Hemorrhoids 2 degrees: causes, symptoms and treatment. Candles for hemorrhoids are inexpensive and effective

Hemorrhoids 2 degrees: causes, symptoms and treatment. Candles for hemorrhoids are inexpensive and effective
Hemorrhoids 2 degrees: causes, symptoms and treatment. Candles for hemorrhoids are inexpensive and effective

The danger of such a disease as hemorrhoids is that at the very initial stage of its occurrence, its symptoms are hardly noticeable. Therefore, if they are not seen in time, the disease can develop into a chronic form, which worsens much more often and due to many more factors than at the initial stage.

Description of the disease, symptoms

Recognizing hemorrhoids of the 2nd degree is very simple at this stage of the development of the disease. Hemorrhoids fall out during bowel movements. If there are such signs, then it is better to immediately consult a doctor, because this disease must be treated immediately. At this stage, it is easier to get rid of it and there will be no additional complications.

For the second stage of hemorrhoids is characterized by increased signs of manifestation of the disease. Knots that fall out during a bowel movement may bleed. But even at this stage, everything can be returned to its place, and without serious intervention.

Other symptoms also occur: itching and burning. If there is an anal fissure, thenhemorrhoids of the 2nd degree are also characterized by bleeding. The disease begins its development even inside. In such cases, there is a sensation of a foreign body in the anus. There may also be a feeling that the intestines have not completely emptied after a bowel movement. These signs characterize internal hemorrhoids of the 2nd degree.

hemorrhoids 2 degree treatment
hemorrhoids 2 degree treatment

When there are symptoms of both internal and external types, then this is another type of disease - combined hemorrhoids of the 2nd degree. The result of all the symptoms that appear when this disease occurs can be a feeling of discomfort.

Reasons for appearance

Hemorrhoids of this degree may appear as a result of:

  • chronic constipation;
  • pregnancy;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • not enough liquid in the diet;
  • overweight;
  • insufficient fiber in the diet.


Hemorrhoids of the 2nd degree can be treated by different methods. Treatment with drugs - ointments, suppositories, tablets and injections - is called the drug method, or traditional. Folk remedies are also used. But this is possible only after an examination by a doctor who will determine the presence of symptoms and prescribe treatment.

hirudotherapy for hemorrhoids
hirudotherapy for hemorrhoids

Often, traditional medicine cannot fully help in getting rid of the disease. The patient must follow the prescribed treatment by the doctor very carefully.

Hemorrhoids 2 degrees. Treatment

Possiblecomplex method of eliminating such a disease. Treatment in this case involves taking into account all the factors that affect the development of the disease. These usually include the general condition of the patient's body, the intestinal mucosa, the number of nodes. Many drugs will help in the treatment if the disease is not completely neglected.

How can you help a person who has grade 2 hemorrhoids? Treatment of the disease involves not only taking medication, but also eliminating the cause. One of the factors in the appearance of hemorrhoids is constipation or malnutrition. Once the cause is corrected, it will become much easier to treat the disease.


Usually, hemorrhoids of the 2nd degree are treated by normalizing the intestinal microflora and improving its peristalsis. Therefore, the doctor prescribes such drugs: "Regulaks" and "Fiberleks". It is also necessary to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, so the drugs "Troxevasin" and "Detralex" are used. When a patient, in addition to signs of hemorrhoids, has very severe pain, then drugs with an anesthetic effect are prescribed.


At this stage of treatment, doctors can prescribe hemorrhoid suppositories that are inexpensive and effective. Their price will pleasantly please the patient. On average, such a medicine costs 100 rubles. They have a good effect on the body.

hemorrhoids 2 3 degrees
hemorrhoids 2 3 degrees

The effect of the drug occurs directly on the damaged area. And due to the special composition, such a candle is easy to insert, and it dissolves very quickly. An example of such a drug would berectal suppositories "Extract of belladonna" (manufacturer - "Nizhpharm", price - about 60 rubles). Combination drugs that have an anticoagulant effect on the painful area are prescribed to patients with thrombosis. If one of the initial signs of illness is bleeding, then other medicines are used.

suppositories for hemorrhoids inexpensive and effective price
suppositories for hemorrhoids inexpensive and effective price

For example, suppositories for hemorrhoids are prescribed with adrenaline, inexpensive and effective. Their price ranges from three hundred to five hundred rubles. What are these drugs called? Candles "Anuzol" and "Methyluracil".

Folk ways

Folk methods can also bring results. For example, toadflax poultices are very effective when hemorrhoids of the 2nd degree occur. A gauze swab is moistened with an already prepared and pre-chilled decoction of this medicinal plant and applied to the injury site.

Sitz baths can be done both in the treatment of external and in the treatment of internal hemorrhoids. Usually decoctions of herbs are added to the water: chamomile or sage. This method can even be used if severe bleeding has opened with exacerbated chronic hemorrhoids.

Minimally invasive therapy

What other therapy is used if a person has grade 2 hemorrhoids? If drug treatment does not bring the desired result and is not effective enough, then minimally invasive therapy is used to eliminate the disease. The methods of such therapy are cryodestruction, ligation,sclerotherapy, infrared coagulation and desarterization.

chronic hemorrhoids 2 degrees
chronic hemorrhoids 2 degrees

When the hemorrhoid is treated with liquid nitrogen, thereby neutralizing it, this method is called cryodestruction. If a special agent is injected into the inflamed area, then this type of treatment is called sclerosing. The knot sticks together when the protein of the hemorrhoid is denatured. With this treatment, the node does not find a power source. Therefore, it is dying. The same principle of treatment is observed with ring ligation and coagulation. They are treated with such methods only when medical and folk methods have not given any result.

Treatment rules

Folk methods can help eliminate acute or chronic grade 2 hemorrhoids. But such a method should be auxiliary, and not the main one. If hemorrhoids have already passed into a chronic form, then with the help of drugs it is no longer possible to cure and eliminate it. They only relieve the symptoms, but nothing more.

To treat chronic hemorrhoids, you need:

  • normalize the digestive tract;
  • follow the established diet;
hemorrhoids 2 degrees
hemorrhoids 2 degrees
  • normalize stool (this will happen only after the work of the stomach and intestines returns to normal);
  • eliminate constipation.

When chronic hemorrhoids aggravate, it is characterized by the occurrence of thrombosis and infringement of the prolapsed nodes. With thrombosis, the prolapsed nodes become inflamed and swelling appears in the anal area. In case of complications, situations dangerous to he alth may arise: severe, incessant bleeding, purulent paraproctitis and tissue death.


In addition to the traditional and folk methods of treating this disease, hirudotherapy for hemorrhoids is gaining popularity. It has the following benefits:

  • leeches bite in the area where the reflex points of the body are located;
  • when blood is sucked out, leech saliva is released into the human blood, which normalizes pathological processes;

Hemorrhoids 2, 3 degrees are characterized by prolapse of hemorrhoids. Only the second does not require drastic treatment.

internal hemorrhoids 2 degrees
internal hemorrhoids 2 degrees

If there is a prolapse of hemorrhoids during bowel movements, which do not retract themselves and need to be set carefully with your hands, then there is hemorrhoids of the 3rd degree. From this stage, the disease is treated only with the help of surgery.


Thus, it is impossible to do nothing if even the slightest signs of hemorrhoids occur, it is better to immediately consult a doctor to prescribe a treatment plan. In addition, the treatment of a more advanced form of hemorrhoids is not only longer, but also more expensive. And if you decide to use the folk method, but it turned out to be ineffective, it is imperative to use medications or other types of therapy.
