Papilloma on the anus is an extremely unpleasant, but quite common problem. A growth on such a delicate area of the body causes a lot of inconvenience and is constantly injured, which is fraught with skin inflammation and other complications. Of course, many people, faced with a similar problem, are looking for information about the causes, symptoms and treatment of papillomas.
What do papillomas look like on the anus? The main types of skin lesions

Papilloma (popularly known as a wart) is nothing more than a skin growth formed as a result of the rapid division of skin cells and the growth of epithelial tissues.
Depending on the structure of the warts are divided into several types. The most common are simple, or vulgar, papillomas, which, as a rule, appear on the skin of the fingers and hands. They are small round bumps. There are also flat, plantar and filiform warts.
But if you have a papilloma on the anus, then most likely it is genital warts, which is a small papillary growth with a thin stalk. Such warts can be either single or multiple. It is they who in most cases appear on the skin and mucous membranes in the anus and external genitalia.
Causes of pathology
Appearing papilloma on the anus (as well as on any other part of the body) indicates infection of the body with the human papillomavirus. This is an extremely common infection. To date, more than 100 strains of papillomavirus are known.

In most cases, the growths on the skin are benign and give a person only physical and aesthetic discomfort. However, the penetration of some viruses from this group into the body is fraught with dangerous consequences, since infection increases the risk of developing cancer.
The papilloma virus can be transmitted by contact, for example, when sharing dishes, clothes and other household items, during a handshake. The likelihood of infection increases if there are wounds, scratches and other damage on the human skin. The causative agent can be picked up during sexual intercourse. It is also possible to transmit the virus from mother to newborn during childbirth, which is why papilloma can form on the anus in a child.
Key risk factors
It is worth noting that the presence of infection in the body is not alwaysaccompanied by the formation of skin growths. The virus can remain dormant for many years. The number of pathogenic particles is strictly controlled by the immune system. Any weakening of the body's defenses activates the virus, resulting in the appearance of papillomas on the skin and mucous membranes.
The risk factors include a decrease in the activity of the immune system - warts often appear against the background of a protracted inflammatory disease. Bad habits, malnutrition, vitamin deficiency affect the work of the body. The same list includes taking certain medications, including oral hormonal contraceptives.
Papilloma on the anus is a fairly common problem that can be associated with various complications. In this area of the body, it is humid and warm, and it is far from always possible to adhere to the rules of hygiene. The warts themselves are constantly injured, which creates excellent conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and other microorganisms.
Symptoms and possible complications

Papillomas in the anus cause a lot of inconvenience to a person. Many patients complain of foreign body sensation and pain while walking. Warts are often injured during bowel movements, which, again, is accompanied by pain and the appearance of blood impurities in the feces.
Due to friction while walking, wet spots with an extremely unpleasant odor (often bloody) can be found on underwear. Patients also complain of persistentwet feeling.
Growths may appear in other areas. For example, papillomas in men on the anus often spread to the skin of the perineum, scrotum, and penile tissues. In women, the virus infects the external genital organs, the mucous membrane of the vagina. Warts can also appear on the mucous membrane of the rectum, which is accompanied by problems with bowel movements and inflammation.
Diagnostic measures

If you have papillomas in the anus, you should consult a proctologist. To begin with, the specialist will examine the affected tissue. Additionally, retromanoscopy is performed - during the examination of the rectum, the doctor determines the presence of lesions of the intestinal tissues.
Sometimes experts recommend taking a blood test. As far as possible, PCR diagnostics are carried out, which allows you to accurately determine the type of papillomavirus and assess the degree of risk to the patient. Tissue samples taken from the wart are also sent to the lab to test for cancerous cells.
Medicated cauterization and treatment regimen for papillomavirus infection

As already mentioned, the appearance of warts indicates the penetration of the virus into the body and the weakening of the immune system. That is why patients are recommended to take antiviral drugs, including Epigen and Panavir. To strengthen the protective forces, immunomodulators are used, for example, Reaferon, Immunal. Drug therapy inhibits processesreplication of the virus and helps prevent the appearance of new warts. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to completely get rid of the pathogen.
As for the removal of existing growths, the easiest way is cauterization using special chemical solutions. For topical use, bi- and trichloroacetic acid, as well as Kondilin, are used. These drugs destroy the wart tissue. However, in such a delicate part of the body, such a procedure can be extremely unpleasant. Moreover, chemical cauterization is fraught with relapses (the appearance of new papillomas), the formation of scars and scars.
Wart removal: basic methods

There are many ways to remove anal warts:
- Surgical excision is a rather radical procedure, which consists in cutting out neoplasms under local anesthesia, followed by suturing. This technique is justified only in the presence of giant warts. The operation is associated with risks, including bacterial infection of the tissues with further inflammation. In addition, the rehabilitation period is quite long.
- Cryodestruction - removal of papillomas on the anus with liquid nitrogen. Under the influence of ultra-low temperatures, wart cells are destroyed.
- Electrocoagulation - skin growths are destroyed by electric current.
- Radiowave destruction - the neoplasm is excised with a high-frequency radioknife.
- To date, the most progressive methodis laser removal of papillomas. The laser quickly destroys even the smallest neoplasms, simultaneously cauterizing damaged small vessels and preventing tissue infection. This procedure takes only a few minutes, and the rehabilitation period is relatively short.
Folk remedies for papillomas

Many people are interested in questions about whether it is possible to get rid of skin growths on their own. Folk remedies for papillomas exist. For example, many healers recommend treating warts with laundry soap. You can cauterize skin growths with the help of Kalanchoe juice or celandine. An iodine solution is also considered effective, although there is a risk of burns when using this remedy.
It should be understood that the removal of skin neoplasms should not be done on your own. Traditional medicine can only be used with the permission of a doctor. Inept attempts to get rid of growths can only worsen the situation.
Effective preventive measures
Many people are faced with such a problem as papillomas on the anus. Treatment of the disease is long and often associated with complications. That is why it is better to try to prevent infection of the body. To date, special vaccines have been developed that protect against the papillomavirus, however, they will be effective only if infection has not yet occurred. Dangerous are promiscuity without the use of contraception.
In order to avoid the appearance of growths,it is recommended to strengthen the immune system, eat right, maintain physical activity, periodically take vitamin complexes. It is important to give up bad habits. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is also mandatory. Do not forget that stressful situations and emotional overstrain affect the level of hormones and weaken the immune system.