Benign tumor of the stomach: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment

Benign tumor of the stomach: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment
Benign tumor of the stomach: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment

A benign tumor of the stomach is a neoplasm that does not show a tendency to become malignant. In the absence of treatment, the likelihood of tumor degeneration increases. A benign tumor of the stomach occurs in five percent of cases of all oncological pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Tumors can arise from epithelial, nerve, fat, or vascular cells. The progression of a neoplasm in the stomach can occur rapidly or be slow.

Depending on the direction of their growth, tumors are distinguished that move towards the gastric lumen and abdominal organs, as well as those that grow inside the walls of the stomach without going beyond it. With the same frequency, neoplasms occur in different areas of the stomach,including the antrum, the organ body itself, or elsewhere.

Below, consider the classification of benign tumors of the stomach.

neoplasms in the stomach
neoplasms in the stomach

Classification and characteristics of tumors

Depending on the origin, all benign tumors of the stomach are divided into two groups: non-epithelial and epithelial. The latter variety is divided, in turn, into polyps and adenomas, which can be single or multiple. The difference between these two types of tumors is that polyps are outgrowths in the gastric lumen, have a round shape and a wide base, and are usually located on a stalk. The most common cause of polyps is age-related changes. Pathology affects mostly men over 40 years of age. From the point of view of histology, a polyp is an overgrown tissue of glands and epithelium, connected by a developed vascular network.


Adenomas are true neoplasms of a benign nature, which for the most part consist of glandular tissues. The main difference between an adenoma and a polyp is that the former are more likely to degenerate into malignant tumors. However, adenomas are much less common than polyps.

Non-epithelial benign tumors of the stomach are also rare. Their formation occurs in the gastric walls on the basis of various tissues.

Main varieties

The main types of non-epithelial gastric tumors are:

  • Fibroids formingfrom muscle tissue.
  • Neurinomas, formed from cells that enter the myelin sheath of nerve fibers.
  • Fibromas arising from fat tissues.
  • Lymphangiomas, when tumor cells arise from the walls of the lymph nodes.
  • Hemangiomas originating from cells found in lymphatic and blood vessels.
  • Mixed variants of non-epithelial neoplasms.

If the appearance of polyps is inherent in men, non-epithelial tumors are more typical for women. All neoplasms of this type have a number of specific features, including clear contours, a smooth surface and a round shape. The growth of a neoplasm in the stomach can occur to a fairly significant size.


A neoplasm of a non-epithelial type, called leiomyoma, is distinguished into a separate species. This type of tumor is more common than other similar tumors. Leiomyoma can cause bleeding in the stomach, as well as cause ulcers due to tumor growth into the gastric membrane. Any types of non-epithelial tumors are highly likely to transform into malignant ones, that is, they show a tendency to malignancy.

Signs of a benign lesion

As a rule, the symptoms of a benign tumor of the stomach are not pronounced. If there is no sharp growth of the neoplasm, then its presence does not manifest itself in any way for a person. Most often, benign tumors are detected by indirect signs.or diagnosed incidentally during endoscopy.

benign tumors of the stomach modern methods of radiation diagnostics
benign tumors of the stomach modern methods of radiation diagnostics

How to determine if a tumor in the stomach is benign or malignant? The main difference between the first and the second is the slow growth.

The clinical picture of tumor development includes the following features:

  1. Symptoms characteristic of gastritis, which, however, do not give grounds for making this diagnosis.
  2. Hemorrhage in the stomach area.
  3. Fatigue, loss of appetite, sudden weight gains and other general disorders, which are often attributed to diseases of the digestive system.
  4. Dyspeptic manifestations.
  5. Anemia due to the frequent manifestation of hemorrhagic syndrome.
tumor in the stomach, benign or malignant
tumor in the stomach, benign or malignant

Against the background of a calm course of the pathological process, pain of a dull or aching nature may occur, which is most often localized in the epigastric region. Most often, pain occurs after eating. Patients overwhelmingly associate these manifestations with gastritis.

For large sizes

When the tumor reaches a large size, the symptoms become more pronounced. The patient feels heaviness in the stomach, bouts of nausea, and there is also frequent belching. In feces and vomit, blood impurities can be detected. Laboratory tests show a decrease in hemoglobin levels. Patientscomplain of dizziness and general weakness. At the same time, weight loss is observed regardless of the presence of a good appetite.

More than a hundred varieties of benign neoplasms are distinguished. Their course and clinical signs can vary greatly. In this case, the intensity of the manifestation of symptoms depends on the size and rate of growth of the tumor, as well as on its localization. Bleeding is considered a classic sign of a neoplasm, especially if it is accompanied by a disruption in the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes and risk factors

Modern medicine cannot give an unambiguous answer to the question of the causes of the formation of benign tumors in the stomach. Therefore, it is more correct to consider this issue from the point of view of factors that can provoke a pathological process and lead to the appearance of a neoplasm. Among these factors, the presence of concomitant problems with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract occupies a key place.

