He alth is very easy to lose and impossible to return, everyone knows about it. A very unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon can be a swollen tongue, the causes of which were not fully understood. This phenomenon occurs quite often, there are a large number of prerequisites for its manifestation, which not every person knows about. Knowing the reason for the increase in the size of the tongue, you can quickly get rid of the swelling or avoid its appearance.

Swollen tongue: causes
The causes of swelling of the tongue are very diverse. This complicates the treatment process, since it is necessary to accurately determine why this phenomenon occurs. The main reasons for the increase in the size of the tongue:
- Injury. In this case, the tumor appears only on one side.
- Glossy.
- Infectious diseases. Usually in this case, the person has a swollen tongue with a white coating.
- Allergy.
- Problems with metabolism.
- Anaphylactic shock.
- Impaired thyroid function. Then a swollen tongue with imprints of teeth is visible. Treatment of the thyroid gland is a complex process, but it should be started as soon as possible.
- Congenital diseases,in particular Down syndrome.
- Mismatched denture.
- Incorrect wearing of dentures.
- Malignant tumors.
- Recently pierced.
- Anemia.
- Mistake.
Swollen tongue is a very dangerous phenomenon. In no case should you self-medicate, as you risk misdiagnosing yourself. Then your efforts will not only not help you recover, but may also harm your he alth.

Additional symptoms
A reason to visit a doctor may be the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms that accompany a swollen tongue:
- Rhinitis.
- Persistent sneezing.
- Dermatological rashes.
- Pain or itching in the mouth.
- Appearance of white plaque.
- Darkening of the tongue.
- Problems with taste buds.
- Pain in the tongue and entire mouth.
- Sudden jump in body temperature, fever.
- Problems with the swallowing reflex.
- Difficulty breathing.
- Feeling of a foreign object in the mouth.
If you experience these symptoms, see your doctor immediately as the effects of a swollen tongue can be unpredictable.

Possible consequences of swelling of the tongue
At first glance, tongue swelling does not seem to be a big problem. This symptom is easy to eliminate, but the negative consequences canmanifest so quickly that nothing can be done.
Swollen tongue leads:
- to asphyxiation and death;
- development of serious infectious diseases;
- death due to allergic reactions;
- pain shock.
Effects of edema are serious enough to turn a blind eye to them. Some reasons for increasing the tongue need to be discussed separately.

Swelling after piercing
Many people complain of swollen tongue after piercing. You can view photos of the piercing below. In this case, this phenomenon is not a malfunction of the body.
Piercing injures the tongue, so its increase in size is a completely natural process. After the puncture, it is important to follow all the doctor's recommendations, rinse in time, keep the mouth clean and make sure that purulent formations do not appear.
If within a week the edema has not disappeared or new inflammations have appeared, then it makes sense to go to the hospital. Normally, swelling should subside within 5-7 days, and discomfort may occur for about two weeks from the moment of puncture.

Simultaneous swelling of the tongue and lips
If the tumor has spread to the lips, this indicates that an allergy is manifesting. As soon as contact with the stimulus occurs, the tongue swells. The process can happen in minutes. In this case, fast and coordinatedactions. It is necessary to call an ambulance, since time is very short, if appropriate measures are not taken quickly, the patient will begin to suffocate. While the patient is waiting for the arrival of the doctor, it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen, if it is known.
If, in addition to swelling of the tongue and lips, the throat swells, then the patient must be taken to the hospital as soon as possible. This indicates the worst manifestation of an allergic reaction - anaphylactic shock. A particularly dangerous condition is reinforced by symptoms such as difficulty breathing and swallowing.

Swollen tongue treatment
If the causes of swelling of the tongue do not need to call an ambulance, then the treatment will depend on the prerequisites for swelling. So, to alleviate the patient's condition, you need to take the following measures:
- If the swelling is caused by a mechanical injury, then it goes away on its own. You should only keep your mouth clean and avoid spicy foods.
- If the cause of the swelling is glossitis, then you should consult a doctor to prescribe the necessary antibiotics.
- If the swelling is caused by an infection, then it is not the symptom that should be treated, but the cause of the tumor. After the disappearance of the disease, the consequences will disappear on their own.
- If you have thyroid problems, you should go to the hospital to be registered. The swelling will go away once you start treatment.
- If you have genetic diseases, then you need to treat not the cause, but the symptoms. Your doctor will prescribe appropriate medications for you to relievepuffiness.
- When the cause is malignant tumors, it is necessary to visit an oncologist.
There are many folk remedies for removing the tumor. Remember that all of them are only suitable if the cause of the swelling is an injury, and a small one. Then, to eliminate the symptoms, rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile, calendula or sage. Also, these remedies are suitable for treating a swollen tongue after a tooth extraction. But in no case do not rinse your mouth with hot decoction, this will not only increase pain, but also lead to the fact that the injury becomes deeper and more dangerous.
First Aid
If in your presence a person's tongue is swollen to such an extent that it is difficult for him to breathe, then you need to take the following first aid actions:
- Call an ambulance.
- Give patient antihistamines.
- Elevate the patient's head slightly to prevent suffocation.
After the arrival of the ambulance, the doctor will take appropriate measures and prescribe treatment. Before that, you need to act quickly, clearly and smoothly, since the patient can suffocate in a matter of minutes.
Thus, a swollen tongue can indicate dangerous diseases that cannot be ignored. The best solution is to see a doctor, but if you are sure that this phenomenon is caused by minor causes, then you can treat yourself.