Physiotherapy in dentistry is a procedure using currents of various frequencies, UHF, light and other influences used for treatment. It is often used to combat inflammation and gum disease, as well as to recover patients after surgery.
What are the indications for physical therapy in dentistry?
When prescribed?
Physiotherapy in dentistry has its own contraindications and uses, just like any other medical procedure. The selection of the technique is carried out depending on what the patient needs to cure.

So, this technique is appropriate for use in a number of the following cases:
- If a person has gingivitis, stomatitis, pulpitis.
- In case of pain due to the defeat of the trigeminal nerve.
- Due to the development of fluorosis or sialadenitis.
- When post-filling pain occurs.
- Against the background of glossalgia or paralysis, as well as with cuts in oral tissuescavity.
- If the patient has periodontitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis or a post-traumatic condition.
- In case of alveolitis and pathology of the facial nerve.
- For TMJ arthritis or bruising.
- On the background of frostbite or various lesions of the oral mucosa.
- In the presence of purulent and inflammatory diseases.
The ban on the use of physiotherapy in dentistry may be relative. But in any situation, a person will need advice from a specialist. So, in dentistry, physiotherapy should not be used in a number of the following cases:
- The appearance of neoplasms in the oral cavity.
- Occurrence of open bleeding.
- The patient has unfixed fractures.
- Presence of metal structures in the future impact area.
- The presence of purulent processes in the absence of outflow of content.
- Occurrence of some chronic diseases at the acute stage.
- Manifestation of blood diseases and acute pathologies.
- Presence of pregnancy or systemic lupus erythematosus (UV exposure only).
I must say that modern physiotherapy in dentistry today has a huge arsenal of different therapeutic agents, methods and devices that are constantly being improved. At the same time, the range of indications is regularly expanding.
What are the tasks of physiotherapy in dentistry, described below.

In dentistry onToday, several types of currents are actively used at once, we are talking about SMT, DDT, galvanic exposure, darsonval pulses and fluctuating electricity.
Electrotherapy is carried out using rubberized, lead or other electrodes equipped with special gaskets that are wetted with water. Sometimes they are saturated with medicinal substances. In this case, the procedure is called electrophoresis. The electrodes are applied to various places depending on the indication, for example, on the tongue, on the gum, the projection of the maxillary sinuses, salivary glands or on the lips, and also on the skin of the cheeks, etc.
During electrophoresis, various preparations are introduced into the tissue of the oral cavity with the help of current, for example, iodine, along with vitamins, "Novocaine" for pain relief, calcium, "Lidocaine" or nicotinic acid. Electrotherapy is used for various indications, it is considered very effective for swelling of the tongue, as well as in the presence of ulcers and wounds on the oral mucosa.
Types: UHF
Ultra-high-frequency current therapy in dentistry is carried out using small capacitor plates. They are located longitudinally at a distance of one to two centimeters from the human skin and supply current to them until the individual feels a slight warmth. UHF is especially contraindicated in purulent inflammation, in case of osteomyelitis and tissue frostbite.
Ultra-high frequency current, along with microwave therapy, allows you to warm the tissue to a depth of several centimeters. Microwave perfectly improves blood circulation and trophism, stimulatingimmunity, relieving inflammation and providing an anti-allergic effect, as well as promoting the production of hormones. Among other things, this technique is effective in the presence of inflammatory sluggish processes in the tissues.
Physiotherapy with laser in dentistry
Laser therapy as a physiotherapeutic procedure is usually carried out in the red and infrared range on the oral mucosa and gums. Magnetic laser treatment is considered to be very effective, combining the positive qualities of both methods at once. Such a medical effect in dentistry is indicated for lymphadenitis, against the background of ulcerative gingivitis and wounds, and in addition, ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa and lips.

Infrared treatment is good for various chronic inflammations against the background of a post-traumatic condition, frostbite and burns, and is also suitable for stimulating a sluggish process. Ultraviolet radiation can have an antibacterial effect, so it is used in the presence of ulcers, erysipelas, as well as to eliminate purulent and infectious diseases.
With the help of a magnetic field, tissue swelling can be effectively eliminated, restoring it after injuries and surgery. Also, regeneration is stimulated by magnetic radiation, the intensity of the inflammatory process decreases, and it helps to dissolve the infiltrate.
Ultrasound Therapy
Ultrasound can be used to administer various drugs, for example, analgesics along with"Chondroxide" or "Hydrocortisone". This procedure is called phonophoresis and is usually performed on the tongue, gums, jaw apparatus and projection of the maxillary sinuses.
Heat therapy
For this method in dentistry, ozokerite, paraffin and mud applications are used as part of the TMJ contracture, paraffin or ozokerite is sprayed onto the skin of the face in the area of an ulcer or wound. All this can contribute to accelerated healing.
In order to improve blood circulation in the gums, in the field of dentistry, a special therapeutic massage is used, carried out with a soft toothbrush or fingers, and this physiotherapy procedure can also be performed at home. In addition, recently dentists often recommend hydromassage with a jet of water.
What are the healing effects of physical therapy?
I must say that, first of all, physiotherapy helps people improve blood circulation, increasing metabolism, relieving pain, preparing tissues for surgery and restoring them within the postoperative period, after an injury. This medical manipulation accelerates the processes of resorption of inflammatory infiltrates and hematomas, softening and preventing cicatricial changes. Among other things, it normalizes muscle tone and nerve conduction.
Pros and cons
This type of treatment certainly has many benefits. With the help of a physiotherapy procedure, you can achieve the following:
- Improve blood circulation and increase metabolism.
- Relieve painsyndrome.
- Tissue preparation for surgery.
- Recovery of the mucosa after surgery or injury.
- Quick disposal of hematomas and inflammatory infiltrate.
- Mitigate or completely eliminate cicatricial changes.
- Normalization of muscle tone and nerve conduction.

