If, with reddening of the skin, bubbles of different sizes appear with a liquid inside, which can be both transparent and cloudy, then doctors talk about the appearance of a disease such as bullous dermatitis. As a rule, the disease is inflammatory in nature. It has the usual names among the people: frostbite, allergy, burn.

Description of pathology
Bullous dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease. It manifests itself in the form of blisters on the skin filled with fluid. In most cases, the cause of such a disease is careless contact with any irritant (chemical, biological, physical). Other causes can also cause the disease: internal pathologies, genetic abnormalities.
This pathology is often a secondary symptom of other diseases. For example, infectious or severe congenital ailments. Successful treatment is impossible without an accurate determination of the causes of the disease.
The main factors in the occurrence of pathology
Bullous dermatitis can be caused by both internal and external causes. Considerthem.
External factors most often include:
- temperature fluctuations;
- UV exposure;
- irritation from various chemicals;
- allergic to plants.
Internal are:
- violation of metabolic processes in the body;
- complications of dermatoses;
- genetic abnormalities;
- various viral diseases.
The appearance of bullous dermatitis can also be affected by any disruption in the endocrine system. Often, the pathology is provoked by diabetes mellitus or thyroid problems.
But sometimes even doctors cannot pinpoint the cause of the pathology. To this day, it is not known what causes bullous dermatitis herpetiformis.

The main causes of this chronic skin lesion include:
- gluten intolerance;
- ascariasis;
- body sensitivity to iodine;
- viral diseases;
- impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Characteristic symptoms
At close examination of bullous dermatitis, you can see bubbles formed on the skin of the patient, filled with liquid. They are the main symptom of the disease in question.
Signs of illness may vary. For example, bullous dermatitis herpetiformis is characterized by intense burning and itching.
Symptoms of the disease most often depend on what factors provoked the disease. Therefore, it is worth considering the mostcommon varieties of the disease in more detail.
Main species

The most common varieties are:
- Cold dermatitis. It develops due to frostbite of the skin surface. Accompanied by vasospasm. Later, the skin begins to redden, disturb with a sensation of pain and burning. Then there are bubbles filled with blood or cloudy content. If you open them, then on the skin there will be places of erosion, which in the future will be covered with a crust. With dermatitis caused not by low, but by high temperatures, the clinical picture is actually the same. But bubbles form almost instantly. Bullous dermatitis characterizes burns and frostbite of a serious stage. As a rule, these are damages of the 2nd degree.
- Sunny dermatitis. In this form, the rash appears after prolonged exposure to scorching rays. The skin on exposed areas of the body turns red, inflamed. Bubbles of different diameters filled with liquid appear on it. After opening them, weeping erosions remain on the skin. Manifestations of solar dermatitis are accompanied by a general deterioration in the condition. The temperature rises, itching, burning. There are painful sensations in the places of damage.
- Chemical dermatitis. Symptoms of this pathology initially appear on those areas of the skin that are in direct contact with a harmful substance. The rash may later spread to other areas. Sometimes it even covers the entire body, including the neck and eyes. In some severe cases, swelling may interferenormal operation of vision and carry a serious danger to the life of the patient.
- Hereditary. Such bullous dermatitis is recognized and diagnosed in children immediately after birth. An example is Hailey-Hailey disease. The patient develops characteristic blisters on the skin, even with minor blows and injuries.
- Metabolic dermatitis. Appears as a result of disruption of the endocrine system and improper metabolism. For example, with diabetes, diabetic dermatitis may appear. It manifests itself as watery blisters on the arms and legs. Due to an insufficient amount of zinc in the body, enteropathic acrodermatitis can develop. Pathology is accompanied by the formation of bubbles on the lips, limbs and, possibly, the oral cavity.
- Bullous exfoliative dermatitis. Typical for newborns. This is a rather severe form of the disease that occurs from the first days of a baby's life. The bubbles are filled with a gray liquid. Their size increases rapidly, and they themselves spread almost throughout the body. After opening such blisters, large erosions remain. With bullous exfoliative dermatitis, the general condition of the child worsens: fever, dyspeptic disorders are possible. In especially severe cases, sepsis appears. Even death is not ruled out.

How to diagnose the disease
The doctor first examines the skin. The doctor must evaluate the bubbles that have arisen: their size, color, fullness, quantity and localization.
Fordifferentiation of pathology, various clinical and laboratory studies are used:
- The liquid in the vials is carefully examined under a microscope.
- Immunofluorescence helps diagnose allergic bullous dermatitis. Such a pathology can occur as a result of various provocateurs. The appearance of blisters is a fairly characteristic symptomatology of an allergy.
- The most accurate and voluminous method for diagnosing a disease is a biopsy.
- If dermatitis is hereditary, then the best way to determine it is an electron microscopic examination.
Treatment methods
Each type of bullous dermatitis requires a different approach to therapy.

However, the following main stages can be distinguished:
- Drying. The skin is treated with a special substance (potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green) to heal blisters.
- Autopsy. Drying is not applied in case of large blisters. They just need to be opened. But only a doctor should do this.
- Processing. Formed in places of erosion bubbles require special care. In places of severe damage, regular dressings and treatment with drugs are necessary.
Drug therapy
Do not forget that only a doctor can prescribe treatment if bullous dermatitis is diagnosed.
Complex therapy of pathology most often includes the following drugs:
- Non-hormonal local remedies: Zinocap, Skincap, Radevit.
- Antihistamines: Telfast, Zyrtec, Claritin, Cetrin.
- Hormonal local medicines: Advantan, Triderm, Celestoderm.
- Corticosteroids: Prednisolone, Triamcinalone.
- Antibacterial and antifungal local remedies: Fucidin, Levomekol, Exoderil.
- Sedative drugs: Phenazepam, Sedasen, Persen.
- Immunosuppressive drugs: Methotrexate, Azathioprine.

If blisters form on the skin, then you should not risk your he alth and neglect an examination by a doctor. Timely diagnosis and treatment will protect against serious disorders in the body.