Which painkiller is better for toothache: a review of drugs, features of use

Which painkiller is better for toothache: a review of drugs, features of use
Which painkiller is better for toothache: a review of drugs, features of use

Toothache causes a huge amount of trouble: it does not allow you to fall asleep and interferes with a full meal, spoils your mood and can often be accompanied by other unpleasant manifestations. Often the pain syndrome is accompanied by a general deterioration in well-being. The only solution is to see a doctor as soon as possible to treat or remove the diseased tooth. But if there is no way to visit the dentist in the near future, you can take painkillers for toothache. The best remedy not only quickly and permanently relieves pain, but also produces an anti-inflammatory effect, preventing complications. Why can a tooth hurt? Which toothache pain pills are good?

Common causes of pain

For a toothache, painkillers should be taken if there is no way to see a doctor. In the restcases, it is advisable to visit a dentist to identify the cause and treat the tooth. Pain can be associated with caries, inflammation of the pulp, intense pain syndrome occurs as a result of facial injuries or when wisdom teeth erupt. Sensitivity increases significantly with thinning of tooth enamel or the appearance of cracks, and toothache can also be confused with gum disease.

best painkillers for toothache
best painkillers for toothache

Caries is the most common cause that causes severe discomfort and requires anesthesia. This is a pathological process that is characterized by the destruction of enamel. As a result, a cavity is formed inside the tooth. Caries is caused by bacteria that secrete aggressive acids that irritate the enamel. Destruction occurs gradually. Caries can be superficial, medium or deep (depending on the stage of pathology). Moderate pain appears only when the disease is in the middle stage. With deep caries, the pain syndrome becomes very intense. Discomfort appears when eating too hot or cold food, sweet or sour, from pressure on the tooth.

If caries is ignored, complications may arise - periodontitis (inflammation of the tissues that surround the tooth), pulpitis (inflammation of the nerve) or periostitis (inflammatory process in the periosteum). With pulpitis, the pain is long, throbbing, with short intervals. The general condition may worsen and body temperature may rise. Tissue inflammation occurs as a complication of pulpitis. The pain becomes sharparching, aggravated by pressure and exposure to stimuli. With periostitis, swelling of the face occurs on the side of the diseased tooth, the pain syndrome is intense, but may decrease over time.

When teething wisdom pain and general deterioration of well-being is typical for 90% of patients. The pain syndrome then subsides for a while, then returns again. In this case, you should definitely consult a dentist, and in case of a facial injury, you should contact a traumatologist or maxillofacial surgeon. The reason for visiting a doctor should be any painful sensations, because problems only grow over time. Regardless of the presence of complaints, it is recommended to consult a dentist every six months.

What to do with acute pain

To eliminate a toothache, you need to undergo dental treatment, and sometimes a tooth extraction is required. Removal is a last resort. Such a radical method is used only in case of serious injuries of the jaw or during acute periodontitis. In most cases, a damaged tooth can be repaired.

best pain reliever for acute toothache
best pain reliever for acute toothache

Temporary relief brings the use of folk remedies, acupressure, analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). How to urgently help a person who has a toothache? What to anesthetize? There are many medicines for toothache, but they help temporarily, and drugs also require caution in use, have contraindications. Use tablets and powders with increased individualsensitivity, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for certain diseases, you can only after the recommendation of a doctor.


Many people are wondering: what is the best pain reliever for toothache? The most effective are drugs that include ketoprofen. This, for example, "Ketorol", "Ketanov", "Ketorolac". What is the best pain reliever for toothache? Today, without a prescription, you can buy quite a lot of medicines that will effectively relieve pain. You can pay attention to products containing dexketoprofen (for example, Dexalgin). These drugs eliminate pain for five to six hours and at the same time have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Among the best painkillers (for toothache, fever, general unsatisfactory condition) are those with ibuprofen (MIG, Faspic, Nurofen), flurbiprofen (Flugalin), naproxen (Naprios”, “Sanaprox”) as active ingredients.

Powerful painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs - based on nimesulide, sulfonamide. What is the best pain reliever? Toothache can be removed by "Nise". Judging by the reviews, this is a very effective tool. One of the best painkillers for toothache, according to patients, are drugs with indomethacin (the active ingredient is part of several drugs with different trade names), which has a high analgesic effect and anti-inflammatory properties.

The most common and affordable medicines thatallow you to get rid of a mild toothache, are paracetamol and analgin. Most of the above funds are contraindicated during pregnancy (except for paracetamol, which is allowed for use from the 12th week), in childhood and old age. Most drugs are acidic, that is, they irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, so they can only be taken in moderation. Such drugs are contraindicated in case of erosions and ulcers of the stomach, functional insufficiency of the kidneys and liver, bronchial asthma and some other diseases.

And of course, you should remember: even the best pain reliever for toothache (in tablets, powder, syrup or gel) must be approved by your doctor. You can not self-medicate, because this can only worsen the patient's condition. If the toothache bothers the child, then the pediatrician's instructions for the use of medicines should be followed.

