Subungual wart is a very rare pathology. However, some injuries, uncomfortable shoes can cause a build-up. Warts are of a viral nature and appear against the background of the growth of epidermal cells. Such lesions are not prone to degeneration into cancerous neoplasms, as a rule, they are not accompanied by pain and only bring aesthetic discomfort.
Growths of viral origin can be under the nails for years, and very rarely disappear on their own. Therefore, with this problem, it is recommended to consult a doctor so that the nail does not exfoliate and there is no risk of re-infection.
Provoking factors
There are a number of reasons that can lead to a growth under the nail:
- Household, that is, in contact with a human carrier of papillomavirus, with objects that a sick person has come into contact with.
- Stressed all the time.
- Chronic diseases that often get worse.
- Injuriesnear the nail, even microscopic.
- Endocrine diseases.
- Weakened immunity.
Young girls often face this problem. In this case, the cause of subungual warts is tight, narrow shoes with heels. In men, growths most often appear due to the large weight and it is on the legs, as there is increased pressure on the foot.
Reasons for appearance on hands
In addition to the general causes, there are factors that lead to the appearance of warts under the fingernails:
- barbs;
- nail biting;
- cuts, skin injuries and damage to the nail itself.
A common cause is also injury with manicure tools, which the master can make a cut or if he uses non-sterile tools. Growths can also appear after exposure to household chemicals.

Reasons for standing up
As mentioned earlier, the main reason for the formation of growths under the toenails is tight and uncomfortable shoes. However, infection can also occur in the pool, sauna or bath. You can not wear someone else's shoes and walk barefoot in public places, especially where there is a lot of humidity. All of these are factors that can cause the virus to “wake up.”
Rarely, but still, the cause of the appearance of warts can be an ingrown toenail or excessive sweating of the feet.
How to understand that the growth process has begun
As a rule, warts have a rounded shape and rise quite stronglyover the skin. At first, a build-up is formed - it has a smooth surface, then the top layer becomes rough and becomes horny.
The peculiarity of subungual warts is that with their appearance, the nail begins to thin, deform and gradually collapse. If the growth is under the toenail, then it can cause inconvenience when wearing shoes and even lead to lameness. The more the growth grows, the more the pain becomes.
Also, a nail wart may appear, which may have a root. If this root begins to grow towards the nail, then the destruction and deformation of the plate will also begin.
The subungual warts themselves also often have roots that penetrate deep under the plate, so the removal of such growths and the rehabilitation process presents certain difficulties.
If you look at the growth well, it may seem that there are hairs on it. In fact, these are thrombosed capillaries. If warts under the nail are constantly squeezed due to seams in socks or tight shoes, then they usually have a darker color. In such cases, there is a high risk of infection, so you should not delay going to the doctor.

Possible consequences if left untreated
It may seem that in addition to a cosmetic defect and thinning of the nail plate, growths do not bring any problems. However, it should be remembered that papillomavirus is very insidious, and if the problem is not eliminated, it will affect the phalanges of the fingers and spread further through the body.
Subungual warts are easy to confuse with other skin and nail diseases, such as calluses. Therefore, you should not self-diagnose, but rather seek professional help. Although an experienced doctor can determine the disease even during the examination.
Subungual growths are also easily confused with fungal diseases. Therefore, in some cases, in addition to examination, it is required to do a sowing on fungi in order to clarify the diagnosis. A biopsy or dermatoscopy may also be ordered.
Today, the treatment of subungual warts is carried out conservatively or surgically.

Conservative treatment
This technique involves the use of local preparations and the ingestion of immunostimulating and antiviral drugs.
Since warts occur against the background of viruses, taking drugs that depress them is fully justified.
Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of drugs that can overcome papillomavirus: Cycloferon, Isoprinosine and others.
In parallel with these drugs, immunostimulants are usually prescribed, since the virus is activated only if the immune system is weakened. However, without consulting a doctor, such drugs are not recommended for use on their own.
If the subungual wart has appeared recently, does not have deep roots and large sizes, then you can get rid of it with the help of external means.
It could be keratolyticdrugs, for example, "Collomak" or salicylic ointment. Acid-based ointments and gels with a necrotic effect are also used: Verrukacid and Solcoderm or refrigerants - Cryopharm.
In therapy, for example, "Resorcinol", which is classified as an antiseptic, with the active substance meta-dioxibenzene, can be used. However, this drug should not be used together with salicylic acid, sodium bicarbonate and magnesium oxide. Resorcinol is not recommended for use in adolescence, with hormonal maturation.
One of the most effective external remedies for warts is Ferezol. This liquid contains phenol and tricresol. It can be used only in a medical institution. When applying it, processing of he althy layers of the skin is not allowed. If the build-up has a leg, then only it is lubricated. Horny warts are pre-steamed in a water bath. The maximum number of procedures with these drugs is 5 times.
It is also necessary to understand that if the roots and large growths are too deep, they will have to be removed surgically.

