Treatment of hemorrhoids 3 stages: general principle of therapy, prescribed drugs, rules for their use, alternative methods of treatment and recommendations of doctors

Treatment of hemorrhoids 3 stages: general principle of therapy, prescribed drugs, rules for their use, alternative methods of treatment and recommendations of doctors
Treatment of hemorrhoids 3 stages: general principle of therapy, prescribed drugs, rules for their use, alternative methods of treatment and recommendations of doctors

Hemorrhoids is a common proctological disease that occurs in almost every 3 people over the age of 40 years. The disease is not so dangerous in the early stages of development, so many patients prefer to cope with the symptoms of the lesion on their own, without visiting a treating specialist. But it is important to remember that without medical assistance, the disease begins to progress over time. Often people go to the doctor when hemorrhoids have already developed to stage 3. Treatment of stage 3 hemorrhoids without surgery is a rather difficult procedure, as a rule, the disease is treated through surgical intervention.

Main causes of occurrence

Each disease has several stages of flow, each with its own specific symptoms. Usually, hemorrhoids are detected at the first stage of development, when even home treatment helps to cope with the symptoms of the lesion and improve the person's condition.

But due to the fact that patients usually do not pay attention to the symptoms of hemorrhoids and delay going to the doctor, the diseaseare diagnosed already at the 3rd stage of development.

The main causes that lead to the appearance of the disease include:

  • drinking a lot of alcohol;
  • too frequent sports, overexertion of the body;
  • bearing a child, the presence of pathological diseases;
  • diet problems;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Most affected by the disease are people who often have long-term constipation. With strong stress at the time of defecation, a person can form numerous cracks on the anus, which as a result change to the state of hemorrhoids.

At the initial stage of the development of the disease, it is quite easy to cure, for this you just need to change your lifestyle and get rid of bad habits. But many people do not even do this, which is why hemorrhoids begin to progress and move into dangerous stages. Methods for the treatment of stage 3 hemorrhoids can no longer be non-surgical, which most often require complex therapy. At the first and second stages of development, the disease is treated without surgery.

Symptoms of defeat

Symptoms of the disease are almost the same at all stages of its development. The main ones are bleeding wounds that appear from the anus at the time of defecation, as well as the formation of hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of the disease
Symptoms of the disease

At the same time, in the first two stages, the protruding hemorrhoids independently retract into the passage, but at the 3rd stage, the nodes already havedirect a person with their efforts. In addition, drop-down nodes at 3 stages of the development of the disease provoke the following symptoms:

  • heavy bleeding;
  • discomfort during bowel movements;
  • burning and itching in the anus;
  • prolapse of hemorrhoids during sports and even minimal stress.

Disease diagnosis

The disease begins to progress rapidly due to neurological disorders, as the patient is simply afraid to talk about his problem to the treating specialist. As a result of this, hemorrhoids begin to greatly increase in size and, due to their large mass, involuntarily come out. At the same time, pain sensations only begin to grow, heavy bleeding occurs, which brings discomfort to the patient.

It is important to remember that at any stage of development of hemorrhoids, it is very dangerous to treat a lesion on your own for human he alth. If proper and timely assistance is not provided, the disease can lead to rectal cancer.

Determining the presence of hemorrhoids in a patient is quite simple. A professional proctologist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis with a simple palpation, he will identify the stage of the disease and its danger to humans. The patient should not be silent about his illness and think that it will pass on its own, as this is very dangerous not only for his he alth, but also for life.

Danger of the third stage

Any stage of the disease needs immediate help for a person. Delays in treatment are dangerous because in the end they canlead the patient to hospitalization in a hospital for a long time. In the absence of proper treatment, stage 3 hemorrhoids can go into the fourth, which is most often detected in an oncological form.

Already at the 3rd stage of development, the disease is manifested by strong and sharp pains in the patient. This can be explained by the fact that the leg of the node is arbitrarily infringed.

Possible problems

At stage 3, hemorrhoids can provoke the following he alth problems:

  • hemorrhoidal thrombosis;
  • paraproctitis is a bacteriological infection that spreads to the tissues of the rectum;
  • bleeding profusely;
  • rectal cancer.

The prognosis at this stage is ambiguous, the patient immediately begins to understand that he wasted time in vain, since it would have been much easier to cure the disease earlier.

At the first and second stages of the development of the disease, the patient should simply follow simple rules of hygiene, try to eat right, use medicines, follow preventive measures, using recipes from traditional medicine, which will help stop the development of the disease. But hemorrhoids at stage 3 cannot be cured by the indicated methods.

Features of the treatment of lesions

Treatment of stage 3 hemorrhoids without surgery should affect not only the symptoms, but also the main cause of the disease. To begin with, it is important to improve blood flow, repair diseased tissues and protect them from further spread of hemorrhoids.

It is important to get rid of constipation, as compressed fecal matter damagesthe surface of the rectum, and constant stress during defecation provokes vascular injury.


Treatment of stage 3 hemorrhoids at home should combine complex therapy, which will include taking medications and safe traditional medicine recipes.

