Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Recurrent laryngeal nerve, symptoms of damage and paresis

Recurrent laryngeal nerve, symptoms of damage and paresis

The main function of the recurrent laryngeal nerve is the process of innervation of the laryngeal muscles, as well as the vocal cords, along with ensuring their motor activity, and in addition, the sensitivity of the mucous membrane. Damage to nerve endings can cause disruption of the speech apparatus as a whole. Also, due to such damage, the organs of the respiratory system can be affected

Renal colic: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Renal colic: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Symptoms of renal colic manifest themselves quite acutely. They cause sudden pain in the lower back and painful urination

Aortic dissection: symptoms, causes, treatment

Aortic dissection: symptoms, causes, treatment

Aortic dissection is a disease of the elderly that occurs for many reasons. And the main thing is the wrong way of life. You can protect yourself from such a pathology. How to do it - read

How to get rid of wen: folk and modern methods

How to get rid of wen: folk and modern methods

Laser, nitrogen, surgery, grandma's recipes. Do you know other ways to get rid of wen?

How to treat papillomas in intimate places?

How to treat papillomas in intimate places?

Papilloma in an intimate place is an unpleasant disease that causes a lot of discomfort. There are many ways to deal with them. You just need to choose the best

What is tachycardia, how to treat it?

What is tachycardia, how to treat it?

The term "tachycardia" means a rapid heartbeat, which is more than a hundred beats per minute. This condition of the body can occur due to various reasons

Hemangioma in a newborn: types, causes and treatment

Hemangioma in a newborn: types, causes and treatment

Hemangioma in a newborn always confuses parents. But is she as scary as she seems?

Acute gastroenteritis: causes, symptoms, treatment, severity

Acute gastroenteritis: causes, symptoms, treatment, severity

Acute gastroenteritis in adults (or, as it is also called, acute catarrh of the stomach) is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach or small intestine, which appeared without any tangible prerequisites. Most often, this inflammation lasts for several days and is accompanied by symptoms similar to those of food poisoning - vomiting, diarrhea, etc

Metastases in the liver: treatment. Metastases in the liver: causes, symptoms and features of treatment

Metastases in the liver: treatment. Metastases in the liver: causes, symptoms and features of treatment

Primary liver cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors. According to the latest statistics, there are about 600,000 patients, the incidence rate ranks sixth, and mortality ranks third among all types of cancer. Treatment of liver metastases is possible by several methods, which you will learn about by reading the article

Vascular tumors: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Vascular tumors: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Vascular tumors are a common pathology among the population. Often they cause a lot of discomfort to the patient, appearing on the face or other visible parts of the body. It is important to differentiate between benign and malignant varieties

Bone cyst: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, consequences

Bone cyst: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, consequences

Bone cysts are classified as tumor-like formations, they can develop into malignant tumors, so you should not delay treatment and wait for it to go away on its own. The disease does not have bright manifestations, and it can be diagnosed at a fairly late stage, and then by accident

Dermatitis on the face is an unpleasant and dangerous pathology

Dermatitis on the face is an unpleasant and dangerous pathology

Dermatitis on the face can be the result of a reaction to a specific irritant. The causative agent of pathology is often medicines and detergents, that is, products of chemical origin

A blood pressure of 110 over 70 is normal or is there cause for concern?

A blood pressure of 110 over 70 is normal or is there cause for concern?

A person's blood pressure is one of the important indicators that can tell a lot about he alth. Some people suffer from high blood pressure, others begin to worry when it drops to 100 to 70. Is it dangerous and is it worth sounding the alarm?

