Paracancrotic pneumonia (ICD 10) is a disease that affects people with lung cancer. This ailment appears only in the focus of a malignant neoplasm and is the main culprit in the rapid death of a person if treatment was not started in a timely manner.
Cause of paracancosis pneumonia

In most cases, people do not pay due attention to their own he alth. Few people think about the dangers of fatty foods, excessive drinking and smoking, which are the main provocateurs of cancer. In turn, a malignant neoplasm causes paracancer pneumonia.
The second cause of this disease lies in the manifestations of the common cold. As a rule, most people ignore the visit to the doctor, preferring to be treated at home. It is these reasons that are responsible for the appearance of pneumonia. And if this disease is not completely cured, then the chances of developing lung cancer become quite high. As a result, against the background of a weakened malignant neoplasm of immunitydeveloping paracancer pneumonia. We have considered the causes of this disease.
What is the danger of this disease?

The most dangerous factor that complicates an already serious illness (lung cancer) is paracancer pneumonia. As described above, this type of disease appears only with a malignant neoplasm in the lung. The situation becomes like a vicious circle. Lung cancer provokes the appearance of pneumonia, in turn, this inflammation accelerates the growth of a malignant tumor.
Possible Complications
Besides this, paracancrotic pneumonia gives impetus to the development of several more dangerous diseases, namely:
- pleurisy;
- sepsis;
- respiratory and heart failure;
- dysfunction of internal organs.
The danger of this disease is that when paracancroid pneumonia appears, the body does not have the strength to fight this disease. The reason is that cancer destroys the immune system. Therefore, a person may simply die if treatment is not started in a timely manner.
Paracancrotic pneumonia: symptoms

Detecting this type of pneumonia in lung cancer is quite difficult. The reason is that the symptoms of both diseases are very similar. But at the same time, there are small differences, which we will try to consider below.
Signs of lung cancer:
- disease progresses gradually;
- body temperature does not rise above 38 degrees, while antibiotics have no effect;
- an X-ray shows a tumor.
Signs of paracancosis pneumonia:
- the onset of the disease is acute and fast;
- symptoms of the disease are pronounced;
- body temperature reaches 39 degrees;
- antibiotics help bring down fever;
- new shadows visible on x-ray;
- a person develops shortness of breath, severe sweating and asthenic syndrome.
In addition to these signs, there may be bouts of severe coughing that does not bring relief. Sometimes this symptom can worsen to a state of suffocation, while the sputum secreted will be mixed with pus, and in severe cases, blood appears.
Diagnosis and detection of disease

We talked about such a disease as paracancer pneumonia. What it is, it became clearer.
Unfortunately, determining the presence of pneumonia is very difficult. Since it is quite difficult to see a relatively small lesion, which is hidden behind a cancerous tumor. As for the symptoms, they are often attributed to the influence of a malignant neoplasm, or they are almost invisible against the background of a progressive cancer.
It is not possible to detect this disease using an x-ray, for the reason that additional spots can be mistaken for new foci of a malignant neoplasm.
Today the maindiagnosis is carried out using blood, urine and sputum tests. It is worth noting that at the moment absolutely all people suffering from this serious illness must undergo this method of examination without fail.
Paracancrotic pneumonia treatment
Treatment of paracancrotic pneumonia includes a whole range of specific activities, namely:
- drugs;
- physiotherapy;
- for complications - surgery.

When this pathology is detected, it is not recommended to treat two ailments at the same time, since the immune system of a sick person is very weakened and he simply may not withstand such therapy. Therefore, first of all, they begin to destroy the infection so that it does not complicate the tumor disease.
Paracancrotic pneumonia is treated with antibiotics. And to prevent intoxication of the body, a person additionally uses osmotic preparations. It is worth noting that antibiotics are taken for no more than four weeks. Such a period of time is enough to defeat the infection.
Physiotherapy also plays an important role in the treatment. Physiotherapy exercises, breathing exercises and magnetic therapy will be very useful for the patient.
Need for surgery

As for surgery, it is used only in cases where a person has pleurisy. And if this diseasemanifested itself, then the pleural cavity must be drained in order to pump out the fluid and make washings. Typically, flushing is done with a solution of antibiotics and antiseptics.
The complex of treatment is supplemented with the intake of vitamin preparations. This is one of the prerequisites for successful treatment, since the patient's immune defenses are greatly reduced. And in order to exclude the manifestation of dysbacteriosis, probiotics are also added to the intake of vitamin preparations.
Paracancrotic pneumonia is treated quite easily. The reason for the possible death of a person is only that the disease is extremely difficult to identify. In some cases, the diagnosis is made when it is too late.
Consequences of paracancrotic pneumonia
Due to paracancrotic pneumonia, some complications may develop that lead a person to death in case of untimely assistance, namely:
- Sepsis. If a large number of irritants enter the bloodstream, they provoke inflammation in almost all human organs.
- Respiratory failure. There is a malfunction in the respiratory system. Or the inability of the lungs to absorb oxygen.
- Pleurisy. There is inflammation of the pleural membranes due to the appearance of fluid in the pleural region.
- Multiple organ failure. This type of defect is characterized by the failure of most human organs.
- Atelectasis. The area of the lung is soldered, and the ability to fill with oxygen disappears. This, in turn, leads to failure of the entirehuman body.
Paracancrotic pneumonia with untimely treatment leads to death. And this must always be remembered. Therefore, if a person decides to be treated at home without consulting a doctor, this can become a very dangerous thing for him. It would be better to contact a medical institution for help.