Skin herpes: symptoms, description with photos, causes, treatment and prevention

Skin herpes: symptoms, description with photos, causes, treatment and prevention
Skin herpes: symptoms, description with photos, causes, treatment and prevention

Skin herpes, the photo of which is presented in the article, is one of the more well-known human diseases, the causative agent of which is the herpes simplex virus. On earth, 85% of the inhabitants are infected with this type of virus. According to the data provided by multiple European studies, by the age of 18 more than 92% of the inhabitants of settlements are infected with one or more species of at least six essential viruses. For more information on how to treat skin herpes, see the article.

Skin herpes: photo
Skin herpes: photo


There are approximately 200 types of herpes viruses. In everyday life, the disease is expressed in rashes in the groin and on the lips, rarely on other parts of the body.

However, this does not apply to those viruses that severely affect the skin and provoke the appearance of sores.

In most situations, the causes of a herpes rash on the trunk are as follows:

  • significant weakening of the immune defense;
  • relapse of a disease that the person has recently suffered;
  • primary infection with certain types of herpesviruses.

Each type of skin disease herpes has its own signs, nature of the disease, the extent and severity of lesions.

Skin herpes: treatment
Skin herpes: treatment


Types of viruses that cause rashes:

  1. Simple 1st type. Localization occurs on the lips, but can be transferred to the eyelids, eyebrows, nails, groin, rarely to other areas.
  2. Herpes simplex type 2. Appears on the inguinal zone - on the genitals, buttocks, thighs. Extremely rarely localized on the back and arms.
  3. Chickenpox, or as it is popularly called - chicken pox. Rashes all over the body, and after a recurrence of the disease - herpes zoster on the ridge and sides of the torso.
  4. Epstein-Barr disease. Induces acute infectious mononucleosis. The standard appearance is formed without a rash, however, taking medications can affect its expression.
  5. Herpes of the 6th type. It is characterized by the occurrence of pseudorubella. Usually occurs in infants, the rash is similar to the standard rubella on the body.
  6. Cytomegalovirus. A common disease, however, rarely leading to lesions on the trunk.
Skin diseases: herpes
Skin diseases: herpes


Skin herpes, the symptoms of which are presented below, is fairly easy to diagnose, as ordinary herpes stands out quite strongly on the skin. The rash is a significantthe number of colorless vesicles that become whitish as the disease develops.


The method of infection and the place of initial infection in the body has a great influence on the localization of rashes:

  1. Near the mouth.
  2. In the groin, on the genitals, in some cases in girls in the vagina and in both sexes on the surface of the rectum.
  3. On the buttocks, mainly when infected genitally during sex.
  4. On the eyebrows, eyelids, in some cases on the conjunctiva, initiating herpetic conjunctivitis.
  5. Under the nails and around the cuticles. This variant is called herpetic felon.
  6. On the face, ears of athletes involved in contact sports. It's called wrestling herpes. Characterized by high temperature.
  7. On the scalp. Generates scalp irritation, dandruff.
  8. In the folds of the skin - under the knees, near the elbows. Damage looks like scratches. The form is typical for immunocompromised or immunocompromised patients.
  9. In people suffering from dermatitis, in the form of eczema-like ulcers.

It is worth noting that only the initial 3 points are quite common, the others come across infrequently. The rash on the lips and in the groin area is more often expressed in the frosty periods of the year, significantly aggravates the appearance and in some cases even causes the formation of complications.

Herpes: skin manifestations
Herpes: skin manifestations


Consider chickenpox and its other manifestation - shingleslichen. Chickenpox often affects children under 10 years of age. As well as other types of herpesviruses, varicella zoster (chickenpox) does not leave the body for good. It remains in the nervous tissues and is able to manifest itself after a significant drop in protective functions at any age. In this case, it takes on the configuration of shingles.

Chickenpox is characterized by a painful rash all over the body that causes itching. If you comb the affected area, the rash turns into ulcers or wounds, becomes even more painful and this contributes to the penetration of other infections into the body.

First, red spots appear, which, as the disease develops, are converted into papules filled with a colorless liquid. Most often, they can be detected 2-3 weeks after infection.

Chicken rash passes in full, however, as soon as the immune system weakens, it is expressed by other signs and in a different form - shingles or herpes zoster.

His Traits:

  • The affected area is small.
  • No vesicles. The rashes are similar to simple defects in the dermatological cover.
  • Unilateral lesion of the torso. May only occur on one side, such as on one side of the spine, very rarely appears on the legs and arms.