Hemorrhoid remedies

To get rid of the inflammatory process, experts prescribe pills or rectal suppositories. Medical treatment of hemorrhoids stage 3:

  1. Inside you should use "Tetracycline" or "Levomycetin" in capsules.
  2. Drugs should be drunk daily 3 times a day before meals, the course of treatment is prescribed by a medical specialist.
  3. A good addition in the complex treatment of stage 3 hemorrhoids is Proctosedil suppositories containing framycetin.
  4. Suppositories are best taken for internal hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

To reduce the size of external hemorrhoids and prevent their growth, external preparations should be used. The best effect can be achieved from ointments, which include anticoagulants that help improve the blood circulation process. Also, such products should contain restorative components and painkillers that heal internal and external cracks and eliminate pain.

Use of local funds
Use of local funds

Methods of treating hemorrhoids 3 stages include the joint administration of pills, ointments,injections and strong rectal suppositories.

Often, specialists prescribe funds to patients with the following active ingredients in the composition:

  • "Relief Ultra" with cocoa butter and shark liver extract;
  • "Hepatrombin G" with heparin, allantoin and dexpanthenol.

Such drugs help suppress the growth and development of external nodes, eliminate pain, burning sensation and itching, restore injured tissues and prevent bleeding.

Treatment with folk remedies

Together with taking medications in the treatment of hemorrhoids stage 2-3, you can start using folk methods. When the form is running, it is allowed to use warm or cool baths with tincture of wormwood, oak bark, chamomile, nettle, calendula, and eucalyptus leaves.

In the presence of purulent discharge and many microcracks, it is best to use lotions with freshly squeezed aloe juice and sea buckthorn oil, which eliminate inflammation and swelling.

A good analgesic and softening effect can be obtained from compresses with raw gruel of grated potatoes. Compresses should be applied within 7-10 days.

The photo shows hemorrhoids of the 3rd stage. Treatment has its own specifics and represents a whole range of measures aimed at eliminating the disease.

Hemorrhoids 3 stages
Hemorrhoids 3 stages


Completely cure the disease at stage 3 without surgery will not work. With such a lesion, the proctologist will select the patientminimally invasive methods of treatment, as well as identify possible contraindications and the risk of complications. Such a procedure will last no more than 2 hours, it does not use general anesthesia, and the patient's rehabilitation period takes place in the shortest possible time.


Modern methods of eliminating the disease:

  • alloying with latex rings;
  • sclerotherapy;
  • cryotherapy;
  • desarterization.

When ligating knots, the doctor blocks access to them for blood and oxygen, which leads to their death and subsequent exit from the body during defecation. This method of treatment gives a chance to eliminate the disease at 3 stages without surgery.

Some operations are prohibited if the patient has thrombosis, extensive inflammation or chronic blood damage. In any case, the specialist will choose the method of treatment.

Hemorrhoids at the 3rd and 4th stages of development, which is accompanied by numerous painful cracks in the anus, tissue necrosis and purulent discharge, are removed with a laser or a scalpel in stationary conditions.

In the classical form of the disease, general anesthesia is used, and the wounds are sutured with absorbable threads.

After eliminating hemorrhoids, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and long-term treatment with ventonics, which helps to eliminate the risk of recurrence of the disease.

Prevention measures

Prevent the spread of hemorrhoidal bumps and the complication of the disease can be done with the right lifestyle and maintenanceimmune system he alth. It is important to exclude all factors provoking the development of the lesion:

  • drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • it is forbidden to overstrain physically, lift heavy things;
  • eliminate sedentary lifestyle;
  • do not overstrain the nervous system, avoid emotional stress;
  • eliminate junk food from your diet.

The patient should spend more time outdoors, perform a set of therapeutic exercises every day that will help strengthen muscles, stop drinking alcohol and create the right nutrition menu.


Treatment at home

Surgical elimination of hemorrhoids at 3 stages is not a guarantee of complete recovery of the body and getting rid of the disease, if you ignore the doctor's recommendations, hemorrhoids can form again, and the disease will resume with greater force.

Treatment at home is important to continue after surgery. A good effect will bring general strengthening decoctions of herbs with seeds of horse chestnut, sage, yarrow, as well as birch buds. It is also recommended to drink tea with mint, lemon balm and rose hips.

It is important to regularly monitor hygiene, and also start taking dietary supplements with vitamins C, A and E in the composition.

Features of food

Improving diet is essential to fight the disease. Even if the patient has already had surgery, nutrition will directly affect the patient's condition during the next 2-3 months of recovery. Evenminimal errors in the diet can provoke constipation or diarrhea, which will lead to an exacerbation of the disease and the appearance of new hemorrhoids on the outer and inner side of the anus.

Nutrition normalization
Nutrition normalization

During rehabilitation, the patient's diet should be as rigid as possible. You should eat cereals, weak broths from low-fat chicken meat, stewed or pureed vegetables, tea and juice. Reviews about the treatment of stage 3 hemorrhoids without surgery may differ, but most often the disease can be eliminated.