"Paracetamol" for mild to moderate pain

"Paracetamol" is an antipyretic, analgesic with a weak anti-inflammatory effect. The medicine begins to act an hour after ingestion, it can be used to relieve pain that is not associated with the inflammatory process. Paracetamol does not cure, does not increase immunity, is not intended for prevention or eliminates inflammation, but only relieves symptoms.

best pain relievers for toothache
best pain relievers for toothache

The main form of release is tablets, but syrup, capsules or suspension (does not contain sugar), rectal suppositories can be found on sale. The drug is used forneuralgia, fever in infectious diseases, pain of various origins, hyperthermia caused by vaccination. Among the contraindications are chronic alcoholism, pregnancy (first trimester, use with caution in the second and third trimesters), severe disorders of the excretory system, individual intolerance, lactation.

This is the best pain reliever for mild toothache because Paracetamol only works on the source of discomfort. It is enough for adults to take the drug three or four times a day, 350-500 mg, the maximum daily dosage is 4 g, the maximum for one dose is 1.5 g. It is not recommended to drink Paracetamol immediately after meals, because in this case the process slows down absorption of the substance into the blood, that is, the analgesic effect will come later. The duration of the drug without interruption should not exceed one week.

Nimesil: gentle action

"Nimesil" helps with various pains, is an effective antipyretic and relieves inflammation. The medicine in the form of a powder has a milder effect on the stomach, without causing tissue irritation. But this remedy can only be used as an anesthetic before going to the doctor. It will not work to cure a tooth with Nimesil (and any other analgesic), so you need to contact your dentist as soon as possible with a problem. Before using the drug, you need to read the instructions (there are contraindications).

"Ibuprofen": instructions for use

Which pain reliever is best for toothache? With moderate pain, Ibuprofen or its foreign analogues (Imet, Nurofen) can help. The drug is included in the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which means that in addition to the direct analgesic effect, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect. "Ibuprofen" helps with toothache, accompanied by fever and inflammation in the tissues. To relieve aching pain, it is usually enough to take a tablet containing 200 mg of the active substance. If necessary, the dosage is increased to a maximum of 400 mg, but it is permissible to consume no more than 800 mg in one day.

pain reliever for toothache
pain reliever for toothache

Citramon, Askofen and Excedrin

In most cases, there is no need to look for the best painkillers for toothache, because the means that can be found in the first-aid kit can relieve discomfort. For example, the usual "Citramon" will help with toothache. The product contains aspirin and paracetamol, which enhance the analgesic effect of each other, as well as caffeine. Caffeine will relieve drowsiness (this is a side effect of analgesics) and tone the blood vessels.

It is recommended to take two Citramon tablets at once. The drug is strictly forbidden to combine with any alcohol-containing tinctures and alcohol, because this can cause gastric bleeding. You can take analogues, for example, Excedrin or Askofen. What is the best pain reliever for toothache? These pharmaceutical preparations contain the same active ingredients (but sometimesin different dosages - you need to pay attention to this), so you can choose any remedy.

Fanigan: a combination of two analgesics

Will help relieve pain pills (toothache can be relieved by this remedy as well as other types of discomfort) "Fanigan". This is a combination drug that contains paracetamol and diclofenac, which enhances the effectiveness. In addition, "Fanigan" has a decongestant effect. With toothache, accompanied by tissue edema and swollen lymph nodes, it is enough to drink one tablet. It is advisable to take the medicine after meals, because it has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes due to the content of acids.

pain relief toothache pills
pain relief toothache pills

"Ketanov" strong painkiller

The best painkillers for toothache eliminate discomfort quickly and permanently. A strong remedy is "Ketanov" - this drug is used during the recovery period after surgical interventions, with injuries and pain of various origins. Tablets block the production of pain enzymes, but slow down the excretory system, therefore they are contraindicated in patients who have kidney problems. Single dosage - one tablet (10 mg of active substance). With severe pain, you can take Ketanov every four to six hours, but no more than nine tablets per day (90 mg) are allowed. Analogues of the drug: "Ketalgin", "Dolak", "Toradol", "Ketorol".

"Flamydez": combination drug

Which pain reliever is best for toothache? efficientthe drug is Flamidez, containing paracetamol, diclofenac and serratiopeptidase - a decongestant. The medicine quickly anesthetizes, has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves swelling. Tablets are prescribed by dentists as part of the treatment of purulent inflammation, for pain relief after tooth extraction, in the treatment of alveolar abscesses. Take one tablet once or twice a day.

how to relieve toothache
how to relieve toothache

"Nimesulide": a powerful remedy for pain

A synthetic drug with pronounced antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties is recommended to be taken only with intense pain, in the period after tooth extraction or during an inflammatory process. With prolonged use, the drug does not have a toxic effect on the body, it is often prescribed to elderly patients. "Nimesulide" is contraindicated in heart failure, functional liver failure and bronchial asthma, children under 15 years old, expectant and nursing mothers. The analogues of the drug are Nimid, Nise.