Shingles can provoke several significant complications, for example, postherpetic neuralgia, which is characterized by powerful pain in the areas of the rash and does not go away for a couple of weeks, this complication may accompanyman for years.

Skin herpes in children
Skin herpes in children

Baby roseola

As mentioned earlier, it often affects infants, and the appearance of the rash is very similar to rubella rashes. Signs of herpes on the trunk may be accompanied by fever. This type of virus can cause convulsions, encephalitis, or meningitis in a child.

The rashes are similar to those of herpes vulgaris, but more grouped and reddish, not so intensely itchy. Pass in 5-8 days.

Skin herpes: symptoms
Skin herpes: symptoms

Epstein-Barr and cytomegalovirus

Rash on the body for these 2 types of virus is not considered a characteristic feature. Cytomegalovirus passes in many patients in general without any symptoms, however, if the immune system is weakened, it gives rise to a mononucleosis-like syndrome, which has similar symptoms with infectious mononucleosis, which can provoke the Epstein-Barr virus.

Skin rashes during the period of these diseases in the bulk of cases are expressed only when taking medications. It should be noted that these diseases cannot be cured with antibiotics, because in this case they are absolutely ineffective.

But both directly mononucleosis and mononucleosis-like syndrome, these diseases have every chance of being expressed through other pathologies that can be cured with antibiotics.

Rash is often not very visible, occurs on the sides, thighs, in the groin area. They are extremely rarely painful and disappear after a couple of days.

How to treat skin herpes
How to treat skin herpes


Diagnosis is based on the medical picture. Differential diagnosis is made with erythema multiforme and pemphigus vulgaris.

The conclusion is confirmed by the cytological method. In the first 1-2 days after the appearance of the bubbles, scrapings are collected from them and stained according to Romanovsky-Giemsa, where they find huge cells with basophilic cytoplasm, having 2-3 or more nuclei.


Treatment of skin herpes (photos of the disease are presented in the article) must certainly be comprehensive and personal. Those who constantly suffer from herpes justifiably resort to the support of potent oral medications that suppress the dynamics of the virus. They also reduce the number of exacerbations, but on the other hand, they lead to the development of resistant types of the virus, and in some cases even more suppression of the immune system.

So drug therapy for herpes should be prescribed by the attending physician (dermatovenereologist, gynecologist, immunologist).

The method of treatment is determined based on the type of virus. Specialized strong drugs are used only in case of likely significant complications, for example, they can be prescribed to pregnant girls, people suffering from immunodeficiency, and neonatal diseases.

How the more popular types of skin manifestations of herpes are treated:

  1. Rashes initiated by mild herpes, as well as chickenpox, are treated with a kind of immunoglobulin in the form of injections or antiviral substances such as Acyclovir,"Panavir". Immunoglobulins are a more acceptable method, since they do not have a great effect on the formation of the fetus in pregnant women and do not contain toxic substances. They try not to prescribe antiviral drugs to girls in position, however, in some cases, reduced doses are determined.
  2. Herpes on the trunk with mononucleosis and mononucleosis-like syndrome are not treated, but simply stop taking medication.
  3. When pseudo-rubella stops the signs of fever. The rash goes away on its own after a couple of days.
  4. Children aged 3 years and older may be given interferon in case of relapse to improve immunity. However, such steps are advisable only in case of profound consequences, due to the fact that these drugs have various side effects.
  5. If the disease is accompanied by high fever and indigestion, these symptoms are only de alt with when they have already manifested to a significant extent.
  6. Rashes and sores are treated with ointments that help get rid of pain and irritation.
  7. With chickenpox, iodine and brilliant green are used.
  8. Rash with a simple infection smeared with aloe oils, sea buckthorn.

Folk methods

If you are caught off guard by a fever on your lip, and there is no special cream at hand, you can use folk methods.

To reduce irritation, you can apply ice to the bubbles for a couple of minutes or a used tea bag (tea has tannic acid, famous for its antiviral properties). Tea oils are also suitablewood and sage, which have a disinfecting effect.

You can also use a group of adaptogens:

  • ginseng tincture 15 drops 2 times a day;
  • alcohol extract of Eleutherococcus 20-40 drops 3-4 times a day;
  • aralia tincture large 20-30 drops 3 times a day.


Prevention of skin herpes in children and adults is, first of all, to strengthen the immune system. It is necessary to adhere to the schedule of sleep and rest, remember about hardening. During epidemics of SARS and influenza, it is important to beware of being in crowded places.

Those who often experience exacerbations of herpes are recommended to control the state of immunity and undergo a study, including for the presence of other latent infections.
