It is difficult to say exactly where Behcet's disease came from, since scientists have not been able to fully understand the etiology of this disease. We only know that genetic predisposition plays a key role. Most often, men under 40 are at risk. The development of the disease is facilitated by reduced immunity or a weak immune system of a person from birth.
Information from history
From the very beginning, doctors could not diagnose this disease, as it manifests itself with many symptoms. For example, pus may appear in the eye chamber, small sores appear on the corneas of the eyes, as well as on the genitals and in the mouth. But in 1937, a Turkish dermatologist with the surname Behcet was able to identify the main symptoms that were inherent in all patients with this problem, after which they singled out this disease in a separate group, hence the name.
Who is at risk?
As a rule, the disease occurs in Asian countries. Statistically,Turkey ranks first in terms of incidence. If we take into account the data from the East, then in this case more men are ill than women, and in Europe the incidence is higher among women.

Most often, the disease begins to manifest itself in the period from 25 to 30 years. If the disease affects the child's body, then, most likely, the main blow will fall on the baby's vision, basically everything ends with blindness.
When does disease occur?
No doctor can say exactly why Behçet's disease can occur, but most of them adhere to the theory that an active autoimmune process that causes inflammation of the walls of blood vessels can provoke the disease. The main factors that can affect all of this are as follows:
- Infections that occur in the human body constantly and are chronic. It could be herpes or streptococcal tonsillitis.
- A propensity acquired genetically if the disease has already occurred in the family before.
- In the case when the human body was exposed to toxic substances.
- A person's constant drinking over a long period of time.
As soon as the pathology begins to develop, the corresponding changes immediately occur in the body, they can even affect the aorta and other large arteries.
How to recognize the disease?
Be aware that changes throughout the body may indicate that a person is developing Behçet's disease. Symptoms may beas follows:
- First of all, you need to pay attention to the defeat of ulcers of the mucous membranes. Small sores can be in the mouth, gradually they can merge and turn into one big wound. Stomatitis takes a long time with frequent relapses.
- A person may notice that the knots on the legs and arms begin to increase and turn red, while the patient will feel pain.
- A rash of blackheads begins all over the body.
- During the year, a person suffers from constant conjunctivitis. When the disease is severe, blindness sets in.
- Later, the patient may have thrombosis not only of small vessels, but also of large ones. That is why deaths occur when Behçet's disease occurs.
- When pathologies affect the nervous system, inflammatory processes in the brain can be observed, pressure rises, dementia begins to develop.

Depending on the nature of the disease, there are complications. When the joints are involved in the pathological process, a person may lose mobility, if the destructive process has touched the lungs, then a person may experience coughing and hemoptysis. Less commonly, Behçet's disease spreads to the kidneys, stomach, intestines, and heart. It is also worth considering that if Behçet's disease is suspected, the symptoms in women will differ from those in men. The disease is much less common in women than in men, and in the first place in women the genitals are affected, they occursores, as the mucous membrane there is very tender and vulnerable.
How is the disease diagnosed?
If there is a suspicion of a disease, the doctors immediately conduct a full diagnosis. The survey must be comprehensive. As soon as the patient goes to the doctor, the specialist will immediately take into account the pathological processes. When pathologies develop and Behçet's disease is suspected, the diagnosis should be as follows:
- First of all, a blood and urine test is performed.
- Blood test for biochemistry.
- Immune system tests.
- A coagulogram is done.
- A special test is done, which consists in piercing the patient's skin with a needle and looking at the reaction after two days, if rashes begin, then we can assume that the result is positive.
- The doctor may additionally prescribe an analysis of cerebrospinal fluid.
- An X-ray of the lungs and joints is prescribed.
- Given that Behçet's disease can vary in symptoms in women, vaginal swabs are taken.

Of course, the main specialist is the therapist, it is he who can prescribe to other doctors, these can be: rheumatologist, dermatologist, ophthalmologist, gynecologist, neurologist and immunologist.
According to what criteria does a doctor make a diagnosis?
To make a diagnosis, the doctor will rely on the following criteria:
- Stomatitis, which is almost permanent.
- For women and for men, these are ulcers on the genitalorgans. Oddly enough, there is Behçet's disease in children, but such cases are very rare. Most often, cases are associated with the fact that the disease is transmitted to the child from the mother, through the placenta during pregnancy.
- An optometrist can make a diagnosis if there is a specific eye lesion.
It is enough to single out only three main symptoms in a person to establish an accurate diagnosis. Stomatitis is considered a prerequisite, but if it is not, then the doctor will have to check the patient for other serious diseases, such as AIDS, arthritis, malignant cancers, and exclude lupus erythematosus.
How to treat the disease?
Cure Behcet's disease is completely impossible, as it is incurable. Therefore, doctors prescribe to patients such treatment that will help them live longer and reduce the impact of negative pathologies on the human body. When a patient has serious complications, therapy takes place in a hospital under the supervision of doctors, after improvement, you can continue to be treated at home. The main way to eliminate symptoms is drug treatment.