"Verrukatsid" - instructions for use
Verrukacid is considered one of the most effective drugs in the fight against viral growths. It contains several components: water, alcohol and two active ingredients: meta-cresol and phenol.
This is an oily liquid that works well on warts, warts and calluses. However, the drug should not be used in children agedup to 7 years and apply the liquid on too large parts of the skin, no more than 20 square centimeters. During pregnancy, the question of drug treatment is resolved based on the real benefit to the mother, that is, if it outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. During breastfeeding, the drug is not recommended for use on the hands and chest.
The medicine should be applied to damaged areas very carefully so that it does not fall on he althy areas. A special applicator can be used for this.
Small outgrowths up to 2 mm are treated once, larger ones - 7-10 times, with a time interval of up to 4 minutes. If the procedure does not help, then it can be repeated after 6-8 days.
As stated in the instructions for the use of "Verrukacid", after treatment, the affected area should not be washed or treated with ointments or other means. Also, the damaged area should not come into contact with synthetic fabrics. Do not apply liquid to heavily sweating places, inguinal region and mucous membranes.

Surgical treatment
However, local preparations do not always help; in extreme cases, one will have to resort to radical methods of treatment, namely, surgical intervention. If we are talking about excision with a scalpel, then only a surgeon can perform such an operation. The operation is followed by a long rehabilitation period. There is also a huge risk of scarring, so surgery is rarely recommended.
After the operation, there will be a scar, and the wound itself will be long enoughheal up. But under any circumstances, the scar will be less noticeable than the wart itself.

Other treatments
Removal of subungual warts can be done by a dermatologist. There are a number of techniques that are carried out on an outpatient basis:
- Cryotherapy. This technique involves the use of liquid nitrogen, which cauterize the affected area. In 70% of cases, this procedure allows you to fully achieve a positive effect and prevent the return of the disease. However, this technique is contraindicated during pregnancy, it is not performed if there is diabetes mellitus, and is not recommended for small children. In some cases, multiple treatments are required.
- Laser therapy. How to get rid of a wart under the fingernail? This technique is considered the most effective, since the likelihood of a relapse is reduced to almost zero. The laser in this case removes the growth in layers. After the procedure, the skin evens out fairly quickly and there is no risk of scarring.
- Electrocoagulation. The essence of the technique is that the build-up is cut off using a loop through which a weak current is passed. There is no bleeding during the procedure, therefore there is no risk of infection either.
- Chemical technique. Such a procedure is rarely resorted to, since it requires highly qualified doctors. The technique involves burning the wart with acid or alkali.
The methods of care during the rehabilitation period are almost the same, you should not peel off the formed crust andregularly treat the wound with antibacterial agents.
How to remove a subungual wart? It does not matter which method was chosen, it should be understood that without the complex treatment of papillomavirus, the risk of new growths is 100%. Therefore, in parallel with getting rid of the wart, you should undergo a medical course of treatment.

Treatment by folk methods
In the fight against subungual warts, traditional medicine can help, but only if the growths are small, there is no inflammatory process.
You can use aloe juice, which is sold in pharmacies. Only apply this product carefully so as not to harm he althy areas.
You can also use flour with vinegar. The ingredients are mixed until a slurry is obtained. He althy areas of the skin are recommended to be protected from this mixture with a patch.
You can apply marigold flowers (only freshly picked). The procedure is carried out at night, the flower is applied to the damaged area, fixed with adhesive tape. Manipulations should be carried out until complete recovery.
You can use castor oil, which should be lubricated with a wart 2 or 3 times a day. You can use apple cider vinegar or lemon juice for moxibustion.
Simultaneously with local therapy, it is necessary to strengthen the body. You can use echinacea for this. You will need to dilute one tablespoon of the herb in a glass of water, leave for about 20 minutes and drink 2 glasses a day, morning and evening.
Good restorativeremedy is a collection of several herbs:
- St. John's wort;
- plantain;
- dill (seeds);
- clover (flowers).
All the ingredients of the collection mix in equal parts. Pour one teaspoon of the mixture with a glass of hot water, drink three times a day, dividing the received 200-250 grams into three doses.
Folk remedies can only help at the initial stage, the greater effectiveness of traditional medicine has been proven when it is combined with traditional therapy.
How to prevent the formation of subungual warts
To prevent the appearance of growths of viral origin, you should always use only your own towel and personal hygiene products. In no case should you wear someone else's gloves and put on someone else's shoes.
Not last but not least is the care of the skin of the hands and feet, especially around the nails. Even through a damaged cuticle, a virus can enter.
You should also change your socks more often, this rule especially applies to men. When visiting public places, showers, baths, swimming pools, you should always wear your own shoes.
If you like to do manicures and pedicures, then you should go only to those masters who follow all the rules of hygiene and process tools.
Never bite your nails or bite off hangnails. If the skin around the nail is damaged, then this place should be treated with an antiseptic.
Persons who often have warts should definitely consult a doctor, go through all the necessaryexaminations, check the immunogram.
Subungual warts are quite rare, yet medicine offers a huge list of procedures and drugs that will help get rid of growths.