True, physiotherapy should not be considered a panacea at all, because, as leading dentists say, it also has its drawbacks:
- First of all, we must remember that physiotherapy is not the main treatment. It can only be used in combination with other therapeutic measures, since the effectiveness of such therapeutic procedures is not high enough.
- Equipment for such treatment is often expensive, so not all clinics can afford it, and the price of the procedures themselves is often too high.
- When using physiotherapy, it is very important to carefully consider all available contraindications in order not to cause even more harm to he alth.
Opinion of dentists
There are a lot of scientific articles on physiotherapy in dentistry. Doctors say that with the help of such treatment it is possible to achieve the desired effect in the shortest possible time, while minimizing all possible risks for the patient. This technique has no side effects, and sometimes it allows you to do without any medication at all, that is, without exerting a general effect on the human body. ExceptIn addition, it is quite well suited to patients of almost any age with only minor restrictions.
The current dental physiotherapy has a large arsenal of various therapeutic agents and devices that are constantly improving and expanding the range of indications. But, unfortunately, this method of treatment also has a negative factor, which lies in the dentists themselves. Often they simply do not keep up with the development of this area of medicine, and often use outdated materials and equipment. And sometimes doctors simply do not realize the specifics of physiotherapy in the maxillary facial region, which has two important features:
- Given that the action is on the face and neck, in addition to local reactions, it is necessary to take into account the general reflex shift.
- Because intracavitary action is required, appropriate equipment is needed in dentistry along with special electrodes and several specific techniques.

Physiotherapy treatment in pediatric practice
Physiotherapy in pediatric dentistry is quite widely used. Many types of influences are used from the first days after the birth of the baby. This treatment option gives a good result in the fight against a considerable number of diseases. At the present time, there are many different methods that are used to combat all sorts of pathologies. The effectiveness of this treatment is supported by scientific research.
True,It must be borne in mind that children are prescribed procedures somewhat differently than adults. It is necessary, among other things, to follow certain rules, following which helps to get the maximum benefit, avoiding the possible manifestation of negative reactions.
Physiotherapy in surgical dentistry
Physiotherapy is used by surgeons within the framework of a stationary or outpatient setting, most often in the treatment of osteomyelitis, wounds, endarteritis, purulent process of soft tissues, as well as in order to eliminate and combat various consequences of surgical pathologies (pain manifestations, infiltrates, hematomas and other).
Modern methods of physiotherapy make it possible to make a choice of different procedures that are beneficial in terms of their effect on a specific painful process, by adjusting the dosage. This uses a specific localization, and it is possible to apply appropriate techniques even in the most difficult patients.
It is also worth describing physiotherapy in the Lukins' practice of therapeutic dentistry.

Tutorial description
Not so long ago, a manual was published that describes all the subtleties of the mentioned type of treatment. The textbook on physiotherapy in dentistry contains information on the main techniques that are used today. The authors analyzed the mechanisms and methods of combating diseases, described in detail the therapeutic effect, and in addition, contraindications and indications for the appointment were given.
Objectives of discipline:
- The study of the theoretical foundations of physiotherapy, the mechanism of action of physical factors, based on the patterns of development of pathological processes of dental diseases.
- Introduction to physical methods of treatment and prevention of dental diseases.
- Acquisition of practical skills in conducting physiotherapy procedures in the treatment of various dental diseases.
It is worth noting that, first of all, the textbook on physiotherapy in dentistry is intended for doctors. And at the same time, for students of relevant universities.

Thus, in this field of medicine, many physiotherapeutic methods are used as an addition to the main fight against diseases or independently. This type of treatment is used before and after surgery, as part of the rehabilitation period against the background of injuries, in the elimination of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and in pain syndrome of various etiologies.
We reviewed the indications and contraindications of physiotherapy in dentistry.