Pressure 90 over 80 and pulse 80: causes, options for normalization, review of drugs

Pressure 90 over 80 and pulse 80: causes, options for normalization, review of drugs

Low blood pressure can be normal as long as the person is feeling well. But sometimes it can be a sign of some disease. Let's try to figure out what could be the causes of low pressure, how it affects the body

How sinusitis manifests itself in adults and children

How sinusitis manifests itself in adults and children

Inflammation that affects the mucous membrane of the nose and paranasal (paranasal) sinuses (sinuses) is called sinusitis. But if the disease is not treated, a complication in the form of sinusitis may develop. How does sinusitis manifest itself? Let's find out in this article

Drug treatment of sinusitis: a list of drugs for children and adults

Drug treatment of sinusitis: a list of drugs for children and adults

The course of drug treatment of sinusitis is determined by the doctor after clarifying the form of the disease and the patient's condition. A common cause of an acute inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses is an acute viral or bacterial infection of the respiratory tract. Selection of the right therapy and medications, regular therapeutic measures will help to completely cure the disease

Diagnosis of sinusitis: doctor's appointment, features of the examination, methods of conducting, indications, contraindications, identified diseases and their treatment

Diagnosis of sinusitis: doctor's appointment, features of the examination, methods of conducting, indications, contraindications, identified diseases and their treatment

Sinusitis is a pathological process associated with inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. A timely diagnosis will allow the correct treatment to be prescribed. In medical practice, several research methods can be used

Family hypercholesterolemia: genetic pathology, possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment

Family hypercholesterolemia: genetic pathology, possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment

Cholesterol is often elevated in the elderly. This is what most often causes coronary heart disease, as well as myocardial infarction. However, there are cases when the concentration of lipids exceeds the norm in very young people, and sometimes even in children. It is possible that this is due to familial hypercholesterolemia. This severe hereditary pathology often leads to severe pathologies of the heart. Such a disease requires immediate treatment and constant use of special drugs

Hearing loss in a child: degrees, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Hearing loss in a child: degrees, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Hearing loss in a child is a condition characterized by progressive or persistent hearing loss. The disease can be diagnosed in a child at any age, even in newborns. Currently, there are a lot of predisposing factors that lead to a decrease in sound perception. All of them are divided into several large groups and determine the features of the course of pathology

Systemic candidiasis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment methods

Systemic candidiasis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment methods

Thrush is a fairly common problem faced by the fair sex more often. Despite the fact that in most cases the disease affects only the external organs of the reproductive system, there is a possibility of developing systemic candidiasis

Tinnitus and dizziness: causes, diagnosis and treatment features

Tinnitus and dizziness: causes, diagnosis and treatment features

Quite a lot of patients who go to the doctors complain of noise discomfort that only they feel, and in addition, dizziness. Recently, there has been an increase in such requests. They are associated with a gradual increase in the ambient hum that comes from vehicles from roads and other sources of noise pollution. At home, a person can provide relative silence, but it is impossible to protect oneself from street noise

Discharge from the ears: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment features

Discharge from the ears: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment features

Discharge from the ears is called otorrhea by medical professionals. This manifestation in certain situations is not considered a deviation from the norm, and in some cases may indicate the development of a disease of the hearing organs. This article will tell you how to treat ear discharge. Symptoms, causes of this problem will also be covered in it

Ear pain, shooting: causes and treatments

Ear pain, shooting: causes and treatments

Ear pain (shooting) can be caused by many diseases. Treat better with pharmaceuticals

Diseases of the middle ear: description, causes and features of treatment

Diseases of the middle ear: description, causes and features of treatment

Diseases of the middle ear dramatically worsen a person's well-being. This area is supplied with a large number of nerve endings. Therefore, most pathologies are accompanied by severe pain syndrome. Such diseases require immediate treatment, as they threaten hearing loss. It is important for every person to know about the causes and symptoms of middle ear diseases. After all, such pathologies are very dangerous to run

Always ringing in your ears? Is it tinnitus or temporary sensations?

Always ringing in your ears? Is it tinnitus or temporary sensations?

Ringing in your ears? Do not rush to come up with a desire. This is a symptom that needs attention. Of course, maybe your tinnitus is in no way related to pathology, but it's worth checking

Packed up ears and dizzy - what does it say?

Packed up ears and dizzy - what does it say?

Almost every person occasionally (if not often, but even constantly) is interested in the question: “Why are my ears blocked and my head is spinning?” The symptom does not seem to be too serious, especially if it does not repeat every day. But the sensations are undoubtedly the most unpleasant, so I would like to take some action so that I never encounter them again

Loose stools in a child: what to do?

