Despite many modern advances in pharmaceuticals, people believed and continue to believe in the power of natural healers. One of them is burdock, the rules for using it in field conditions are as simple as possible and accessible to everyone. This plant grows everywhere, which means that you can use its healing properties in the most unpredictable situations that accompany us in nature. Burdock, whose healing properties and rules of use in field conditions were known to our great-grandmothers, will help to cope with bruises and dislocations, heal wounds and burns, relieve inflammation and much more.

What is burdock?
Burdock, which is often called burdock, belongs to the Asteraceae family. The plant is biennial. You can see it in a meadow and in a field, near a house or a reservoir, which means that everyone is able to take advantage of the wonderful healing properties of burdock. Having learned how to use burdock in field conditions, you can not take it with you to nature.traditional first aid kit. All parts of burdock are used as a medicine - root, leaves, flowers. Burdock, whose rules for use in field conditions depend on a particular he alth problem, is used in various forms. These are decoctions and ointments, tinctures and juice, oils and powders.
Burdock roots are rich in resins, protein, inulin polysaccharide and essential oils. Fruits and leaves contain a large amount of valuable oil used both in traditional medicine and in cosmetology, as well as a record amount of vitamin C and tannins. Burdock contains the most important macronutrients: strontium, zinc, copper, tin, boron, manganese and iron.

Healing properties of burdock
It is important to know how to use burdock in field conditions. The properties of the plant are truly unique and versatile. So, burdock has pronounced antipyretic, disinfectant, diuretic, cleansing, wound healing, anticarcinogenic properties. The plant normalizes metabolism, cleanses the blood, restores the function of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder and pancreas.
Preparations based on burdock remove stones and s alts, heal wounds, have an antibacterial effect and remove toxins from the body. Knowing how to use burdock in camping conditions and how effectively it copes with he alth problems, many stock up on a miraculous plant for the future, drying its parts, preparing tinctures and ointments.
Diseases subject to burdock
- Peptic ulcer, gastritis.
- Cholecystitis, chronic pancreatitis; biliary dyskinesia.
- Liver disease.
- Skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, burns, purulent ulcers, seborrhea, furunculosis, acne).
- Cystitis, gout edema, urolithiasis, urethritis.
- Hemorrhoids.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Asthma.
- Poisoning, including toxic and alcoholic.
- Childhood rickets.
- Fever.
- Prostate adenoma.
- Rheumatism, arthrosis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Indispensable burdock
Hiking is a kind of extreme. Burns, cuts, insect and snake bites, dislocations often accompany the journey and can ruin any vacation. Burdock grows almost everywhere. Why not take advantage of its unique healing properties? It is enough to know how to use burdock in field conditions. The methods of treatment with burdock leaves, fruits and roots are different, but always simple and accessible even to a novice traveler.
Methods of using burdock in field conditions
- With snake and insect bites, an alcohol tincture of burdock root or fresh plant juice will help. Burdock, which is easy to remember the rules for using in field conditions, will relieve inflammation and relieve itching.
- Cuts, burns, ulcers and wounds often occur in nature. In all these cases, burdock juice or gruel from crushed leaves will help.plants.
- An attack of rheumatism in nature? Burdock will also help to cope with the problem. The rules and methods of use in field conditions are as simple as possible: it is enough to boil a tablespoon of crushed root in two glasses of water for half an hour, strain and apply compresses to a sore spot. There is no way to cook a decoction? Just apply fresh leaves of the plant to the sore spot.
- For headaches, compresses are used both from a decoction of burdock and from the leaves of a medicinal plant. You can simply attach a sheet to your forehead with the velvet side. These methods are also effective for bruises, which often occur in nature.
- Sore throat? Inflamed oral mucosa? An excellent remedy for these problems is an aqueous infusion of burdock, which heals and quickly relieves inflammation.
- Burdock juice will help with high temperatures. Burdock, whose healing properties and rules of use in field conditions are known even to a schoolboy, quickly eliminates the symptoms of fever.
- Sick joints are wrapped in fresh burdock leaves and left overnight. This treatment quickly relieves pain and helps relieve inflammation.

Burdock in cooking
Found burdock during outdoor recreation? The rules for use in field conditions are not limited to the use of the plant for medicinal purposes. So, in the Caucasus and Siberia, it has long been classified as a tasty and he althy vegetable, and in Japan it is actively grown in garden beds and on an industrial scale. The Japanese have always been famous for their stronghe alth and longevity. Perhaps not the last role in this was played by the people's love for the plant, which is considered a weed in our country. Why not take advantage of the situation and prepare delicious and he althy dishes from burdock, which grows throughout our country.

Especially tasty are young petioles and leaves, saturated with vitamin C. A thick and juicy young root, reminiscent of an artichoke in taste, is added to soup and stew, organically replacing carrots, parsley and parsnips. They make a substitute for coffee out of it and even add it to bread when baking. Burdock dishes are very useful for people suffering from diabetes or skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis.
Burdock season
Did burdock help you on your hike? Do not give up the opportunity to prepare a medicinal plant for the future. Burdock leaves are harvested from June to September. The harvesting season depends on the age of the plant. In the first year of life, the roots harvested in September-October are most healing. The rhizomes of the plant of the second year of life can be collected in April-May. The leaves are dried under a canopy, while the roots are washed, washed and cut into pieces of 10-15 cm. Next, the raw materials are laid out either under a canopy or in a ventilated attic. Leaves can be stored without loss of healing properties for no more than a year, and the roots retain their entire value for up to five years, if stored in a wooden container.

Everyone can use burdock in field conditions, since it has practically nocontraindications. However, individual intolerance should not be ruled out. You should not use such a powerful medicinal plant during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. People suffering from hay fever should also be careful when using burdock, as with any other natural remedy. All products prepared on the basis of burdock are time-tested. For centuries, they have been used to treat hundreds of diseases, thus proving the indisputable effectiveness of a natural healer.