Relapses are the return of the clinical manifestations of the disease

Relapses are the return of the clinical manifestations of the disease
Relapses are the return of the clinical manifestations of the disease

Relapses are clinical manifestations of diseases that occur after a temporary disappearance. They are always associated with incomplete elimination of the causes of the pathological process.

The concept of relapse

Between periods of return of the disease can be from several days (in the case of colds and some infections) to several years. It depends on how much the functional insufficiency of organs or systems is compensated.

relapses are
relapses are

If the recovery was incomplete or there was a genetic condition, relapses are possible. It also depends on the influence of the environment. If the activity of the body system affected by the disease is not fully restored, then relapses (this often happens with a premature return to work) are possible under normal conditions. Sometimes only extreme circumstances lead to them.

Dependence on the clinical picture

In some diseases, the risk of recurrence is so great that it is even reflected in their names. For example, relapsing fever.

concept of relapse
concept of relapse

Or recurrent paralysis, which is a symptom of a number of diseases that affect the nervous system. Spontaneousthe resumption of symptoms is typical for gout, arthritis, rheumatism, stomach ulcers. In psychiatry, it is customary to talk about the recurrent form of schizophrenia - this name also reveals the recurrent nature of this disease. Chronic bronchitis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as pancreatitis and erosive gastroduodenitis often recur. A recurrent course is characteristic of pathologies affecting the hematopoietic system (pernicious anemia, leukemia).

Relapse may have a clinical picture different from the first manifestations of the disease. Moreover, both in terms of the severity of symptoms, and in qualitative terms. Take, for example, such a disease as rheumatism. Having arisen for the first time, it can proceed in the form of chorea, then in the form of polyarthritis or rheumatic heart disease. The same disease in the later stages gives such a complication as heart failure. Symptoms of concomitant pathology dominate and dramatically change the clinical picture of relapse. This makes it difficult to make a diagnosis. And also complicates the treatment.


Relapse is a factor to consider when making a differential diagnosis. Especially in infectious diseases (for example, malaria). If the primary manifestations of the disease are sufficiently distant in time, cannot be accurately described and are atypical, this can lead to the fact that a relapse will be interpreted as the onset of the disease. Therefore, history taking is very important. Sometimes it makes sense to critically reassess early diagnoses and analyze them retrospectively.

Relapse Prevention

Remission will beachieved the easier, the earlier treatment is started. It is better if the patient is well informed about the possibility of a recurrent course of the disease.

relapse risk
relapse risk

Then he will not be overwhelmed by the sudden reappearance of symptoms and will be able to respond more adequately, start treatment earlier. Rehabilitation measures after the acute phases of the disease are very important. They need to be carried out taking into account individual characteristics.
