The main symptom of this disease is the narrowing of the skin of the foreskin. Exposing the penis is not possible. Phimosis in men is a fairly common problem, but understandable. However, adolescents and very young boys can also suffer from the disease. Doctors note that phimosis can be both congenital and acquired. Naturally, it gives its owner a lot of inconvenience: the patient ceases to enjoy sex, constantly expects the resumption of pain, is in suspense. In addition, do not forget that phimosis in men is a factor that provokes the development of the inflammatory process. It should be emphasized that in children the disease can go away on its own, but in an adult it will require long-term treatment.

Phimosis in men can be determined by one single sign: the inability to expose the head of the penis. In this case, urination may be accompanied by acute pain; urine is excreted in a thin stream. There is also hypertrophied phimosis: in this case, the patient has an excess of the foreskin - it hardens and loses its elasticity. It is natural that a disease can deprive a man of any pleasure from his sexual life, because witherection, he feels an attack of sharp pain.
Degrees of disease
Phimosis in men is divided into four varieties. The classification is based on the degree of opening of the head. With phimosis of the first degree, the head is quite easily released from the foreskin, however, during an erection, discomfort may occur. In the second degree, it is very difficult to release the head during sexual arousal. In the third degree, an erection can lead to tears and bleeding. The pain went from sharp to unbearable. The fourth degree is characterized by doctors as the most severe: each attempt to remove the head causes suffering to the patient, urine is excreted not in a stream, but in drops, this is accompanied by itching and burning.

Treatment of phimosis in men depends primarily on the causes of the disease. As the most common factor, experts call a lack of connective tissue in the body, due to genetic characteristics. In addition, phimosis, not cured in childhood, can remind of itself in adulthood. In this case, it will flow much harder. The disease can occur unexpectedly, during puberty. The culprit is usually a hormonal surge.

Just a couple of years ago, doctors called hormonal drugs as the only possible remedy. Today, such treatment is rightly considered ineffective. A truly effective method is surgical intervention:the operation consists in the complete or partial circumcision of the foreskin. It should be noted that there is an alternative way: stretching the foreskin. However, in this case, the treatment will be very long; in addition, the patient risks suffering from a rupture. There is no need to be afraid to go to the doctor: in modern medicine, phimosis in men is successfully treated. You can find photos confirming this idea in any urological clinic.