Modern doctors adhere to the version that polyps occur against the background of a disturbed process of natural regeneration of the gastric mucosa. That is why the appearance of polyps often accompanies gastritis. Adenomas most often appear against the background of atrophic type gastritis. Moreover, in most cases, neoplasms are localized in the lower part of the stomach in the area where the lowest concentration of hydrochloric acid is observed.

In addition, possible causes of the appearance of a non-epithelial type of formations may be violations of intrauterine development of the fetus, as well asthe presence of pathologies in the chronic form of the course. Due to the lack of specific causes of the appearance of tumors, it is impossible to single out effective preventive measures for this pathology. Do not forget about the genetic factor. If neoplasms in the stomach were detected in the patient's relatives, then he automatically falls into the high-risk zone. Such patients are recommended to undergo regular endoscopic examination for timely detection of the tumor. It makes sense to contact the surgeon at the slightest suspicion of the presence of a polyp or other formation in the stomach.

In a benign tumor of the stomach, modern methods of radiation diagnostics help to identify it at an early stage.

benign tumors of the stomach classification
benign tumors of the stomach classification

Diagnostic measures

The diagnosis of "stomach tumor" is based on the results of three stages of the study:

  1. Collecting a detailed patient history.
  2. Physical examination.
  3. X-ray and endoscopic examination.

Radial diagnosis of benign tumors of the stomach is now very popular.

In addition, the patient needs to donate blood for a hemoglobin test, especially if there are signs of anemia. This pathology is characteristic of neoplasms that provoke the development of hemorrhagic syndrome. The benignity of the tumor is detected on the basis of the following characteristic features: the size and shape of the formation, the presence of peristalsis. Fuzzy contours of the tumor, rapid growth and lack ofperistalsis indicates the process of degeneration of a neoplasm into a malignant one.

To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct esophagogastroduodenoscopy. It is this study that makes it possible to assess the condition of the mucous membrane and obtain a clear image of the tumor, giving an idea of its size and location. In addition, this study allows us to assess the likelihood of tumor degeneration. Visually, it is almost impossible to distinguish a benign tumor from a malignant one; this requires a biopsy.

Another important study in the diagnosis of stomach cancer is called fibrogastroduodenoscopy. For this, material is taken for histological examination in the laboratory. Due to the fact that neoplasms of the non-epithelial type have many varieties, the final diagnosis in some cases is made after the surgical intervention. Non-epithelial formations are diagnosed using the same research methods.

Radiation semiotics of benign and malignant tumors of the stomach is now carried out in all major diagnostic centers.

benign stomach tumor symptoms
benign stomach tumor symptoms


Treatment of a benign tumor of the stomach is carried out only by surgical methods. Conservative therapy does not give a positive result. If the neoplasm is small and the risk of its degeneration is minimized, doctors prefer to choose expectant tactics. However, in most cases thesurgical removal of the tumor. Modern technologies make such operations safe for the he alth and life of the patient. Removal at an early stage is carried out if the nature of the tumor cannot be determined by the diagnostic methods described above. If there is a risk of malignancy of the neoplasm, the operation is performed immediately after the detection of the tumor.

Surgical methods

Specialists use several methods of surgical removal of a benign tumor:

  • Electroexcision of the endoscopic type. The procedure is a minimally invasive operation, which is performed by electrocoagulation by creating access to the tumor through the endoscope. This method is suitable for removing polyps.
  • Enucleative method. It makes it possible to reduce blood loss to a minimum. The operation is performed using a laparoscope or an endoscope, depending on the location of the tumor.
  • Resection of the stomach by laparoscopic method. The operation is performed through punctures in the anterior wall of the peritoneum and an incision. During surgery, part of the stomach is removed, and the digestive tract, interrupted by an incision, is restored with a suture.
  • Gastrectomy. Involves complete removal of the organ. With benign neoplasms, this method is practically not used.
benign stomach tumor treatment
benign stomach tumor treatment

Endoscopic surgery

If polyps are found during the diagnosis and are single, endoscopic surgery is prescribed. With a small size of the polypcoagulation takes place. If the tumor size reaches more than 5 mm, electroexcision is used when the polyp is tightened in the region of the stem and removed with an electrocoagulator. Larger polyps are removed by submucosal resection using an endoscope.


The prognosis for benign gastric lesions is relatively good. However, relapses of the pathological process are not excluded. Patients after the operation are registered in the oncological dispensary for life.


can it be a benign tumor of the stomach
can it be a benign tumor of the stomach

Complications that may occur against the background of a neoplasm in the stomach include:

  1. Degeneration of a tumor into a malignant one.
  2. Tumor perforation, when a hole occurs in the gastric wall and subsequent peritonitis.
  3. Gastric stenosis.
  4. The appearance of ulcers on the surface of the neoplasm.
  5. Hemorrhagic syndrome.
  6. Infringement of the polyp, when the formation falls into the space of the duodenum and is infringed in the area of the pylorus.

The most important point in the successful treatment of a neoplasm is timely diagnosis.

We found out if there can be a benign tumor of the stomach and how to treat it.