Kamistad-Gel N: emergency assistance

Topical remedies such as anesthetic gels help with toothache. The active components of the gel "Kamistad" include trometamol, lidocaine hydrochloride, tincture of chamomile flowers. The tool is available in tubes of 10 g. "Kamistad" is used in the treatment of lesions of the gums and oral mucosa, used to relieve symptoms of inflammation, hypersensitivity reactions. The gel helps to reduce irritation and discomfort, relieves toothache. Can be usedremedy for painful teething of the first teeth in babies.

toothache pain reliever at home
toothache pain reliever at home

Medicated toothpaste

If the pain is not caused by tooth decay and inflammation, but by increased sensitivity of the enamel, then there is no need to take pills. To eliminate such a problem should be approached in detail. Effective treatment will be recommended by the dentist after examination, and the use of special pastes for sensitive teeth will help alleviate the condition on your own. The most popular are Mexidol, Sensodyne, Oral-B.

Traditional medicine methods

Above we have listed the most popular pharmacy painkillers. At home, however, many people try to get rid of toothache by alternative medicine methods that have a milder local effect. A piece of ice applied to the damaged tooth will help relieve discomfort for a short time. The effect is comparable to the action of local anesthesia, but disappears very quickly (after 5-20 minutes). Effective rinsing with a solution of soda in the following proportion: one teaspoon per glass of warm water. You can add a couple of drops of ordinary iodine and a teaspoon of kitchen s alt to the solution.

Judging by the numerous reviews, the best pain reliever for acute toothache from folk remedies is a decoction of sage for rinsing. For cooking, you will need two tablespoons of dry vegetable raw materials, which must be poured with a glass of boiling water and left in a water bath for twenty minutes. You need to rinse with warm broth, because hot liquids onlyincrease pain due to blood flow to a specific area. Mint, oregano, chamomile, St. John's wort, lemon balm have a good anti-inflammatory effect.

To relieve toothache of moderate intensity, oil applications are used. You can use essential oils of clove, tea tree or fir. It is enough to put a few drops on a cotton swab and apply to the sore spot. Instead of essential oils, you can use tinctures of propolis, valerian, eucalyptus. Some of this can be found in almost any home first aid kit.

tincture of eucalyptus
tincture of eucalyptus

Acupressure for toothache

Temporarily get rid of intense toothache helps acupressure. A pronounced analgesic effect has a short effect on certain points:

  1. The point, which is located on the edge of the index finger from the side of the thumb, 2-3 cm below the base of the finger.
  2. The point in the depression between the cheekbone and the lower jaw. Pressing with your thumb for a few seconds will relieve or reduce pain in the upper jaw.
  3. The point between the phalanges of the thumb and forefinger. It is not recommended to massage this point in the third trimester of bearing a child. It is believed that this may cause premature labor.
  4. Point on the corner of the lower jaw. Gentle massage helps relieve pain in the teeth of the lower jaw.
  5. The point at the base of the ear on the opposite side of the diseased area. It takes several minutes to press this area with the thumb and forefingerfingers.

According to Chinese medicine, massaging these points will not only greatly alleviate pain, but will also allow you to completely remove it. The impact on the points should be carried out no longer than two to three minutes. Use the method with great care, and at the first opportunity, you should consult a dentist and undergo treatment.

Pregnancy toothache

When planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to visit a dentist in advance so as not to expose the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus to the negative effects of medications and anesthesia during the gestation period. Even the best pain reliever (tablets, powders, gels, and so on help with toothache - a certain remedy helps in each case) is undesirable to use in the first three months of pregnancy. From the twelfth week of gestation, you can drink medicines only after consulting a doctor. The safest remedies are homemade rinses or lotions, but the use of herbal decoctions should be treated with caution - some fees may be contraindicated or cause an allergic reaction.

In antenatal clinics, gynecologists, as a rule, recommend that expectant mothers drink Paracetamol for pain. The remedy acts only on the source of pain and does not affect other organs. The components of this medicine cross the placenta to the fetus, but do not have a negative effect. For a long time, Paracetamol cannot anesthetize the intense pain syndrome, but the pills will at least temporarily alleviate the condition. Pregnant women may be allowed "Analgin", but with prolongedthe use of the drug can harm the fetus or lead to changes in the composition of the blood. In addition, "Analgin" can not be taken in the early stages and in the third trimester.

best pain reliever for toothache reviews
best pain reliever for toothache reviews

"Nurofen" reduces the volume of amniotic fluid, so it is categorically contraindicated for use in the third trimester. At earlier times, the medicine can be used in a small dosage and only after the approval of the doctor. Be sure to pay attention to contraindications when taking any medications. You can only take the medicines prescribed by the doctor. Dental treatment during pregnancy is not contraindicated, but there are restrictions on the permitted anesthetics. Therefore, pregnant women should not hesitate to contact a specialist, even if the teeth do not bother or the pain is insignificant.