Loose stools in a child: what to do?

Very often, young mothers encounter such a problem as loose stools in a child. In some cases, you can do with treatment at home, but sometimes you need the help of a specialist

Hiccups in infants and its causes

Hiccups in infants and its causes

Hiccups in babies are common. It's no secret that this process is a contraction of the diaphragm. As for the mechanism of occurrence of such a reflex and its causes, here scientists have not yet come to a consensus

Colic in the intestines

Colic in the intestines

Practically every person at least once in his life had to endure such an unpleasant condition as colic in the intestines. These are sharp pains in the form of an attack caused by a spasm of the small or large intestine and irritation of the nerve endings in its wall

Uterine fibroids (ICD 10: D 25): varieties, symptoms and treatment

Uterine fibroids (ICD 10: D 25): varieties, symptoms and treatment

Uterine fibroids (ICD 10: D 25): types of disease, factors that provoke pathology, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment

Varus foot in children and adults: diagnosis and treatment

Varus foot in children and adults: diagnosis and treatment

Want to know what a varus foot is? In this article, you will learn about what this disease is, how it happens, how it can be recognized, how to treat, etc

Persistent hiccups: causes and treatment

Persistent hiccups: causes and treatment

Many people wonder what hiccups are. In fact, science has not yet given a clear answer, since the reasons for its appearance can be very different. However, most doctors are inclined to believe that this phenomenon means a physiological process, the main task of which is to remove excess air from the stomach

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency: features, causes, symptoms and treatment

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency: features, causes, symptoms and treatment

Pregnancy is a special period in every woman's life. Unfortunately, things don't always go smoothly. Many expectant mothers face various complications during childbearing. Their list includes such a pathology as isthmic-cervical insufficiency

Moll's cyst: symptoms, causes, traditional and surgical treatment, doctor's advice

Moll's cyst: symptoms, causes, traditional and surgical treatment, doctor's advice

There are sebaceous glands on the entire skin surface of a person. On the outer shell of the eyeball, there are also external secretion glands that produce sebum. If the activity of the glands is disturbed or the ducts are clogged, a cyst is created on the eyelid of the eye. Violation is not dangerous for well-being, but creates discomfort

Internal callus on the foot: types, causes, treatment methods, advice from dermatologists

Internal callus on the foot: types, causes, treatment methods, advice from dermatologists

A callus on the inside of the foot is a compaction of a small area of skin that appears due to friction against a surface or prolonged pressure on it. An ordinary callus is distinguished from an internal callus only by a small rod, which is located inside the skin in the latter case. These growths usually appear on the soles of the feet, but can also occur in other places, such as between the toes

Folic acid deficiency in the body: symptoms, causes, consequences for the body

Folic acid deficiency in the body: symptoms, causes, consequences for the body

Folic acid deficiency in the body: symptoms and causes. What diseases can appear against the background of a lack of vitamin B9. The role of folic acid in the body, can there be an overabundance and how dangerous is it? Symptoms in pregnant women, what could be the consequences. Daily dose, and in which foods there is folic acid

Treatment of papilloma: methods, reviews

Treatment of papilloma: methods, reviews

People remember the papilloma virus only when it makes itself felt by visible manifestations. But not everyone knows that most of us are carriers of this viral disease. In addition to purely cosmetic discomfort, this virus is the cause of cervical cancer in women and many other troubles. About the ways of infection, preventive measures, treatment of papillomas this article

Treatment of the knee joint

Treatment of the knee joint

Treatment of the knee joint is made depending on the type of injury received by the patient or the existing disease

Perianal warts: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Perianal warts: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Perianal warts are warts in the area around the opening of the anus. The rash can also spread into the rectum. In this case, doctors talk about anal warts. Such formations are of viral origin. The disease in which warts form is called papillomatosis. This is one of the sexually transmitted diseases. How to get rid of warts?

Eye keratitis: symptoms and treatment

Eye keratitis: symptoms and treatment

Keratitis of the eye - inflammation of the cornea, which can occur due to the penetration of pathogens or as a result of injury. This condition is accompanied by lacrimation, photophobia and the presence of painful sensations