Candidiasis of the nails: symptoms, treatment

Candidiasis of the nails: symptoms, treatment
Candidiasis of the nails: symptoms, treatment

To make your hands look beautiful, you need to monitor the condition and he alth of your nails. However, even close care cannot protect against dangerous diseases. One of these serious, but very common ailments is nail fungus (candidiasis). Most people ignore its first symptoms, going to the doctor at an advanced stage. In this case, surgical intervention is no longer necessary. Adequate and high-quality therapy can only be offered by a qualified specialist.

Main causes of illness

Candidiasis of the nails develops against the background of the activation of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. For the first time, a person encounters these conditionally pathogenic bacteria immediately after birth. They are always present on his skin. However, under the influence of a number of factors, fungi are activated and begin to multiply uncontrollably. As a result, symptoms of candidiasis appear.

nail candidiasis
nail candidiasis

What factors could make things worse?

  1. Weakened immunity due to pregnancy,poor nutrition or heredity.
  2. Chronic diseases.
  3. Uncontrolled use of antibacterial drugs.
  4. Dysbacteriosis and disruption of microflora.
  5. Injury to the nail during the manicure process.
  6. Constant contact with water.

Sometimes nail candidiasis develops due to other fungal infections of the skin or mucous membranes.

Who is at risk?

Colonies of opportunistic microflora are usually localized under the free end of the nail plate. Therefore, infection most often occurs through household contact, for example, through a handshake or common objects. At risk are young mothers, medical workers and trade.

Candidiasis of the nails, as a rule, is diagnosed in the fair sex aged 30 to 60 years. The pathological process extends to the nails of the middle and ring fingers. He does not bypass the side and infants. An infected person is a potential carrier of the infection. Therefore, he is advised to limit contact with he althy people, especially children.

skin and nail candidiasis
skin and nail candidiasis

First symptoms of the disease

Candidiasis of the nails is characterized by gradual development. Initially, the pathological process affects the nail fold. In this case, they talk about the occurrence of candidal paronychia. In this area there is a strong and throbbing pain. The skin over the roller turns red and swells, then becomes shiny and excessively thin. When pressed, yellowish pus is released. Appearance of greenishsecret indicates the addition of a bacterial infection.

Toward the end of the acute period, the skin over the nail fold begins to peel off, and the redness goes away. Painful cracks form on it. This symptom indicates the transition of the disease into a chronic form. Quite often at this stage, the pathological process already spreads to the nail plate. Therefore, they talk about the development of Candida onychomycosis.

This disease is characterized by damage to the nail hole or its free edge. In the first case, we are talking about the proximal form of onychomycosis, and in the second - about the distal. With the defeat of the hole, the nail begins to soften and exfoliate at a rapid pace. It takes on a gray tint. When the pathological process passes to the side surfaces of the plate, they rise slightly above the nail bed, and over time begin to crumble and turn yellow.

nail candidiasis photo
nail candidiasis photo

In the case of the distal form of the disease, the clinical picture is modified. In this case, the free edge of the nail is affected. It rises and arches upward, acquires a heterogeneous character. Fissures, brownish-yellowish tint, grooves - all these symptoms indicate distal onychomycosis.

In little patients, the course of the disease is different. Candidiasis of the skin and nails is not accompanied by peeling and crumbling of the plate. She just changes her color. Premature babies are more susceptible to the pathological process, so they are at risk.

Diagnostic Methods

How to recognize nail candidiasis in a timely manner?The photos presented in today's article make it possible to suspect this disease. However, a purely visual comparison cannot be considered a true method for diagnosing an ailment. If symptoms of candidiasis appear, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

At the appointment, the specialist first examines the site of the lesion, and only then takes a scraping to identify a yeast-like fungus. It is sent for laboratory analysis. If the preliminary diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor should tell you how to treat nail candidiasis.

nail fungus candidiasis
nail fungus candidiasis

Features of drug therapy

Treatment of a disease is always complex. The patient is prescribed antifungal agents and drugs for local use. Systemic therapy is necessary for chronic candidiasis and a combination of onychomycosis with mucosal lesions.

In the acute form of candidiasis of the nails, treatment involves under the supervision of a doctor. As a rule, this is a local therapy consisting of several stages. First, the patient makes hot baths with soda or potassium permanganate to soften the lesion on the nail plate. Then proceeds to the treatment of these areas with antifungal agents. They are sold in pharmacy chains in the form of ointments, gels or creams. The following drugs are characterized by the greatest efficiency: Fluconazole, Ketoconazole and Miconazole. Doctors also recommend treating the nail fold daily with antiseptic agents (Fukortsin, Chlorhexidine). The duration of the course of such therapy is at least 3 weeks.

nail candidiasis treatment
nail candidiasis treatment

Proximal onychomycosis requires a different approach. Most often, the treatment is delayed for several months until the nail plate fully grows. In this case, the dosage of antifungal drugs is increased. Treatment of distal onychomycosis depends on the severity of the pathological process. In this case, the duration of therapy cannot be predicted.

Need for surgery

Sometimes, for the final cure of the disease, a rather radical measure is required - surgical intervention. First, the doctor removes the nail plate. This procedure can be performed in three ways:

  • mechanical;
  • surgical;
  • chemical (acid agents are used).

After all the manipulations, an adhesive mass is applied to the nail bed. It protects the surface from re-infection. As the nail plate grows, it should be treated with antifungal drugs and antiseptics. Medicines should be selected by a doctor, taking into account the general clinical picture and the patient's he alth status. Such treatment is very laborious, but effective.

how to treat nail candidiasis
how to treat nail candidiasis

Possible Complications

Treatment of candidiasis of the nails on the hands or feet is recommended to begin immediately after confirmation of the diagnosis. If you miss this moment, the pathological process can spread to new areas. Among other unpleasant complications, doctors call:

  • accession of a bacterial infection;
  • process timing;
  • defeatthe entire nail plate.

When the disease becomes chronic, more serious therapy is required. In most cases, surgery is indispensable.

treatment for nail candidiasis
treatment for nail candidiasis

Prevention Methods

To prevent fungal infection of the nails, it is necessary to monitor the state of the immune system. To this end, doctors recommend regularly taking vitamin and mineral complexes, eating right and exercising.

If there are wounds or other visible damage on the skin, prolonged contact with water should be avoided. Wear gloves if necessary and dry hands thoroughly after handling. For women who constantly do manicures and pedicures in beauty salons, it is better to choose hardware procedures. In this case, the risk of injuring the skin and infecting is minimal.
