Best orthodontist in Chelyabinsk: list

Best orthodontist in Chelyabinsk: list
Best orthodontist in Chelyabinsk: list

How to choose the right orthodontist in Chelyabinsk? Of course, it is necessary to choose a specialist who will have the future beauty of a smile and the correct bite in his hands, otherwise the disappointment may be too great. Reviews, professional experience and, of course, the list of the best orthodontists in Chelyabinsk, presented below, will help you not to make a mistake.

Tyukova A. A

Anastasia Tyukova
Anastasia Tyukova

Opens the list of the best orthodontists in Chelyabinsk Anastasia Andreevna Tyukova, candidate of dental sciences, doctor of the first qualification category with 14 years of experience. In the reviews, patients who have successfully corrected the appearance of their teeth do not just thank Anastasia Andreevna, but call her "an artist who creates masterpieces." Separately, they note the presence and skillful use of all the latest equipment by the specialist - thanks to this, the installation, control and removal of braces is not only painless, but even practically without discomfort.


You can make an appointment with the orthodontist Tyukova at a specialized clinic"OK", where only orthodontic services are provided. Address: Brothers Kashirin Street, 124.

Davydova E. V

Elena Davydova
Elena Davydova

Judging by the reviews, Chelyabinsk orthodontist Elena Vladislavovna Davydova is a very worthy specialist. She has been successfully conducting her practice for more than 20 years, and during this time she has earned many grateful clients, and therefore positive reviews on the Internet. Not a single negative was found, and in the rest, patients write that Elena Vladislavovna’s diligence and diligence can only be envied - she takes on even the most difficult cases, painstakingly selects a system and then, after 2-3 years, releases a person with a perfect smile and bite.

In the "City-Smile" dentistry on Sony Krivoy Street, 85, the cost of an initial appointment with an orthodontist Davydova will be from 500 rubles.

Govorukhina L. R

Lilia Govorukhina
Lilia Govorukhina

Liliya Rushadovna Govorukhina has been working in orthodontics for more than 10 years and is one of the most popular specialists in the city - this is evidenced by numerous recommendations on various forums. Those who advise to contact Lilia Rushadovna specifically note that she is very smart, loves her profession and understands it "from and to". There is no need to "pull" words out of it - just ask a question, and the doctor will answer everything in detail, understandably, without terms unfamiliar to a person far from medicine. At the same time, she never puts pressure on her clients with the installation of systems - she only announces all possible options and prices, providingmake your own choice.

In Chelyabinsk, Govorukhin's orthodontist works and waits for his patients at the "Family Dental Clinic" on Gagarin Street, 38.

Dormidontova Yu. O

Julia Dormidontova
Julia Dormidontova

Nine years of experience with the orthodontist Yulia Olegovna Dormidontova, a very good and fairly young specialist, according to the comments on the Internet. In them, patients simply cannot get enough of that they turned to Yulia Olegovna, since they have never met such interest - not in money, but in their client. This is noticeable by the fact that she never insists on the most expensive braces and braces, honestly voicing the pros and cons of each (many are surprised to learn only at her appointments that expensive systems have their cons and nuances).

In the "Central Dentistry" of Chelyabinsk, the orthodontist Dormidontova is always happy to consult and provide the necessary assistance.

Heide O. R

Olga Geyde
Olga Geyde

Not just an adult and children's orthodontist in Chelyabinsk, according to reviews, a good one, but also a dental surgeon, implantologist and orthopedist - all this is Olga Rudolfovna Geyde, doctor of the highest category and head physician of the Da Vinci clinic with 12 years of experience. In the reviews, patients write that only the kind eyes and radiant smile of Olga Rudolfovna make it possible to trust all her recommendations without a doubt, and then receive well-designed, thoughtful and painless services, sometimes giving results even in less than a year, which is very good for orthodontics. quickly.

The already mentioned Da Vinci clinic, where Heide's orthodontist works, is located on 154 Brothers Kashirin Street, as well as in Trekhgorny on Mira Street, 1A.

Zarubina E. I

Elena Zarubina
Elena Zarubina

The highest medical category and 12 years of experience belongs to Elena Igorevna Zarubina, an adult and children's orthodontist in Chelyabinsk, about whom more than 30 positive reviews have been written on various sites on the Web. Mostly parents of small patients write, since Elena Igorevna works very well with children and their teeth. The main quality of the specialist is the desire and desire to keep all the teeth by all means, putting the system without their removal, which she always succeeds. She selects the systems themselves based on the specific case and the child's lifestyle, not choosing according to the principle "the latest means the best".

You can sign up for an initial consultation with an orthodontist Zarubina at the Dental Practice clinic on 36, 40th Anniversary of Victory Street.

Stalmakova M. A

Maria Stalmakova
Maria Stalmakova

Maria Alexandrovna Stalmakova, an orthodontist, leading both paid and free practices, has been working in the profession for 11 years. Satisfied with the work of Maria Alexandrovna, patients write that everything that she does, this specialist does with great love and knowledge of the matter. It works neatly, clearly, never makes a mistake in choosing a system, and therefore quickly achieves the desired and beautiful results. At the initial consultation, Maria Alexandrovna behaves very sensitively, tactfully and extremely politely, without making an impressiona person trying not to help, but to sell something.

You can make an appointment with the orthodontist Stalmakova either at the Da Vinci clinic on 154 Brothers Kashirin Street, or at the Regional Dental Clinic on Kuibyshev Street, 19.

Zaripov A. A

Alexey Zaripov with a patient
Alexey Zaripov with a patient

Orthodontist of the highest category with 15 years of experience - this is Alexei Anfirovich Zaripov. In the reviews they write that Alexey Anfirovich is a specialist "with golden hands", working very reverently and accurately. Both by the accuracy of actions and by the knowledge of the matter, all clients conclude that this specialist loves his profession very much and sets the main goal of his life to give everyone around beautiful and perfect smiles. So far, he's doing great.

For advice and further assistance to the orthodontist Zaripov, you can contact the dentistry "VelaDent" on Kurchatov Street, 36.

Lazareva O. V

Olga Lazareva
Olga Lazareva

The list of the best orthodontists in Chelyabinsk is completed by Olga Vyacheslavovna Lazareva, a specialist of the highest category with more than 20 years of experience and director of the Ortobeauty clinic. In the reviews they write that in her work Olga Vyacheslavovna always tries to preserve the three resources of her clients as much as possible: money, time and teeth. She does not seek to remove teeth without trying to align them as they are, she puts in systems that sometimes help in less than a year, but selects them so that they don’t really hit the client’s pocket. And Olga Vyacheslavovna always follows this principle with kindness, courtesy andsmile.

Orthodontist Lazareva conducts an appointment in the same place where he manages - at the Ortobeauty dental clinic on Komsomolsky Prospekt, 9.
