutes until the bleeding stops.
The article discusses what to do if you scratched a mole.