Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Causes and symptoms of ureaplasma in men

Causes and symptoms of ureaplasma in men

Ureaplasmosis is a fairly common infectious disease that affects the genitourinary system. If left untreated, such a disease can lead to a host of complications, in particular to prostatitis. That is why it is so important to know what are the main symptoms of ureaplasma in men

If you have poisoning, what should you do?

If you have poisoning, what should you do?

Probably all of us know what food poisoning is. Even if you are a staunch vegetarian or practicing a raw food diet. And everything happens here. Especially in the deplorable state of the food market. You can get poisoned anywhere and anyhow, which is called "out of the blue." But if you have poisoning, what should you do? Consider first of all the main causes of food poisoning

Discoid lupus erythematosus: causes, symptoms and treatments

Discoid lupus erythematosus: causes, symptoms and treatments

Discoid lupus erythematosus is a fairly rare autoimmune disease that predominantly affects females. Statistics show that only 3-8 suffer from this disease per 1000 women

Spasm of the larynx: causes, first aid, treatment

Spasm of the larynx: causes, first aid, treatment

If spasms in the throat systematically occur, you should immediately visit a doctor, since such a pathological condition may indicate that a serious illness is developing. Medicines should be prescribed strictly by a doctor, depending on the specific clinical picture of the patient. Self-medication can hurt

Learning to fill out medical records for therapy

Learning to fill out medical records for therapy

The structure of the case history by therapy has been worked out many times. The fact is that it is necessary to try to enter into it as much important information as possible regarding the patient, but at the same time not to overload doctors with unnecessary "paper" work, leaving them no time for direct treatment

Right-sided pneumonia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Right-sided pneumonia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the lungs is a rather serious disease, which, unfortunately, affects all categories of the population, regardless of gender and age. Before the advent of the first antibiotics, right-sided pneumonia ended in the death of every third patient. Fortunately, modern medicine has all the necessary means of treatment, so the prognosis for patients is quite favorable

Bullous dermatitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Bullous dermatitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

If, with reddening of the skin, bubbles of different sizes appear with a liquid inside, which can be either transparent or cloudy, then doctors talk about the appearance of a disease such as bullous dermatitis

Phimosis in men: symptoms and treatment

Phimosis in men: symptoms and treatment

Phimosis in men is a fairly common disease. About what it can be caused by and how to get rid of it, read this article

Why did the nail grow in?

Why did the nail grow in?

Onychocryptosis is a fairly common problem affecting people of all genders and ages. After all, many go to the doctor with complaints that the nail has grown. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon, which is accompanied by discomfort and pain. That is why you should not neglect medical help

Minimally invasive surgery: features, risks, benefits and consequences

Minimally invasive surgery: features, risks, benefits and consequences

Minimally invasive surgery is a surgical intervention in the body without incisions. In this case, everything is done through punctures and special equipment. We will talk about the features and advantages of such an operation later in the article

Candidiasis of the nails: symptoms, treatment

Candidiasis of the nails: symptoms, treatment

Candidiasis of the nails develops against the background of the activation of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. For the first time, a person encounters these opportunistic bacteria immediately after birth. They are always present on his skin. However, under the influence of a number of factors, fungi are activated and begin to multiply uncontrollably

Diagnosis of autoimmune diseases: methods and key indicators

Diagnosis of autoimmune diseases: methods and key indicators

The problem of diagnosing autoimmune diseases is currently very acute. Many such pathologies are known, but the peculiarities of their course make it difficult to detect them in a timely manner. Symptoms are often blurred, so the patient visits doctors for a long time in an attempt to identify the root cause of the disturbing condition. Consider what is included in the spectrum of autoimmune diseases, what methods of clarifying the diagnosis are used by modern doctors

Prevention of gallstone disease: how to prevent the disease

Prevention of gallstone disease: how to prevent the disease

Prevention of cholelithiasis is carried out both by conventional medicines and folk remedies. It is important to carry it out according to certain rules, otherwise there is a great risk of only harming your body

Bilirubin encephalopathy: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery and possible consequences

Bilirubin encephalopathy: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery and possible consequences

Bilirubin encephalopathy (also called kernicterus) is a condition characterized by the death of brain cells due to the toxic effect of a high concentration of bilirubin on them. This condition is most common in newborns and requires immediate treatment

Laparoscopy of the gallbladder: reviews, indications for surgery, possible consequences, rehabilitation

Laparoscopy of the gallbladder: reviews, indications for surgery, possible consequences, rehabilitation

