Today we will tell you about what constitutes white fever in a child. You will also learn what symptoms are characteristic of this condition, why it occurs, how it is diagnosed and treated.

General information
Fever is called a protective reaction of a sick organism, directed against the causative agent of a virus or infection. In medical practice, this condition is usually divided into white and rose fever.
White fever in a child is accompanied by spasms of blood vessels, which subsequently lead to chills. Such an indisposition is extremely difficult for kids to endure. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, all measures should be taken to eliminate white fever and transfer it to pink. By the way, the latter condition is characterized by active heat transfer, as a result of which the risk of overheating of the patient is significantly reduced.
White fever in a child: symptoms
Specialists have identified three stages of this condition. According to them, they proceed through certain symptom complexes.
Treatment of the patient should be prescribed only by an experienced pediatrician, inaccording to all feverish manifestations.
White fever in a child proceeds as follows:
- Baby's body temperature rises quickly.
- Heat levels are stabilizing.
- The body temperature drops sharply or gradually decreases to normal values.
Other signs
The baby also shows the following symptoms:

- signs of apathy;
- heat;
- lack of appetite;
- synchronous vasodilatation;
- dehydration and arrhythmia;
- pale skin;
- shortness of breath;
- lips with a hint of cyanosis;
- cold feet and hands.
It should be especially noted that white fever in a child is not a disease, it is a symptom of an illness that needs to be treated.
The identified signs indicate the activation of immunological protection, which is typical for a he althy body. Due to such mechanisms, early treatment occurs with the help of foreign protein folding.
One cannot but say that at an elevated body temperature, a kind of preventing the reproduction of all pathogenic microorganisms and foreign viruses quite quickly and successfully begins. After that, spontaneous inhibition of their vital activity occurs, and then the attenuation of the activity of inflammatory foci.
Causes of occurrence
Why does white fever occur in a child? The reasons for this condition may be different.

If a baby under three months of age suffers from such a condition, then this can be a rather severe infection. In this case, hospitalization of the child and inpatient monitoring is necessary.
Other likely causes
Why can a child develop white fever? Komarovsky E. O. suggests that such a condition may be associated with:
- virus infection;
- acute period of infection;
- the first day of the onset of acute respiratory diseases (including the upper respiratory tract);
- insufficient and inadequate treatment of microbial or bacterial infection of the systems of the child's body;
- somatic acute and chronic diseases of the baby.
It should also be said that, for medical reasons, such a fever can be a harbinger of pharyngitis, rhinitis, bacterial diseases such as otitis media, pneumonia, tonsillitis, inflammation of the middle ear or adenoiditis.
How to diagnose?
There are many ways to diagnose the disease that causes white fever. To do this, contact an experienced pediatrician.

If rubella, meningococcemia, scarlet fever, allergic reactions to antipyretics, the baby may develop a rash.
Causes of fever accompanied by catarrhal syndrome can be rhinitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, bacterial inflammation in the middle ear, severe forms of pneumonia andsinusitis.
Fever, accompanied by tonsillitis, almost always occurs from streptococcal and viral tonsillitis, as well as infectious mononucleosis and scarlet fever.
In obstructive bronchitis, laryngitis, bronchiolitis, asthma attacks and inspiratory dyspnea, fever manifests itself with difficulty breathing.
A similar condition of a small patient may occur due to brain disorders in febrile convulsions, encephalitis and meningitis.
Acute intestinal infections are fairly easy to diagnose if the baby has diarrhea and a fever.
If your child has a stomach ache, fever, and constant vomiting, these conditions may be due to a urinary tract infection or an inflamed appendicitis.
Arthritis, rheumatism and urticaria are accompanied by painful joint damage with white fever.
If the cause of the fever is any serious illness, and your child has become too irritable and sleepy, then you should immediately consult a doctor. The same applies to symptoms such as impaired consciousness, unwillingness to drink fluids, hypo- and hyperventilation of the lungs.

White fever in a child: what to do?
If your baby has a high temperature and also has a fever, then he should be calmed immediately. The child needs to be explained that he should not be afraid, feel a sense of panic and fear. Experts recommend telling the baby that it is in this way that the protectivehis body's reactions. Thanks to the fever and elevated body temperature, viruses and infections will go away very soon.
Before the doctor examines your baby, he should ensure that he is drinking plenty of fluids. For this, warm fruit drinks, herbal decoctions, compotes and juices are ideal. Wiping the body with a damp sponge is also very effective.
After rubbing and fanning the patient, it should be well covered with a not very thick linen diaper. Also, special attention should be paid to the nutrition of the baby. Fever should not lead to exhaustion of the child and the exhaustion of his strength.
The food you prepare should please the patient, but it should be quickly digested and light.
How is white fever eliminated in a child? The treatment for this condition depends on the disease. If during the diagnosis process the baby was diagnosed with a bacterial infection, then he is prescribed an antibiotic. In this case, antipyretic drugs are not used. This is because they can mask the lack of results of antibiotic therapy.

If the doctor nevertheless prescribed antipyretics, then they should be chosen very carefully. Preference should be given to those drugs that are harmless to the child's body, and not strong and effective. After all, the stronger the drug, the more toxic it is. You should also pay attention to how convenient it is to use.
The most popular antipyretic drugs today are medicines such as: "Efferalgan",Paracetamol, Nurofen, Panadol and others.
Before you give the drug to the patient, you should definitely read the instructions, and also set its dosage. By the way, very often a measuring cup or a spoon is attached to children's medicines. Such devices have a graduation scale, which makes it much easier to calculate the dosage.