Keratoma is called skin changes, which are expressed in a diffuse or limited powerful thickening of the stratum corneum. The literal translation of keratoma means "corneal tumor". Such hardening is considered a benign growth that forms on the body due to the growth of the stratum corneum of the skin epithelium. Already after 30 years, keratomas can appear in a person, regardless of gender. Treatment of these neoplasms, if necessary, should be carried out only by a specialist. Self-removal of a keratoma can lead to serious consequences. Injury to the growth can provoke its degeneration into squamous cell carcinoma.

The main symptom of keratoma is the appearance on the skin of a somewhat convex spot often grayish or coffee color. Its surface can peel off, after a certain time, growth of the formation is observed. When increasing yourthe size of the spot is covered with fairly dense crusts. They often come off and crumble, which is accompanied by unpleasant pain and bleeding.
The main cause of keratoma is a kind of reaction of mature skin to prolonged exposure to the sun. Excess ultraviolet radiation contributes to the growth of the epidermis with its subsequent keratinization. The neoplasm is not a contagious disease, but there is often a predisposition to inherit keratoma. Treatment for a "corneal tumor" depends on its type.
The following types of keratomas are distinguished: solar, horny, seborrheic, follicular, senile. Mostly they spread to open areas of the body (neck, face, back, hands). Both single and multiple neoplasms can be observed.
Solar keratoma, also known as actinic keratosis, is a precancerous condition. Most often this type occurs in men. Actinic keratosis affects areas of skin exposed to the sun and appears as multiple lesions covered with dry, gray scales.
Keratoma senile, known as senile keratosis, also more often develops in the form of such numerous whitish formations. As they increase, they take on the appearance of plaques with a grayish crust and are prone to inflammation. Their appearance is usually observed after 50 years, but often they occur much earlier. The area of the face, neck, as well as the hands, lower legs, chest, forearm, back are the main places where senile keratoma is more often localized. Treating herconsists in the elimination of neoplasms using a laser, radio wave method, cryodestruction, electrocoagulation, surgical excision. With multiple keratomas, aromatic retinoids are additionally prescribed.

Keratoma horny appears as an ionic or linear neoplasm rising above the skin, often dark in color. It can manifest itself in the form of multiple and single growths on any part of the skin. It has completely different shapes and sizes. It is desirable to get rid of horny keratoma at an early stage of its appearance, since it has a tendency to degenerate into malignant neoplasms.
Follicular keratoma is extremely rare. The disease manifests itself in the form of nodules of a grayish, sometimes pink color, often reaching 1.5 centimeters in diameter. Follicular keratoma appears more often in women, the main place of its localization is the hairline zone.

Seborrheic keratosis, which appears on the skin as a yellow or brown spot, is one of the most dangerous types of ailment. These are more often multiple formations that occur on the skin of the face, neck, extremities, in the hairline. An unaesthetic appearance, a tendency to enlarge, thicken and peel, itching, pain - not the whole list of the inconveniences that a seborrheic keratoma provides its owner. Treatment of such an outgrowth should be carried out only by a highly qualified specialist, solike any of its independent damage leaves an open bleeding wound into which the infection is easily able to penetrate. Serious complications can result from it.
If you follow all the necessary hygiene and prevention measures (monitor changes in plaques, their condition, hide from the sun, prevent damage), there is no need to remove keratomas. Treatment is necessary if neoplasms are often injured (clothes, underwear, etc.), have an unaesthetic appearance. To remove keratomas, methods such as cryodestruction, laser, electrocoagulation, and radiosurgery are used. There are no scars and scars after the procedures performed by an experienced doctor.
One of the traditional methods is still surgery to help eliminate keratomas. Treatment with this method is carried out under appropriate anesthesia.
Multiple rashes, enlargement and degeneration of keratoma, accompanied by bleeding or pain, require an oncologist consultation to determine the nature of the formations.