Currently, up to 90% of all surgical interventions are performed using the laparoscopic method. This is due to the fact that this method is less traumatic and safer. Gallbladder surgery is no exception. After laparoscopy, the risk of complications is minimal. In addition, the recovery period is shorter compared to open surgery

Kera and Ortner's symptom in cholecystitis. Manifestation of symptoms and their location

Kera and Ortner's symptom in cholecystitis. Manifestation of symptoms and their location

The causes of cholecystitis in humans can be various chronic diseases, or changes in the structure of some vessels of the biliary tract. It can also develop as a result of diseases of the stomach (only those accompanied by dyscholia). The main guideline in determining the disease is the Kerah sign

Expansion of the veins of the esophagus: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Expansion of the veins of the esophagus: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Dilated esophageal veins often don't show up until the life-threatening complication of bleeding occurs. Its danger lies in the fact that with bleeding, the probability of death is high. Increased is the possibility of re-hemorrhage. You can increase life expectancy through regular examinations of the esophagus and stomach

Fibrosis of the heart: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Fibrosis of the heart: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Fibrosis of the heart is a disease characterized by accelerated production of collagen and proliferation of connective tissues due to inflammation. This pathology leads to the fact that the tissues become denser and scars form in them. What are the reasons for its appearance? What are the symptoms? How is fibrosis diagnosed, what methods to treat it? Read about it in the article

Papilloma on the anus: causes and methods of treatment. Folk remedies for papillomas

Papilloma on the anus: causes and methods of treatment. Folk remedies for papillomas

Papilloma on the anus is an extremely unpleasant, but quite common problem. A growth on such a delicate area of the body causes a lot of inconvenience and is constantly injured, which is fraught with skin inflammation and other complications. Of course, many people, faced with a similar problem, are looking for information about the causes, symptoms and treatment of papillomas

Paracancrotic pneumonia - what is it?

Paracancrotic pneumonia - what is it?

Paracancrotic pneumonia (ICD 10) is a disease that affects people with lung cancer. This ailment appears only in the focus of a malignant neoplasm and is the main culprit in the rapid death of a person if treatment was not started in a timely manner

Subungual wart: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Subungual wart: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Subungual wart is a rare but very unpleasant phenomenon. Methods of disposal: conservative and surgical treatment. Dermatological procedures that will get rid of growths. Topical treatment, immunostimulants and antiviral drugs. Preventive measures, how to prevent the appearance of warts

Can hemorrhoids go away on their own? Stages of development and treatment

Can hemorrhoids go away on their own? Stages of development and treatment

Huge problems brings people such a disease as hemorrhoids. Can this disease go away on its own? No surgery or any medication. After all, you don’t always want to run to the doctor when a particular disease appears. Therefore, this issue is of great interest to people. And hemorrhoids are also a very delicate topic. She is embarrassing to many, some are just embarrassed to go directly to the doctor for treatment

Radiation dermatitis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Radiation dermatitis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Radiation dermatitis may occur against the background of the negative effects of radioactive waves. When warning signs appear, you should contact a dermatologist as soon as possible. This is due to the fact that ignoring the pathology can lead to the development of complications that pose a danger not only to he alth, but also to the life of the patient. Treatment of radiation dermatitis involves taking medications, treating foci of pathology with topical drugs, as well as conducting physiotherapy

Signs of AIDS in women: diagnosing a terrible disease

Signs of AIDS in women: diagnosing a terrible disease

Incurable diseases have existed at all times. Today, in addition to cancer, there is another equally serious and dangerous disease that is easily transmitted sexually. It's about AIDS

Cytomegalovirus infection: symptoms in children and treatment

Cytomegalovirus infection: symptoms in children and treatment

Almost all parents know about such a disease as cytomegalovirus infection. Symptoms in children often do not appear, and it is possible to detect an infectious disease only after a blood test, in which antibodies to cytomegalovirus are found. How dangerous this disease is for the child's body and how to behave in case of its manifestation will be described in this article

Hyperplastic syndrome: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Hyperplastic syndrome: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Acute leukemia is a malignant disease affecting the bone marrow, the hematopoietic organ. The anomaly manifests itself in the mutation of bone marrow stem cells and the appearance of immature lymphoid cells called lymphoblasts. There is a decrease in platelets, leukocytes and erythrocytes in the blood. With the progression of the disease, immature cells enter other organs and tissues

Multifactorial diseases, their genetics and prevalence

Multifactorial diseases, their genetics and prevalence

Genic diseases are called heterogeneous in clinical manifestations of a group of diseases that occur under the influence of mutations at the gene level. Separately, it is necessary to consider a group of hereditary gene diseases that arise and develop against the background of a defect in the hereditary apparatus of cells and adverse factors of the surrounding world