The disease can affect several organs at the same time, so in this case, doctors work closely with each other and prescribe alternative drug treatments. For example, if large vessels are affected, then all the efforts of doctors should be aimed at preventing the development of thrombosis.
Main Therapy
Typically, if Behçet's disease is diagnosed, two groups of drugs can be treated:
- Glucocorticoids. This group of drugs is necessary in order to reduce the inflammatory process in the body. Patients should drink these medications in courses, as they are hormonal drugs, and after the onset of remission, these drugs can be discontinued. If there is a rash on the skin, then an ointment is often prescribed, if the shell of the eyes is affected, then drops are prescribed. Only a doctor can prescribe these drugs, as there are many contraindications in the presence of other serious diseases.
- Immunosuppressants are used to reduce the response of the immune system, because it is usually directed against its own tissues. Patients should always remember that they must protect themselves from colds and various infections, as a simple cold can result in a huge number of complications.
In addition to the above drugs, a doctor may prescribe painkillers if necessary for a sick person.
When should I see a doctor?
Of course, the first thing to do is to see a doctor when symptoms appear. Behçet's disease is easily recognized. But every patient who already knows that he is sick should remember the basic rules:
- When exacerbations appear, which are then accompanied by remissions, you should always be under the supervision of a doctor and take all the necessary tests.
- If the patient strictly follows all the recommendations of doctors, then the period of exacerbation can be significantly reduced, including the period of the patient's life itself.
- As soon as the patient cannotice the manifestation of new symptoms, he must consult a specialist.

It is important to remember: in the case when Behcet's disease develops, treatment with folk remedies will not be able to give a positive result, it can only be used as an auxiliary, not the main one. For example, in order to reduce a rash on the skin, you can prepare special herbal ointments or make a decoction of chamomile and nettle. Fortified teas based on thyme, mint and linden may be useful. In any case, you can take any remedy, whether folk or medicinal, with the permission of a doctor, so as not to worsen the condition of an already weakened body.
Complications of the disease
If we consider a large number of photos, Behcet's disease is mainly presented in the form of stomatitis and a rash on the skin, but this is not all that can happen to the human body. In no case should one neglect such a serious disease, which, if not properly treated, can give additional complications:
- If the eyes are not treated, then secondary glaucoma sets in, and later atrophy of the optic nerve may still occur. As a result, the patient becomes either completely blind, or can see only 20%. A person can become completely blind very quickly, sometimes as little as five years after the disease began.
- When the brain is affected, a complication occurs in the form of meningoencephalitis, this, in turn, will lead to paralysis,hearing loss and mental retardation.
- When the disease affects the peripheral arteries, thrombosis occurs, which very quickly develops into gangrene.
- If the patient's nervous system is affected, then death can occur, so such patients are under special control by doctors.

Doctors' forecasts
Statistics indicate that 16% of patients die within five years of diagnosis from a ruptured pulmonary artery or thrombosis. 20% of patients die if the nervous system is affected. In other cases, blindness may occur. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the main signs when Behçet's disease occurs, the symptoms, the photos indicate different forms of the disease, they can proceed easily and do not cause significant harm to he alth, but they can proceed in a complex form, and not all patients manage to overcome them.. Scientists record serious cases in patients at a young age, but pathologies do not become the cause of death, most often complications lead to it.
Prevention in case of illness
As mentioned above, experts cannot yet establish the reasons for the disease, so it has not yet been possible to develop prevention methods. The only way to carry out at least some kind of prevention will be the ability to prevent an exacerbation, and for this, patients should follow these rules:
- Do not stop taking medications that have been prescribed by your doctor.
- At the first symptomsseek medical attention immediately.

If you treat your he alth with special care, it will be possible to increase the period of the patient's life, but for this you need to listen not only to your body, but also to the recommendations of your doctor.