Probably all of us know what food poisoning is. Even if you are a staunch vegetarian or practicing a raw food diet. And everything happens here. Especially in the deplorable state of the food market. You can get poisoned anywhere and anyhow, which is called "out of the blue." But if you have poisoning, what should you do? Consider first of all the main causes of food poisoning.

Causes of poisoning - feasts
Poisoning most often comes to us as a consequence of long holidays. New Year, for example, or May - when people drink, eat, walk for several days in a row. Here we become not too picky about food and can no longer think about the consequences!
Often, products are purchased before the holiday without due attention, in a hurry, regardless of information about the composition of the product, expiration date, manufacturer. And this is very dangerous, as it leads to disastrous results! Try to avoid foods thatincreased content of dyes, preservatives, GMOs.
Poisoning: what to do?

We are already accustomed to preparing holiday meals in advance - the more the better. This is to ensure that guests never go hungry. Then, for several days, you and your loved ones are forced to eat up what your guests didn’t eat up: after all, “delicacies” cost money, and indeed - “so that it’s not lost”! This is our mentality, nothing can be done! The "Soviet" habit of saving is having an effect. So we eat up a week, or even more, salads with mayonnaise, with eggs - not the first, so to speak, freshness. And you have to pay with your own he alth. Abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever begin. Accompanying poisoning is vomiting. What to do?
Effective tips
If you have poisoning, diarrhea, what to do? It is advisable, of course, to call a doctor. But if there is no possibility or simply no desire, then you can use folk recipes and tips.
- Move more: walk, run, jump - this will quickly remove toxins from your body.
- Cleanse with a hot shower or bath - poisons will come out with sweat. You can use the bath if you can stand it. Bath wonderfully removes toxins.
- Drink more fluids. You can green tea, rosehip broth, water with lemon - toxins must be actively washed out!
- From food refrain for about a day - only drink, even if you really want to eat.
Folk remedies
So, you did not save yourself after all and you have poisoning. Whatdo?
poisoning what to do Prepare a decoction of honey and dill. Boil fresh dill or its seeds over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Cool down. Add a spoonful of honey and take half a cup three times a day.
- Finely chop the marshmallow root, pour boiling water and strain, add honey. Take one scoop three times a day.
- Ginger infusion works well - a tablespoon every hour.
- Use activated charcoal - a good old proven remedy (one tablet per 10 kg of weight).
- You can wash the stomach: a weak solution of s alt, soda or potassium permanganate (about two liters). All you need to drink at one time, immediately induce vomiting, then, if necessary, repeat again.
In general, if you have poisoning, what to do, you now know: you need to cleanse the body by all available methods.