Intradermal nevus: description, types

Intradermal nevus: description, types

Intradermal nevus is a serious problem that can lead to the development of cancer. Therefore, at the first signs of pathology, you need to urgently contact a dermatologist

Myocardial scintigraphy: description of the procedure, contraindications and recommendations

Myocardial scintigraphy: description of the procedure, contraindications and recommendations

Myocardial scintigraphy is a modern way of examining internal organs that does not require surgical intervention and gives accurate results

The mole has increased in size: causes, diagnosis, treatment

The mole has increased in size: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Birthmarks are present on the body of almost every person. They differ in their shade, parameters and location. Usually miniature specks do not bother people in any way, so they are often simply ignored. Although in reality this is not always correct, because under the influence of certain factors, growths can change and even transform into malignant tumors

Causes and types of keratoma. Treatment of neoplasms

Causes and types of keratoma. Treatment of neoplasms

Keratoma is called skin changes, which are expressed in a diffuse or limited powerful thickening of the stratum corneum. Such hardening is considered a benign growth that forms on the body due to the growth of the stratum corneum of the skin epithelium. Already after 30 years, keratomas can appear in a person, regardless of gender. Treatment of these neoplasms, if necessary, should be carried out only by a specialist. Self-removal of a keratoma can lead to serious consequences

Solar keratosis of the skin: symptoms, causes and treatment features

Solar keratosis of the skin: symptoms, causes and treatment features

Short sunbathing is considered not only a positive, but also a mandatory factor for human he alth. Moderate exposure to ultraviolet rays contributes to the production of vitamin D. However, excessive exposure leads to the development of diseases. One of the most dangerous ailments is solar keratosis

Hepatic encephalopathy: causes, symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, diet

Hepatic encephalopathy: causes, symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, diet

Hepatic encephalopathy is one of the possible complications of liver diseases such as cirrhosis, viral hepatitis, acute or chronic insufficiency. This pathological condition is a lesion of the brain and nervous system by ammonia and other toxic intestinal products. In most cases, patients experience a decrease in intelligence, mental disorders, emotional and hormonal disorders, as well as neurological symptoms

Benign tumor of the stomach: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment

Benign tumor of the stomach: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment

A benign tumor of the stomach is a neoplasm that does not show a tendency to become malignant. In the absence of treatment, the likelihood of tumor degeneration increases. A benign tumor of the stomach occurs in five percent of cases of all oncological pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Tumors can arise from epithelial, nerve, fat, or vascular cells. The progression of a neoplasm in the stomach can occur rapidly or be slow

Types of liver cirrhosis, severity, signs and causes

Types of liver cirrhosis, severity, signs and causes

According to WHO, the spread of liver cirrhosis in the modern world has reached a huge number: about forty cases per one hundred thousand people. Men aged from thirty-five to fifty years suffer more often. A lethal outcome is most often observed when the patient reaches the age of forty-five to fifty years. In this article, you will learn about the causes of irreversible liver damage, the types of liver cirrhosis and treatment

Brain tumor in a child: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, doctor's consultation, clinical and surgical treatment, rehabilitation and possible consequences

Brain tumor in a child: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, doctor's consultation, clinical and surgical treatment, rehabilitation and possible consequences

The formation of abnormal cells is called a brain tumor in a child. This disease affects areas that control the most important functions of the body and affect the vital processes of the whole body. This is one of the most common forms of oncological and benign lesions in children

Relapses are the return of the clinical manifestations of the disease

Relapses are the return of the clinical manifestations of the disease

Relapses are clinical manifestations of diseases that occur after a temporary disappearance. They are always associated with incomplete elimination of the causes of the pathological process

Urinary schistosomiasis: treatment, diagnosis, symptoms

Urinary schistosomiasis: treatment, diagnosis, symptoms

Urinary schistosomiasis is a chronic disease caused by active vital activity in the human body of parasitic worms. What signs does it accompany? How is the treatment of this pathology different?

Swollen tongue: causes and consequences

Swollen tongue: causes and consequences

He alth is very easy to lose and impossible to return, everyone knows about it. A swollen tongue can become a very unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon, the reasons for which were not fully understood

Tumor of the pancreas: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Tumor of the pancreas: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

One of the dangerous pathologies is a tumor of the pancreas. It is almost impossible to detect symptoms of the disease at an early stage. Such an ailment is diagnosed in patients, as a rule, in an advanced stage. And it is quite difficult to cure a progressive pathology